Marathons+Moderation: Guest Post #16

Good morning friends! I hope everyone is having a great week! This week I have the chance to hang out with all my East coast co-workers so it’s quite a busy and fun filled week but I’m loving it! I didn’t curl up in bed last night until 12:32am but I was up at 5:30 this morning for my morning run! Without it, I’d be half asleep today!

I’m so glad that you all are enjoying the Marathons+Moderation series! Each week I get a number of emails, in addition to the post comments, regarding the series. It really is here to help everyone realize that’s each person trains and approaches marathons in a different way!

In case you’re new to the series, today is the 16th guest post! Each week I feature a different runner who may have 12 years or tenure or just trained for their first marathon!

Marathons+Moderation Guest Post 1                         Marathons+Moderation Guest Post 2

Marathons+Moderation Guest Post 3                         Marathons+Moderation Guest Post 4

Marathons+Moderation Guest Post 5                        Marathons+Moderation Guest Post 6

Marathons+Moderation Guest Post 7                        Marathons+Moderation Guest Post 8

Marathons+Moderation Guest Post 9                        Marathons+Moderation Guest Post 10

Marathons+Moderation Guest Post 11                                  Marathons+Moderation Guest Post 12

Marathons+Moderation Guest Post 13                                 Marathons+Moderation Guest Post 14

Marathons+Moderation Guest Post 15

Today’s guest post comes from Gia, a New York City runner who is training for her 5th marathon! This time around however, she’s the mother of two adorable twins! Training for a marathon after kids is a whole different ball game. Therefore, Gia’s guest post is split into two parts: what she’s learned from 5 marathons and then training as a mom. Part two will come next month so stay tuned!

Hi Healthy Happier Bear readers!  I’m Gia from RUNgiaRUN and I’m so honored that Ashley has asked me to share my thoughts on Marathons + Moderation with you all.

This November I will be running my 5th marathon!! (NYCM)  I did not take your typical route to becoming a runner.  I was a ballet dancer as a kid, never played organized or competitive sports and loathed PE.  I began running 10 years ago as a form of stress relief and I fell in love.  5 years later I did my first race and soon after I began marathoning.  Now I am hooked.  Running is my joy. 

Gia marathon (427x640)

I know what you are thinking, oh she’s just another crazy runner girl.  I promise I’m not … I learned through experience.  I used to focus on the accomplishment and competition of running vs the joy that it brings me.  I almost burned out … which would be tragic because like I said, I love running!!

Finding the joy in running is something that takes work.  I like to say that the key to marathoning is to maintain the fun and the best way to maintain the fun is through moderation.  If you’re too serious about your training, the fun gets lost and you may not ever want to marathon again.  Don’t take it all so seriously.  Train smart but keep it light and don’t loose sight of the joy.

Here are my top 3 tricks for Maintaining the Fun and moderating your marathon training

Schedule a "Free Run"

One day a week I leave my technology behind and just run.  In marathon training I usually do this as a recovery run.  On this run I am purely running because I love it.  I’m not focusing on a specific pace or route.  I’m not running because my schedule says I have to.  I’m just running … and loving every second of it. 

Make running conversational

Marathoning can often be thought of as a solo sport.  I say make it social … I have made some of my best girl friends through running and we use our runs to catch up on each other’s lives.  If you are looking for a running partner there are a ton of ways to find one.  Twitter, send a tweet out to your network and see if anyone wants to join you for a run.  Local run clubs are also great, many running stores have group runs or can suggest groups that meet locally.  

Be creative with your run route

Find new routes, run while you travel, don’t get stuck in a rut.  My favorite way to do this is to search for runs on   You can search by zip code and see other runner’s routes.  It really opens your eyes to different paths in your area.

disney princess (427x640) I hope that these tips can help you all find the balance of marathoning and moderation!  Happy marathoning to you all and Cheers to joy filled running. 


RUNgiaRUN – Deep Breath. Long Run. Big Hug. Repeat.

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New York City Marathon Training: Week 9

I just enjoyed the best training week in quite a while! I was able to successfully complete every planned workout, I enjoyed my long run, and I feel like I’m getting into the groove of this year’s marathon training.  The changes that I put in place worked wonderfully and I even added a few others:

  • Switch up my music each run. Today I listened to my country mix while running which was a fresh change from my normal pop and rap mixes. I also created a whole new playlist for Friday’s long run which helped power me through the 12 miles when I was running solo.
  • Get outside! I’ve learned to love running outside which in turn means that I can’t stand the treadmill these days. I realize that it is a great running tool and serves it’s purpose every now and then but I don’t enjoy using it daily anymore. Last week I enjoyed 3 of my 4 runs outside which was a refreshing change. This week’s goal is repeat the same, only doing my speed workout inside.
  • Fuel more! During this week’s long run I brought both Clif Shot blocks and a GU pack on the run. I split the shot blocks out early, having 1/2 at mile 4 and 1/2 at mile 8. Then, at mile 11.5 I enjoyed the vanilla Gu. I felt more energized during this run than I have any of my other long runs and I really believe the fuel played a large role. I’m going to repeat this method again this week. (Question for NYC runners, it seems like the entire city is sold out of vanilla Gu! Where can I find some?)


Week 9 Plan: September 5th-September 11th

Monday: 3/4 mile swim + 3 mile basic run

Tuesday: 45 minute spin workout+ 10 minutes foam rolling

Wednesday: 6 mile speed workout including 6 sets of pickups+ personal training session

Thursday: Rest Day

Friday: 16 mile long run

Saturday: Personal Training appointment+Vitality Class (Holy back and shoulder muscles!)

Sunday: 3 mile recovery run+yoga

Total mileage: 28 miles! SUCCESS!

This week’s plan is much like last week’s except for my half marathon which has me scared shitless. I signed up for this race on a whim one night after more than one glass of wine. While I’m looking forward to seeing Leslie and possibly Sabrina, I’m not looking forward to the race itself. I can’t decide whether I want to try and PR or just treat it like a long run. We’ll see how I feel one mile in and go from there. 🙂

Week 10 Plan: September 12th-September 18th

Monday: 4 mile basic run including striders

Tuesday: personal training session+ 10 minutes foam rolling

Wednesday: 6 mile speed workout including 6 sets of pickups+ personal training session

Thursday: personal training session+ possible yoga

Friday: rest day+ possible yoga

Saturday: NYRR Fitness 4 miler at an easy pace

Sunday: 2 mile warm up+ Philadelphia RocknRoll Half Marathon+ 2 mile cool down

Total mileage: 31 miles

Finally, on a random note, since people have been asking for more “What I Wore” photos, here’s a snapshot of today’s outfit. It was simple but comfortable! I have to get the skirt altered as it’s way too big now but otherwise this is one of my go to favorites for rushed mornings.

IMG_4419 Watch: Michael Korrs

Earrings: KEP Designs

Everything else: JCrew

Have a great week!

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After yesterday’s awesome VITALITY workout session that I hosted with my personal trainer and Equinox, we headed over to Beecher’s Cellar for their happy hour special!

DSC_0060 (640x426) DSC_0062 (640x426)IMG_2123 (640x480)We were all amazed by the Cellar’s decor and atmosphere! It is a small space, probably able to fit around 85-100 people, but lit with warm candles throughout. Featuring a full bar, cow hide covered booth seats, and benches made out of the original building.

Our service last night was wonderful and their happy hour specials were the best deal I’ve seen in ages!

IMG_2122 (480x640)DSC_0067 (640x426)

It was wonderful to catch up with some of the VITALITY class attendees afterwards in a non workout based setting. It was actually the first time I’ve seen many of these ladies in anything other than ponytails and workout gear. Randomly, my trainer, Lauren, and I both brought white tops and skinny dark jeans to change into for the happy hour!

IMG_2125 (640x480) After the happy hour Bo and I headed downtown for dinner with a few of our friends. I’ve been craving Mexican all week so was thrilled when we were able to snag reservations at Mole Mexican Bar & Grill, a small Mexican restaurant on Jane Street we’d passed by many times before. Believe it or not, it’s quite difficult to find authentic Mexican food in New York City, beyond Rosa Mexicana and Dos Caminos.

IMG_2127 (640x480) IMG_2126 (640x480)The food and drinks were absolutely what we wanted! The drink menu was an extensive, including plenty of tequila based drinks beyond margaritas. I started with a tequila and grapefruit cocktail which was delicious. But, their margaritas were the real show stopper. It even came with red pepper infused salt!

IMG_2129 The space, while tiny, had a wonderful energy including Mexican music! The staff was also very friendly and helpful even though they were jam packed last night.

After studying the menu for what seemed like ages, I finally decided to go with my old favorite, a quesadilla. I used to order a veggie quesadilla every Friday night when my sorority sisters and I went out for Friday night dinners.

Last night’s quesadilla was enormous! I was only able to eat half of it but every piece was vegetable filled and dripping with gooey cheese.

IMG_2128 (640x480) It was a fun night that continued at Hotel Griffou until I finally called it a night when I was close to falling asleep on their comfortable velvet couch. On my way out, I passed a familiar looking guy and within seconds did a double take to realize it was John Mayer. He definitely looks nothing like he used to when I spent evenings listening to Room for Squares on repeat each night of freshman year.

                    THEN                                                      NOW

The wine, tequila, and double workout, while fun, left me exhausted. I slept in until 10am this morning, missing the yoga class I had hoped to attend.

All was not lost though, because this week’s pancake breakfast was even better than last weeks! I took a note from Meghann’s book and topped the whole wheat pancakes with peaches and bananas!

IMG_4413 (640x478) This was the perfect fuel for a three mile recovery run and shopping in Columbus Circle.

The short day flew by and I can’t believe it’s already 6pm! I’m currently curled up in my new pair of CEW recovery socks, silk pajama bottoms, and my favorite hoody while enjoying amazing fall scents from new candles and sipping on a lovely glass of wine. This my friends is going to be the perfect Sunday evening!

Question: Tell me, are you a pumpkin lover or hater? I find it so amusing that people are so passionate about this topic. If you love it, what’s your favorite pumpkin thing and if you hate it, what’s your favorite fall food?

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