Green Giant Veg Pledge

Last month,  I received an email from my friends at Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program regarding a new partnership with Green Giant. While I receive many emails each week about partnerships, this was one that excited me more than most. As you know from reading this blog, I love vegetables and find ways to squeeze them in to at least two meals per day.

My salads normally include at least five or six different vegetables in addition to my protein and I keep fresh and frozen vegetables on hand to include in my easy weeknight dinners, including vegetable burgers, chicken breasts, or even eggs.

This Green Giant sponspored challenge revolves around increasing your daily vegetable intake by at least one cup for a two week time period. For me, this is a great challenge as I want to focus on including vegetables in my office snacks and dinners more. While I realize how important vegetables are due to their nutritional benefits, vitamins & nutrients, and fiber factor I have found recently that I’m eating far more fruit than vegetables. Fruit has become a staple in my breakfast and office snacks. In addition, I’ve found it making an appearance on my dinner plate where vegetables once were.

Therefore, as part of this two week challenge, I am going to experiement with office vegetable snack ideas and side dishes. My goal is to try one or two new vegetable side dishes which I can make one night and enjoy for 2-3 nights following. Once upon a time I loved making garlic green beans, sesame broccoli, and other fun side dishes which were easy but still gave my dinners bulk and nutrients.

I hope you enjoy these additions over the next few weeks and are able to benefit from my one more cup pledge. 

Do you have any suggestions on how I can include vegetables at the office more?

*Disclaimer:  I am receiving a small stipend for my participation in the program and a few coupons for Green Giant products. Since my blog equity is my #1 priority, my thoughts and opinons will be open and honest. If I try a product I don’t like, you’ll be sure to know!

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Ready Runners Free Equinox Event

Hey gang!

Blogging should be back to normal since Bo and I leave Savannah bright and early tomorrow morning. It has been quite the week, filled with lots of family, some delicious food, wonderful weather, and plenty of tears. I will fill you in on all the food later but for now I want to share with you a wonderful opportunity for any of my NY Metro area readers.

Last month, after the feedback from my personal training experience at Equinox, my trainer thought it would be wonderful to put together a session for bloggers and readers alike so they could enjoy some of techniques and agility training we’ve been working on recently.

Lauren and the Equinox team smiling during a reader/blogger workout last year!

Class Description: 

For all you run loving readers, join us for a fun and educational class that will leave your mind and body ready to PR! Lauren Greer, Tier 3 Personal Trainer, will be teaching the class exercises taught by leading movement specialists to enhance running technique and ability. Half Marathoning the next morning? Even better! This workout will leave your body feeling agile and strong on Sunday morning. Runners, come ready to move and learn!

Where:  19th Street Equinox (corner of 19th and Broadway)

When: Saturday, April 14th 3-4:30 (class from 3-4pm, free chair massages and Q&A session from 4-4:30)

If you’re interested in joining us, please let me know via the comments. The class is only open to 15 people, first come first serve! I will send out event specifics early next week.

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Little Changes Go A Long Way for Marathon #2

Hi Healthy, Happier Bear readers!  My name is Melody and I blog at {will run for margaritas} – a journey inside my love for running and fitness, with a side of margaritas. I live in Arlington, VA (right outside of DC) with my husband, 12 pairs of running shoes (I work in the industry – but am slightly obsessed) and 3 bikes. 

I ran my first marathon in May 2011 – it was a small local race – Potomac River Run Marathon.  It was a double out-and-back, and I can honestly say that was one of the most mentally challenging adventures of my life.  I worked hard for that race, and ran a Boston Qualifying time.   In 2 weeks, I’m running my second marathon: the Boston Marathon.  I couldn’t be more excited, nervous, or ready for the race.  I feel stronger, faster, and more prepared – in part, thanks to little changes I made from marathon #1 to marathon #2.

1)      Tell the world 

I use my blog, {will run for margaritas}, Twitter (@run4margaritas) and Facebook as a tool to hold myself accountable.  I write about the good, the bad, and the ugly of running.  I’m honest – with myself and with my readers.  Tracking my progress keeps me motivated and is a real assessment of where I’m at (in terms of fitness and progress).

2)      Hire a coach and/or train with others

For Boston, I decided to use a coach to help me train.  This is something that I didn’t do when I ran my first marathon, and I can already see the benefits & differences.  It helps to run with people that are better and faster than me – it pushes me to limits I didn’t know possible.  Additionally, I love being able to ask (hard) questions, and get an honest response (from my coach).  He lets me know if I need to rest, or if I had a great workout.  It’s a motivation tool that gets me through the early mornings and tough workouts.   

Note: I know it’s not possible for everyone to hire a coach – if that’s the case, try to find a local running group to help you train.  No matter who or what you do to train, running with others will always make you better and faster.    

3)      Owe your family & friends (a lot of drinks on you)

Training for a marathon is a HUGE commitment.  It takes up most of my free time – and with a job that requires a lot of night and weekend work, I’m saying “no” to most social engagements.  During a typical marathon training cycle, I hardly see or talk to my family/friends, let alone my own husband (fortunately we live together).  I’m so thankful for my family and friends for being supportive and understanding my (crazy) love for running.  Post-marathon, I host a huge happy hour and owe my friends drinks from the past 4 months.   

 4)      Listen to your body

I can’t think of better advice.  LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.  It’s not always easy to take a day off or cut the mileage – but if your body hurts, it’s trying to tell you something.   I’m of the thinking that it’s better to take 1-2 unexpected days off during the training cycle, than push through and end up injured (it’s just not worth it!).

5)      Plan (at least) one race during your training cycle

Racing is the best way to gauge your fitness and progress.  It also boosts confidence and race readiness.  I try to race a half-marathon about 1 month before my marathon – but this year I had a scheduling conflict and ran an 8k instead.  Even though it wasn’t the ideal distance, I ran a PR and left feeling confident about my race on April 16.  

6)      Have a goal

It’s smart to have a goal time for a race (and usually an A, B, and C goal).  It’s something that you can work hard to achieve.  It also keeps you accountable to workouts, speed work, long runs, and life.  I have a big goal for Boston and have been training harder to (hopefully) achieve it! 

Good luck to ALL of you!  I can’t wait to read your 2012 Marathon race reports.  I’m officially in taper mode (so I’ll be looking to all of you for long run and race recaps for the next 2 weeks).       

And if there was any question: yes, I will be drinking margaritas at the finish of Boston! Cheers.


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