A Sweaty Date with Central Park

This morning I had a sweaty date with Central Park.

IMG_2511 (640x478) Due to today’s extreme heat, the roads were not as crowded as my last morning run but I was still surprised that so many people were braving the heat. I’m blessed to be from Savannah, Georgia which means this heat wave is child’s play compared to the heat and humidity I dealt with for at least 5 months every year!

I left my gear at Equinox before heading out for a 4 mile run through the park’s lower section and doing 2 hill repeats of Cat Hill.

IMG_2513 (640x478) I was impressed to see water stations throughout the park during my run, though I didn’t need them. Nice job New York Parks and Rec staff! I saw many runners, walkers, and cyclists taking advantage of the fountains this morning!

IMG_2512 (640x478) I, on the other hand, was a happy camper with my CamelBak. It was hiding from the below picture since I had to take it off my back to access my iPhone for the impromptu photo session.

IMG_2517 (480x480) My route took me past once of my favorite views in Central Park, the pond. I hit the fountain just as the sun was coming over the trees. Is there a better way to start your day?

IMG_2518 (640x485)The 3.98 mile run (including the hill repeat) took 39:40 since I was taking it easy on my pace due to tired legs. Yesterday’s personal training session was pretty leg and weight intensive which left my legs more tired than usual. They enjoyed the relaxed pace though I think my butt and hamstrings were ready to kill me after the hill repeats this morning.

Much to the disappointment of the Equinox morning crowd, I didn’t head straight to the shower when I finished my run. Instead, I hit the foam roller and mat for 20 minutes for some deep stretching, foam rolling, and leg work.


After my sweaty morning, I was craving a cool and refreshing breakfast. I switched up my normal bowl of hot banana oats for a cold alternative: refrigerated oats. I prepared the oats as normal then mixed the banana and cinnamon in before putting it in the office refrigerator for 15 minutes. Once chilled, I removed and topped with a 1/4 cup of Fage yogurt. It was DELICIOUS!


Once a week, I reward myself with a salad from the little deli in the CitiGroup Center at 54th and 3rd Avenue. I use the word reward because they give out the most delicious and doughy rolls with each salad.

IMG_2516 (640x478) The roll is made from their leftover pizza dough! Be still my heart!

On the side, I enjoyed a spinach salad complete with beets, celery, red onions, grilled chicken, cucumber, and chopped tomatoes.

IMG_2519 (640x485) Yoga Promise

I’ve mentioned on Twitter a few times this week that I need more yoga in my life. For at least the next month, work is going to be quite stressful as I manage two roles. On Monday, just after vacation, I found myself giving into this stress and reverting to bad habits like wanting to skip workouts and unhealthy snack choices.

Today, I vowed on Twitter that I’d make time for yoga. Unfortunately, I missed one of my favorite yoga classes at Equinox by 5 minutes. Instead of giving up, I headed home and enjoyed my first Yoga Download in my personal yoga studio.

IMG_2521 (478x640)I did the free 20 minute Yoga for Runners podcast two times through. I know I could have paid for the 40 minute version but what can I say; sometimes I’m cheap.

IMG_2523 (640x480)

Yoga success!

Question: Do you have any free yoga podcasts or online workouts you can recommend?

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  1. Mac June 10, 2011 / 12:42 am

    Props to the Parks & Rec there! We have some fountains around La Crosse as well, I have no idea what the pattern or where they are all located, but it is always nice when you happen to be doggin’ it and in need of water and out of no where pops a beautiful water fountain calling your name 🙂

  2. ellen June 10, 2011 / 1:51 am

    WOW! I’m impressed with 2 things. 1: Parks Dept had water out? Awesome. LOVE. 2. You can run in this AND it’s “normal” in GA. I believe it, but can’t wrap my brain around it, haha. I’ll think of that instead of complaining as I head out the door…

  3. Lauren @ Sassy Molassy June 13, 2011 / 1:18 am

    I love that yoga for runners podcast. It’s perfect for a sore bod and tough at the same time.

    • healthyh June 13, 2011 / 1:42 am

      What are your other favorite yoga workouts?

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