Monday, Monday…

This morning started bright and early with a 5:20 wakeup call. Bo and I decided not to spin today since we went to spin yesterday morning before church at the 19th and Broadway Equinox. Instead, this morning I did a circuit/weights workout that looked a bit like this:
1 mile sprint on treadmill- 8:58
3 sets each of leg press, leg extension, leg curl with jumping jacks between each set
3 sets of tricep dips (25 reps), lat pull down, and curls with mountain climbers between each set
3 sets of assisted pullup, assisted dip, and row with jumping jacks between each set
25 pushups
100 situps on bosu ball to each side with 6 lb ball
2 minutes of planks
5 minutes of foam rolling
All in all this was a great sweaty workout and it felt nice to lift. Sometimes I forget how great it feels to get my muscles moving early. I was starving by the time I reached work and dug into breakfast quick. I’m still enjoying my “messy bowls” filled with Grape Nuts, Special K Protein cereal, strawberries, ground flax, and some skim milk!

Some people have asked how our Easter was in NYC. The day was absolutely gorgeous with blue skies and temperatures reaching 70. We enjoyed church with friends at ForeFront Church then had brunch at Pete’s Tavern. The afternoon was spent walking park to park enjoying the dogs and people watching. I don’t think a Spring Sunday could get any better. Here are a few pictures from our family to yours!

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  1. Nicole April 10, 2010 / 7:23 pm

    What equinox do you go to? I go to NYSC in forest hills and it's not that great. The equipment is good, but the classes are so boring! Have a great run!

  2. Ashley April 12, 2010 / 1:53 pm

    Our membership allows us to go to all of them. Friday night we went to the 19th and Broadway location. We belonged to NYSC last year and weren't pleased. We love equinox!

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