Making the Best of It..


So, sometimes life doesn’t work out the way you expect.

When I arrived on Sunday, I was able to soak up the sun and read by the pool. IMG_1253 (640x478)

The past four days, while I’ve been cooped up in conference rooms and meetings, the weather has been sunny and above 70 degrees. I was even able to enjoy it during two outdoor runs this week.

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Last last night, my long run partner arrived in Las Vegas ready for a weekend of partying, pool time, and other events and escapades that will stay in Vegas.


I couldn’t be happier that Theodora joined me out in New York City for a weekend of fun but unfortunately Las Vegas hasn’t cooperated.

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Really Las Vegas? What is up with the fact that the high this weekend is 60 degrees and there is a greater than 50%  chance of rain each day?


Well, I guess when Las Vegas gives you lemons that’s just this city’s way of saying drink more vodka tonic with a splash of lemon. I think that will become our drink of choice this weekend.

Question: Any suggestions what we can do in Las Vegas if the weather doesn’t improve?

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  1. Fit Chick Britt April 8, 2011 / 2:59 am

    I’m sure you can find other great ways to enjoy Vegas!!

  2. Megan @ Megan Mumbles April 8, 2011 / 2:35 pm

    I am sure you can fiond some other things to do.. Shopping or ahem drinking 😉

    I hope the weather clears up for you this weekend!

  3. Maria April 8, 2011 / 4:22 pm

    When my sister and I were there in May 2008, we had ONE pool day. The rest of the time it was in the 50’s IN MAY!!! And our last day there it rained.

  4. RunEatRepeat April 8, 2011 / 9:42 pm

    I know the desert can be super cold, but rain really sucks. Glad it’s turning around 🙂

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