An Evening With the Couch


After this morning’s run and the stressful college football viewing the followed, we were ready for a relaxing evening.

This evening includes some much needed time on our couch enjoying one of our favorite movies! (Name that movie? :))


I washed the relaxation down with a delicious glass of our favorite 2007 BV Chardonnay. Did you know that 2007 was a great year for California Chardonnay?


Unfortunately, my dinner didn’t go down quite as well as the wine. I’ve been eyeing a nearby restaurant on Seamless Web due to it’s rave reviews and menu items. It’s the only Seamless Web restaurant near us that includes tofu, organic options, and mouth watering vegetable descriptions. Tonight I took the plunge and finally ordered two of their top rated items, raw kale salad and a quesadilla.

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They weren’t exactly pretty when they arrived. Regardless of it’s looks, I was especially excited to try the kale salad. I’ve read about raw kale salads on other blogs for ages.  

DSC_0121 DSC_0117 DSC_0118 DSC_0119 DSC_0120 Unfortunately, raw kale salad and I were not fast friends. Instead I found the texture difficult to palate and the flavor far too plant like. Bo asked immediately, “what were you expecting, it’s raw kale?” I think I was expecting something that would at least have a great flavor to balance the kale’s strong flavor. Maybe it was just a bad experience? Have you tried raw greens or massaged kale salad? Any tips?

Have a wonderful and relaxing rest of your weekend. My Sunday plans include a massage, yoga, a little bit of work, house cleaning, and then dinner with friends!

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With a Little Help From My Friends: NYRR Fitness Mind Body Spirit 4 Miler

This morning when my alarm went off this morning at 8:15 I was more than a little disoriented.  Why did I set an alarm for a Saturday morning after Friday’s 17 mile long run and a fun Friday night filled with Fashion Night Out festivities and dinner with my in-laws at Park Avenue Autumn?

Oh yes, I was running the NYRR Fitness Mind Body Spirit 4 miler with Rebecca. My eyes were heavy, the cold bed was screaming my name, and Bo’s late night had resulted in a less than stellar rest. But then I saw the bright sun and blue sky through my small bedroom window. The fall temperatures have graced NYC for at least this weekend and that alone is reason to run!

I quickly assesed my pain, threw on my running clothes, and texted Rebecca since we were trying to head uptown together. Fail. After a few unanswered calls and texts I assumed her festivities meant a late night and decided to head uptown on my own. I thought of today’s run as a way to loosen up my tight muscles, similar to last week’s 5k.

Central Park was alive with with women of all shapes and sizes gearing up for the race.

Gorgeous Central Park morning

I quickly checked in, grabbed my swag bag, and took advantage of the porta potty suprlus.

Why is it that NYRR has SO many bathrooms for small races and never enough for large races? I really hope the marathon has plenty! 🙂

After using the bathroom my muscles were starting to scream and the realization that I was about to run 4 miles after yesterday’s long run set in. Just as I headed towards the start I saw a familiar face, Sara! Sara had a NYC blog previously and we’ve connected during a few different blogger events and MANY google chat conversations. However, it’s been ages since we’ve seen each other. She had left a sweet comment on my post yesterday letting me know it provided her needed inspiration for her solo 17  mile run. Luckily, we decided that I’d accompany her for miles 11-15 via the race. I was excited to have a friend and catch up with her!

We lined up in the corrals ready for a fun race. The race didn’t sell out so the crowds weren’t horrible which was a refreshing change.

At 10am the race started and we actually crossed the starting line at 10:01!  We both started our Garmins but comitted to having fun and keeping a steady pace versus trying to race. Her legs were hurting after her 10 miles and my IT band wasn’t very happy.

We had a blast! We talked about her upcoming wedding, living in NYC, our finance men, and marathon training while heading through the winding Central Park path. The course was different than most as it didn’t loop back until 102nd street. This meant we had a few added hills.


 We even ran into Melissa who was running this as one of her NYRR 9+1 qualifiers!

I was surprised how strong our pace was considering the elements. My 4 mile PR is a 9:54 and until the final mile we were keeping a 9:45 pace. Unfortunately, the last mile was when we both started hurting and decided to take it easy versus straining ourselves since Sara had two more miles after the race and I was about to rack up 21 miles in 24 hours which is definitely a record.  We made the final curve together and ran through at 39:48, under 40:00 which was my personal goal. We were both pleased as we’d never stopped to walk, conquered a few tough hills, and kept a steady conversation. More importantly, we’d helped each other get through our runs. Sometimes, we need help from our friends to finish a tough run, long or short.

Do you enjoy running or working out with friends?

Sara took off to finish her two miles before an afternoon of wedding planning while I meandered through the park aimlessly reflecting on the past two days of running and checking out the Fitness Magazine area. I was disappointed by the booths but managed to find a familiar smile!

I love seeing familiar faces in NYC! It makes it seem like a smaller city! I haven’t seen Karla since BlogHer!

@karla522 Loved the Garnier wipes!! Ill buy them soom! :)

I was happy to be done but I don’t think this smile is going anywhere soon!


I still can’t get over that in a 24 hour period my legs carried me 22 miles!! (I ended up running a mile home after the race before giving in and getting a cab..what was I thinking??)

Sweaty happiness!

I’m celebrating this mileage with college football, a cold beer, and relaxing until tomorrow’s yoga session! 🙂

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Happiest When I’m Busiest


It’s a good thing I’m happiest when I’m busiest because the last few days have been a bit of a whirlwind! We’re heading into our “busy season” at work which means lots of customer presentations, long nights, and travel. But, I love what I’m doing so no complaints! In order to balance out the work, I’ve been packing my days with lots of fun activities!

Lauren and I have done yoga two times this week at Equinox! We’ve decided that it makes sense to focus on evening workout classes near our office which we can do together. It really helps to have a friend motivate you to leave the office.

Tuesday night we enjoyed Vinyasa Yoga with Samantha Debicki. The class melted the stress away while stretching out our tight tired muscles. My favorite part was when she asked for suggestions and requests. One participant asked for hip openers which was a welcome stretch for my tired legs.

Tonight we returned to Tracy’s Power Vinyasa Yoga class which we’ve missed over the last three months. We went to this weekly during the winter but let our schedules get the best of us during the summer. I love this class because you leave feeling 10 pounds lighter due to the stress release but your muscles are crying and she pushes you to the next level.

Like usual, runners lunge or ardha mandalasana was the best stretch for my tight hips and legs.

What is your favorite yoga pose for tired legs or tight hips?

Bo and I enjoyed our first US Open experience last night!  We followed the crowds out to the Billy Jean King Tennis center last night after work.

 IMG_4990  It was an absolutely gorgeous night! The air was a cool and crisp 70 degrees! IMG_4992IMG_4991

But the wind had no mercy and was chilling the crowd’s bones all night long. People were buying sweatshirts and long sleeve t-shirts right and left just to stay warm!

Bo and I warmed our souls with a Heineken Light from the Heineken Lounge as soon as we arrived! The entire place was green!

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Sometimes a cold, crisp beer just hits the spot!

Next on the agenda was dinner. I tweeted quickly trying to figure the best option. Fried foods and hot dogs were everywhere but none of it sounded very good. Meanwhile, Bo had his eyes set on a foot long.Eck!

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Eventually I settled on fried shrimp as everyone was raving about their flavor!

But, within two minutes, I saw exactly what I wanted.

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Oh well, too bad I wasted $7 on my first dinner which was immediately abandoned before I even tried a bite.

The Stonyfield Cafe had salads, sandwiches, soups, and even organic beers! It was hard to make a decision but I finally went with their salad combo. It was absolutely delicious and filled with the perfect amount of bleu cheese and chicken. Bo was even surprised by its flavor and freshness.

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Once we’d finished our dinners we quickly headed into the stadium just in time to see the end of the women’s match before Federer took the court!

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Our seats were in the promenade level which meant we enjoyed a bird’s eye view. We still enjoyed it and don’t regret buying the cheap tickets through my alumni club versus paying more than $200 for quarterfinal tickets.

Do you enjoy tennis? Who are you rooting for in this year’s US Open?

I’m off to bed so I can get some much needed rest before tomorrow morning’s 17 mile run! YIKES! I’m so nervous I could vomit. But, I’m just telling myself that slow and steady wins the race. My goal is to keep around a 10:45 pace and follow a flat course. I’ll head out before 5am since I need to be at work by 9am. Hopefully this mean’s I’ll enjoy some wonderful sunrise views along the Hudson River.

In order to get pumped up, I downloaded a few new songs tonight thanks to Jes and Nicole’s great suggestions!


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