Just Get Out and Run

A reader recently left a comment on my blog which provided the perfect inspiration this afternoon.

“Bloggers over complicate runs with all their pictures, hype, Camel Baks, phones, and shit.”

While this comment was a vast generalization and a bit curt, it is true sometimes. After four very long days of work out in Los Angeles, I needed to relax this afternoon. I could have slept, read, enjoyed a massage, or laid by the pool. Instead, I switched into running clothes, tied my shoes, grabbed my room key and a few dollars cash, and head out the door. I left my phone, iPod, and Garmin behind.

I focused on my surroundings while putting one foot in front of the other for 3.75 miles!

It felt amazing and quite free to disconnect and enjoy the run. Sometimes we all just need to get out and run- gear free!


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  1. Tropical Eats September 25, 2011 / 2:24 am

    whatever makes us happy during runs is all that matters, but that comment definitely makes me think!

    i like having my phone on me for safety reasons, but maybe i should challenge myself every once in a while to go without headphones n such

  2. Michelle @ Crazy*Running*Legs September 25, 2011 / 3:58 pm

    Sometimes all of that “shit” can motivate us to run faster and further — but I do get the gist of the comment. The best part of running is how uncomplicated it is.

    Glad you had a good run 🙂

  3. Ericka September 25, 2011 / 4:27 pm

    Yeah…that comment makes sense to me. While I occasionally bring my cell phone to take photos on my runs, I really find it to be a hassle. Sometimes reading others’ blogs where they always take photos, I get jealous that I never have any. But…it does distract from the clear-mindedness that running can be. Interesting thought.

  4. Katherine September 25, 2011 / 9:45 pm

    Agreed – sometimes it is nice to just run tech/gear free….but sometimes gear and devices are fun and keep me motivated. I like to analysis my runs and splits, maybe that’s the dork in me? And new running gear gets me motivated to get out — Whatever keeps me going!

  5. ellen September 25, 2011 / 9:45 pm

    ha! that comment is hilarious. i generally run with little or nothing (no phone!) and it works for me. i only begrudgingly started to run long runs this summer with a water bottle since it was so stinky hot. the best part of running, for me, is having completely disconnected alone time with my thoughts. i love that. others maybe not.

    that said, i can see why others run “with stuff.” glad you enjoyed a run without!

  6. Amanda@RunningOnCoffee September 26, 2011 / 1:35 am

    I agree with that comment! 99.9% of the time I run with my Garmin, and that doesn’t bug me. But I feel ridiculous preparing for long runs (11-15 miles)…water bottle, gu, ID, couple bucks if I need to buy another drink, music, sunglasses, etc.

  7. Sana September 26, 2011 / 2:00 am

    I run with my phone so that I feel safe in case something happens, it’s dangerous to be running alone without it!

  8. helen @ change comes from within November 7, 2011 / 11:47 am

    I only ever take my phone and water with me on a run, and save the photos for afterwards. I really like to lose myself in my surroundings and forget when I am on a run!

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