Our Favorite Christmas Ornaments

As a newlywed, you quickly realize that an ornament collection is something that grows gradually over time. I’ll never forget the first year Bo and I bought a tree together, while living in Philadelphia, and realized we didn’t have any ornaments after we got home. We were both so accustomed to our family’s trees where there was never enough room for every ornament, even when there were two trees in the home.

IMG_0519 IMG_0571That year we bought three packs of red, white, and gold ornaments at K-Mart to decorate our small tree. We decided that moving forward we’d buy an ornament on every vacation and then random bear ornaments here and there.

Now, four years later, we have finally developed an ornament collection that makes us smile each year when we relive our vacations and memories. Even this year’s seven foot tree is covered head to toe, at least on the front, by ornaments!

014Last night, while decorating the tree, Bo and I especially loved these ornaments, each of which are now near and dear to our heart.


This ornament, Rudolph, is my maiden name and will always bring a smile to my heart when I remember all the years of torment I received during the holidays for having the same last name as the red nosed reindeer.

008 This ornament was given to us by our wedding planner and is the church where were married, Isle of Hope Methodist church.

image My maid of honor, Amy, gave this to us our first Christmas! We forgot to buy an ornament on Anguilla, while on Honeymoon, but this personalized ornament includes a picture of us from our honeymoon, therefore making it a perfect substitute!

image We bought this ornament, a pink Bermuda home, on our trip to Bermuda this May!

image This ornament will always remind me of our first trip to Disney World together, enjoyed in January with Meghann and Derek!

Question: Have you started an ornament collection of your own? If so, what is your favorite ornament?

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Making a List and Checking It Twice

Happy Thursday from the land of the blue Christmas tree!

034Finally, after four days of no internet, Bo came home early enough tonight to return the house and our electronics to a perfect state. I did my best to spend some quality time with the Time Warner Cable technical support but gave up after three separate attempts.

The past few days have been pretty hectic due to our compressed party planning schedule and a busy week filled with work meetings and volunteering though the New York Junior League.

I find that the easiest way to conquer a crazy week is to lay out some goals or a checklist for the week. This week I made a Monday through Thursday checklist to keep track of everything we needed to accomplish before Friday.

  • Stick to my workout schedule CHECK
  • Eat a healthy breakfast each morning CHECK
  • Reorganize the house when painters finish CHECK
  • Address and mail all our Christmas cards CHECK
  • Bring all the Christmas decorations up from our storage unit along with party supplies CHECK
  • Buy Christmas tree CHECK
  • Decorate Christmas tree CHECK
  • Set up snow village and other holiday decorations
  • Finalize party menu CHECK
  • Go grocery shopping for party CHECK (via PeaPod)
  • Volunteer at Nazareth House on Tuesday and Thursday CHECK
  • Finish Christmas shopping

As of tonight, the list has been completely dominated!

003 004 007 006 021 022

002 Overall, the week has gone pretty well. I definitely haven’t eaten as well as I would like considering that I’ll be basking in the Cozumel sun in three short weeks with Bo and our good friends! But, I’ve pushed myself in each of my workouts and done my best to remember some of the tips and tricks my Twitter friends shared earlier this week!

image image I’ve been drinking more water than normal, sticking with my workouts, using the one bite rule when tackling office sweets, and am being especially good tomorrow and Saturday during the day so I can enjoy every bite Saturday night! In addition, we are signed up for the NYRR Jingle Jog early Saturday morning to kick off the day with a sweat!

Question: How do you practice moderation during the holidays? Or, do you think about it on January 1st?

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Marathons+Moderation Guest Post #24

Hello, Healthy Happier Bear readers! I’m Ali and I blog at Ali Runs. My blog follows my journey of finding a balance between grad school and my love for running. Since starting my blog last October, I have run 2 full marathons, four half marathons, and numerous other races at various distances.


My first full was the Atlantic City Marathon on October 17, 2010. I was lucky enough to train for and complete this race with my sister, Megan, by my side. Training with her was an amazing experience and she served as a constant motivator for me. We crossed the finish line of our first marathon hand in hand.


As soon as I crossed the finish line, I was hooked. I knew I wanted to run another marathon in the near future. I continued running all winter and completed my 1st and 2nd half marathons in the spring.


Shortly after, I began researching fall marathons and finally decided on the Niagara Falls International Marathon.

I quickly found out that training for a marathon on my own was much different than training with my sister. I worked hard to fit my training plan around grad school responsibilities and maintaining a social life.

It wasn’t easy, but here are some tips I learned about training for a marathon solo.

1.) Use Twitter for motivation (My twitter name: @runner_ali)

This summer and fall, my twitter feed was filled with people training for marathons. Both Saturday and Sunday mornings, most of the people I follow were tweeting about their long runs. They were all so encouraging and motivating. I never felt like I was alone in marathon training, because there were so many other people I could relate with.

2.) Use races as part of training runs

One of my favorite aspects of running is races! You get to really push yourself and see what your body can handle. This past fall I ran two half marathons, one of which I ran as part of a 16 mile long run. While this is not recommended for all long runs, it is fun to incorporate this into training every now and then.


3.) Establish a realistic plan

Don’t set yourself up for failure. My training plan worked for me because I was realistic. I based the plan on the amount of work I had for grad school and attempting to maintain my social life. My plan for this training cycle took this into consideration which helped me stay positive and motivated.

4.) Meet up with running buddies

While I didn’t have someone to train with consistently for my long runs, my sister did join me for a few miles during some of my long runs. This helped break the mileage up and the time went by much faster than if I was running the entire long run solo.

5.) Read race recaps

This is my go to trick when I am feeling really unmotivated for a long run. One of the good things about having a blog is that I have written a race recap for most of the races I’ve completed. Reading back through some of the posts really inspires me.

Before I had my own blog, I would often turn to other blogger’s race recaps for motivation. This almost always motivates me into getting out there and run.

6.) Discuss with parents, friends, families, etc.

At first, some of my friends didn’t quite understand why I was missing some of the social outings. When I told them I was training for a marathon, they were excited for me and often asked how training was going.

My family and boyfriend also supported me a great deal during marathon training and during the race. This was very important to me and I’m not sure I could have done it without them.


My last tip is to have fun!! Training for a marathon is an amazing experience whether your train with a friend or solo!

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