A Lazy Sunday


After celebrating my friend Lauren’s last weekend in New York City and her upcoming wedding, I was craving a relaxing day.

I slept, without stirring, until 8:45 at which time I woke up, realized Bo had already left for the office, and went back to sleep. I didn’t wake up until 10, when I caught Bo snapping this picture.

IMG_1869 (640x478)Time with cold sheets and soft pillows was exactly what my mind and body wanted.

When I did finally rise, I felt refreshed and rested. These past few weeks have been busy ones and the trend isn’t going to end anytime soon. While I know it isn’t possible to “catch” up on sleep during the weekends it still feels good to get a few extra hours of rest.

Our first task this morning was breakfast as we were both starving! I’ve mentioned on multiple occasions that egg sandwiches are my favorite weekend breakfast; and today was no exception.

IMG_1864 (640x478) IMG_1866 (640x478)  This morning’s egg sandwich included the following:

  • Two pieces of toasted Pepperidge Farm Light Bread
  • One Eggland’s Best egg over medium
  • One slice of turkey bacon broken in half
  • salt & pepper

I also enjoyed a sliced banana and cup of tea on the side.

After a quick run and workout, we enjoyed the weather by strolling through Union Square hand in hand. Being in no rush allowed us to literally walk by each vendor, enjoy the breeze, and catch up. As always, there were some interesting sites.

IMG_1872 (640x478)

IMG_1880 (640x478) IMG_1879 (640x478) IMG_1878 (640x478) IMG_1877 (640x478) IMG_1875 (640x478) IMG_1874 (640x478) IMG_1873 (640x478)Due to the nice weather, shopping in Whole Foods was a pleasure since the crowds were far less than normal. We were in and out within thirty minutes and ready for a late lunch and The King’s Speech. I threw together leftovers along with a delicious, fresh hunk of Whole Foods whole wheat bread.

IMG_1882 (478x640) Leftover pork tenderloin, corn, and romaine never tasted so delicious! I think it was the barbecue sauce and mustard drizzle that completed this salad.

We’re spending the rest of the evening getting organized for the week as it’s going to be a busy one. Here’s my week and workouts at a glance:

Monday: Dave M spin+abs

Tuesday: Personal trainer + 2 miles hills+ Health Magazine screening of Something Borrowed

Wednesday: Dave M spin+abs+3 miles

Thursday: Personal trainer+ 3 miles+ Junior League event

Friday: 6 mile run before work+ entire day in New Jersey touring stores with work

Saturday: Physique 57 video at home in between cooking+ 2nd Annual Diamond Derby Party

Sunday: rest day

Question: What is your favorite tv series on television right now? We’re looking for a new one to start watching!

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  1. Grace May 2, 2011 / 1:39 am

    I love Castle and Modern Family!

  2. Rachel May 2, 2011 / 2:12 am

    The Good Wife, I just started and it is SUCH a great show

  3. Emily May 2, 2011 / 2:31 pm

    haha the other day my bf snapped a picture of me sleeping while I was sick and when I posted it on the blog said “see! i knew that would come in handy!”

    glad you enjoyed such a relaxing sunday!

  4. Kristin @ FoodFash May 2, 2011 / 4:34 pm

    I’m not sure it gets any better than cold sheets and a soft pillow!

  5. lauryn May 2, 2011 / 6:15 pm

    I love finding new shows on Netflix Instant Streaming, here are a few we love!
    – Parks & Recreation
    – Dexter
    – Weeds

    Hulu/Live- Modern Family

    My trash TV pleasure is 16 & Pregnant/Teen Mom 🙂

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