Sometimes bears eat cows

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Bo emailed me tonight saying he was craving a homemade burger and beer night while we caught up on our DVR shows. I’m not a burger gal but agreed since I knew our almost bare freezer held one soul Garden Burger. This is the scene I came home to tonight!

Bo made himself 3 homemade burgers so he’d have enough to freeze as leftovers. Initially I bawlked in shock at the sight of red meat as we primarily eat turkey or chicken burgers. But, as he said, even bears eat cow sometimes. There was lots of this…

And this….

I was elated to find out we still had my favorite beer leftover from the ski weekend.

I love the bears and get way too excited about Long Trail beer for this reason. Hope your Thursday night is as delicious as ours!

What are your favorite beers? Are you a cow, turkey, or veggie burger person? If you’re a veggie burger person what is your favorite one to enjoy from the comfort of home?

Don’t forget to enter my galaxy Granola giveaway!

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