Newbie Running Questions

Happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Fall greeted us in New York City this weekend resulting in cool, crisp weather and sunny skies! I enjoyed a Chai Tea each day, my favorite Fall drink!

In case you’re catching up from the weekend, it was a stress free weekend due to my last minute decision to forego the RNR Philadelphia Half Marathon.

This morning, I have a special post thanks to a weekend email. As a blogger who does my best to write daily, sometimes it’s a blessing to have topics requested! Luckily, this weekend, Kristine emailed me with a list of running questions. She just conquered her first 10k this weekend and is excited about her new sport but in need of guidance. I am still guilty of not considering myself a runner, so the fact that she emailed me was an honor in itself! You can read more about my journey to becoming a runner here.

I’m going to answer her questions over the next few days since there were quite a few. Keep in mind that I’m not an expert; these answers are merely my opinion.


Part 1:

Do you have any tips for someone running their first half marathon in January?

Congratulations on signing up for your first half marathon! It will be an awesome and incredible feeling of accomplishment when you cross that finish line smiling ear to ear! I truly believe in the saying, “proper planning prevents poor performance.” You are at least ten weeks out from your big day which is plenty of time! I suggest finding a plan and sticking to it as closely as possible, especially since this is your first half. There are plenty of great places to find plans including Runner’s World Smart Coach and Hal Higdon’s website. I used his novice half marathon plan for my first half and loved it!

How many days a week should you run?

This is a very personal question, but based on my own experience I recommend 3-4 days maximum. There are clear benefits to cross training activities such as yoga, swimming, spinning, or strength training. If you are pushing your body each day through running you won’t have the opportunity to cross train and your muscles will get accustomed to the exercises. Last year, I trained for the marathon injury free even though I ran 6 days a week. But, I also gained 9 pounds in the process and lost a lot of upper body and abdominal strength. This time around, I’m only running 3-4 days per week and cross training the other days. So far, I’ve lost 8 inches and reduced my BMI 3% during marathon training!

How do you make running on a "dreadmill" more fun?

Over the past few months, I’ve actually done my best to breakup with the treadmill. I now prefer pounding the pavement, even with the crazy New York City streets, over running on the treadmill. But, if you’re stuck on the treadmill due to weather, travel, or other circumstances I have learned a few tricks over the years!

  1. Create a great playlist that will keep you excited each mile. I often put my iPod on random so I don’t know what to expect next.
  2. Break the run up into parts. During half marathon training last year, I had to do a 10 miler on the treadmill and broke it up into 2 5ks and then one 4 mile run. I even changed treadmills during each section!
  3. When all else fails, find a treadmill near either a high traffic area or a television. This way you can take your mind off the run and focus on the people watching or the news. I actually love watching the news while I’m doing a morning treadmill run as it’s a nice change of pace.

What are your top 5-10 essential running clothing items?

Over the past few years, I’ve rotated my running wardrobe almost seasonally. I used to try a new item every time I bought new shoes. Last year however, during marathon training, I finally found a few key pieces that I fell in love with after just a few runs. Since then, these have been my go to running items.

Question: What is your favorite item for working out during the winter months?

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  1. Carina September 19, 2011 / 1:37 pm

    Hmm, I’ve gained about 3 pounds in training for this marathon. I’m certainly guilty of not doing any cross training. I can’t believe you’ve lost that many inches in your training this time around! I definitely need to take a page out of your strength training book.

    • healthyh September 20, 2011 / 10:22 am

      Carina: I highly recommend taking 2 of your running days and turn them into cross training. I’ve featured a few of my personal training workouts on the blog so you can do them on your own at home or at the gym! The muscle will also help you become a stronger and healthier runner!

  2. Nicole @ PancakesandPilates September 19, 2011 / 3:07 pm

    Unclear because its been so long! I think a good hat is essential. I like the wool, fleece lined hats that EMS makes.

    I just got the Lululemon Run Inspire Crop II and I love them so much 🙂

    • healthyh September 20, 2011 / 10:21 am

      Nicole: Yes, hats are definitely winter running essentials! I’ll have to check out the run inspire crop! Thanks for the recommendation!

  3. Becky @ Fit Chick on the Fly September 19, 2011 / 3:42 pm

    Very helpful post seeing as though I’ll be running my first half marathon in 12 days! ! !AAHH!

    • healthyh September 20, 2011 / 10:20 am

      Becky: I’m glad you found this post helpful! If you ever have any running questions feel free to send them my way!

  4. Katherine September 19, 2011 / 6:00 pm

    I just got the Lululemon Run: Full Tilt Crop (very similar to run inspired) and I love them!

    Running gloves (although I still need to buy them) and a good hat are also essential for me this winter…

    • healthyh September 20, 2011 / 10:19 am

      Katherine: I’ll have to check out the full tilt crop as a couple of people have mentioned it on here today! I’ll review my running gloves in the next newbie running question post as I love the ones I found!

  5. Kase Noland (@GoSportID) September 19, 2011 / 6:42 pm

    I just finished my first 5k over the weekend and I am looking towards much loftier goals. I definitely agree about cross-training. It’s great to break up the training schedule and keep your body guessing a little. I love an OWS once a week and I really try to add in a long bike ride. Up next: 10K. Then a 1/2 and a full marathon.

    • healthyh September 20, 2011 / 10:18 am

      Kase: Great job on your first 5k! Good luck on your upcoming races. If you ever have any questions feel free to email me!

  6. Stephanie September 19, 2011 / 9:11 pm

    Ok, I feel SO much better after reading your answer to how many days a week should you run. I trained for my first half marathon over the summer and I definitely gained weight. I was/am so upset about it. I couldn’t figure out why- I was running more than I ever had, yet I was gaining weight. So, basically I need to add cross training and hopefully that will help? Thank you so much!

    • healthyh September 20, 2011 / 10:17 am

      Stephanie: Isn’t it so frustrating to gain wait during training? All my friends were like you should be losing weight! Yes, if you add in 2-3 days of cross training and ensure that you’re not eating too much after runs you should be good! I have made a concerted effort to refuel with protein versus carbs to stay full longer!

  7. Allison September 20, 2011 / 9:13 am

    Great post! I’ve never heard the saying “proper planning prevents poor performance” before, but I def agree with it 😀

    During the winter, my favorite workout item is my fleece headband to cover my ears- they hurt in the cold!

    • healthyh September 20, 2011 / 10:16 am

      Allison: The fleece headband is definitely a great idea! I do the same!

  8. Ashley @ Freckles & Spice September 20, 2011 / 4:09 pm

    I am nervous for the winter. I don’t do well with running in either heat or cold. Last year I bought nike running gloves – they were great and only like $10 and I also need the fleece band over my ears. I think I may go full ski mask this year.

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