NYCM Training Week 10: Rockin’ Training

Why thank you DailyMile for making my Monday! Getting an email that says I rocked marathon training is a great way to kick off the week. Especially if Monday also happened to be an unplanned rest day. By the way, if we’re not friends on DailyMile come and join the fun! There is nothing better than motivation, helpful tips, and feedback from this awesome, supportive community!


I really can’t squeal loud enough about last week’s training. I met each of my goals including breaking the 30 mile plateau, doing my longer mid-week run (8 miles) even though I was traveling and completing my long run. While I feel like I conquered the workout+travel challenge this time around, I am very happy to be in New York City this entire week. It feels like a gift to have another 10 days in the city before I travel next.

Yesterday’s long run was 17.5 miles, including the NYRR Bronx 10 mile race. Conveniently, I ended my mileage at the 4 subway stop near Yankee Stadium. In my post run trance, I used the few minutes on the subway platform to gather a few thoughts so I could talk them through with Gia this week and mull over them. I truly believe that if we take the time to think through and analyze our workouts, we can learn a great deal whether it’s swimming, running, Crossfit, or any other activity which you do on a regular basis.

Delirious Post Long Run Thoughts

  • Light headed on subway platform= not enough fuel?
  • Too much water vs fuel?
  • Right arch pain?
  • First 6 miles were gradual uphill and felt super strong but miles 7-10 were WAY too fast (9:33, 9:44, 9:48)

So while I haven’t had time to talk through each of these notes with Gia there are a few areas that I need to focus on during the month of September especially, in preparation for the marathon.

  • Marathon goal pace: Theodora talked about this last week and Gia thoroughly believes in the importance of “feeling” your pace and being accustomed to it come marathon day. The next few weeks at least 2 runs per week are supposed to include marathon goal pace miles so I can grow accustomed to the 10:40-10:50 goal pace which will lead to a 4:45 marathon time.
  • Fuel: This has been a funny thing for me because even though I preach to others that it’s important to take fuel every 4-5 miles depending on exertion during long runs, I still haven’t perfected this art. This week I forgot my pack of margarita shot blocks on the kitchen counter. I didn’t realize this until the first mile of the Bronx 10 miler since I hadn’t taken any fuel during my first 6 miles. Even though I had NUUN in my Camelback, running 18 miles with only 3 stale shot blocks, found in the bottom of my Camelback, wasn’t fun. That being said, I just stuck 2 packs of GU and a pack of blocks in my Camelback so this doesn’t happen again.
  • Right arch pain: During 2 of my runs last week, 8 miler and Sunday’s long run, I had some pain in my right arch. I have very high arches and it literally almost feels like it’s falling/hurting/unsupported even though I’m wearing Brooks Adrenaline which are supposed to be supportive and were recommended by Jack Rabbit. After my ice bath on Sunday I spent extra time icing and rolling out my arch. If I still feel it during this week’s runs I may need to seek help whether it’s through massage, shoe swap or a doctor (yikes). Any tips?

Overall, I’m really pleased with last week and am especially excited about this week.

  • 2 easy, shorter runs
  • 1 medium run (7-8 miles)
  • 18 mile long run (Goals include ~ 10:40 pace, fuel every 4-5 miles, include some hills)
  • yoga
  • 2 cross training sessions (1 at Uplift Studios and 1 personal training session)
  • planks/dips/pushups

If you’re training for something now, what is it and how is training going? Do you take time to assess workouts or training? Do you use DailyMile or another similar tool?

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Barilla Microwaveable Meals

After a ten days on the West Coast my body needed a recovery day. I can’t believe that I’ve been up and down the West Coast for the past ten days! While Los Angeles was a great work trip, I’m so happy to be back on East coast, aka #thebestcoast in my opinion!


I slept until 11:30, ran 3.5 miles without music or my Garmin, deep cleaned and organized my closet, enjoyed Fall scented candles, relaxed on the couch with Bo watching Notre Dame and Georgia football, and finally enjoyed an easy pre-long run dinner. Though, I have to admit, the highlight of my day was watching Bo enjoy his first post long run ice bath!


Neither of us were in the mood to cook tonight. Bo was heading out for a birthday party and I didn’t feel like peeling myself off the couch for more than a water refill. Luckily, while I was traveling the gang at Barilla sent me their new Barilla Microwaveable Meals to test.


I have never been a fan of microwave meals as they are normally filled with preservatives, almost a day’s worth of sodium, and lack flavor. Therefore, the first thing I did when Bo grabbed two of these from the pantry was to check out the nutrition facts.


I was pretty impressed by the nutrition facts especially the protein and fiber.

Nutritional Info in The Mezze Penne with Traditional Marinara Sauce: 320 calories; 11 grams of protein; 58 carbs;5 grams of fat (0 trans fat); 6 grams of fiber.

While the sodium is almost 1/3 daily value, this is far less than some other microwave meal options and is actually perfect for me since I’m running 18 miles outside tomorrow and know that I’ll be sweating A LOT! A little extra sodium is actually good for me!


I thought the ready in 60 seconds advertisement had to be too good to be true. But, much to my surprise in just 60 seconds the pasta was steaming and the sauce was bubbling hot. The sauce container easily lifts out so you can combine the sauce with the pasta in the provided dish. To make this feel a bit more like a Saturday night dinner, I used a pasta bowl and added some grilled chicken, steamed cauliflower and goat cheese before mixing everything together.


Bo and I both enjoyed these for dinner and were really impressed. While I had the traditional marinara sauce flavor he tried the spicy marinara sauce which was a perfect dinner before hitting the town with friends for birthday celebrations. He added some thinly sliced prosciutto to the mix for a perfect, flavorful bowl of pasta goodness.


There are five flavors available for around $3.29 per package in major grocery stores.

  • Mezze Penne with Tomato & Basil Sauce
  • Mezze Penne with Traditional Marinara Sauce
  • Mezze Penne with Spicy Marinara Sauce
  • Whole Grain Fusilli with Vegetable Marinara Sauce
  • Whole Grain Mezze Penne with Tomato & Basil Sauce

These are great options for nights when I don’t get home until late or as easy lunch options. I think I’ll always add some protein and vegetables to the pasta and sauce for a more filling and nutritionally well rounded meal. But, for the price and flavor it can’t be beat! How often do you have half used jars of sauce or boxes of pasta sitting around in the house? This package will stay fresh for a year in the pantry!

I hope y’all have a great rest of your weekend. I’m heading to the bedroom to enjoy the rest of this UGA football game before running 18 miles tomorrow morning! I’m doing 6 miles solo before heading up to the Bronx with Gia for the NYRR Bronx 10 miler and then 2 miles solo after the race. Afterwards Meg and I are going to take my mother-in-law to the Wanderlust Yoga Festival on Pier 63!

Question: Do you ever eat microwave meals? If so, what is your favorite? 

FitFluential LLC compensated me for this Campaign.All opinions are my own

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Goofy Challenge

Hi! I’m Telisa and I blog over at Telisa5 (Clearly I’m not creative when it comes to making up blog names haha!). I was super excited when Ashley said she needed someone for this week’s Marathon and Moderation post.
I’ve ran 5 marathons (Chicago twice, Marine Corp, the Illinois Marathon, and the USA Marathon), 3 half marathons (Chicago, USA, and Virginia Beach) and am currently training for a few more this season (Philadelphia Half, Las Vegas Half, USA Half, Illinois Marathon, and the Goofy Challenge). At times I have let marathon training consume my life but I’ve finally found a way to balance life and running. After giving it some thought, I compiled a list of things that worked for me and will hopefully get you through marathon training AND allow you to still enjoy your life.

Illinois I challenge 
1. Find Your Motivation
Why are you running this very long race? What is going to help you get through those miles when you want to quit or cry (or both) because of the physical pain? What are you going to say when people ask why you’re doing this because they think you’re crazy? You gotta have something that means a lot to you! Maybe you want to be healthy? Maybe you want to prove to yourself (or someone else) that you CAN do it? Maybe its that bagel and chocolate milk that’s waiting for you at home? Maybe you want to lose weight (actually that’s easier said than done in marathon training)? Maybe its pictures of Ryan Gosling?


Maybe you like running with friends? Maybe you like shiny medals? Maybe its your quiet time? Maybe you want to raise awareness for a cause? I ran my first marathon with the AIDS Foundation of Chicago (now the Team to End AIDS-T2). Not only did it come with a fabulous training program it provided motivation to keep running when it was tough (and let me assure you there will be tough times ahead). Whatever it is that’s going to keep you going-figure it out!

2. Make running part of your schedule
Figure out when you can run and make it part of your schedule. Are you a morning person? Set that alarm and get out the door! Are you lucky enough to have a gym near work? Take advantage of that and go at lunch! Like running after work or at night? Do it then. Whatever you can consistently do -DO IT!

3. Schedule your social life around running
Not the other way around. We are all VERY busy people. Work, family, church, friends, school, clubs, sleep- all this alone can be hard to manage. Add in 30-50 miles (or more) of running on top of that and you realize there aren’t enough hours in the day! If you feel like you don’t have time for everything, see where you can give a little. Do you HAVE to go to EVERY obligation? See where you can multitask. I often run errands on my runs. Run to the library, get groceries after a run, push your kids in a stroller during the run, run instead of driving/taking the train on your commute. This won’t work for everyone and you may be the smelly person at the grocery store- but figure out how you can manage.

Illinois Race
4. Make running friends or better yet make your friends runners
Someone recently asked me if I was only friends with runners. I replied "No, but eventually most of my friends become runners." Why is this? Because people want to be part of whatever you’re really excited about! If people see you making positive, healthy choices in life, they want to be part of it. Even better, if you’re friends with runners you can multitask and get your social time in while you run! At the very least your running friends will  understand why you show up to brunch all sweaty.

Va Beach
5. Be healthy
Marathon weight gain isn’t just a myth. Try to eat healthy, figure out if supplements are right for you (I have lots of info on that so check this out or email me at if you want more).
6. Reward yourself
You didn’t just run 20 miles for nothing! This goes with motivation-make a deal with yourself. "If I can finish 19 miles today I can get that awesome hot pink tank top I’ve been eyeing all week." 
7. Don’t overdo it
Injury prevention is important but is difficult because what is too much for one person may not be enough for another. Listen to your body! If there is persistent or sharp pain take time off and possibly see a Doctor. Some people can run many miles every single day but many people cannot. Be sure to stretch after every run! Try to get a/several deep tissue massage(s) (If you are in the DC area I’ve got a great recommendation). Spend quality time with your foam roller. She (or he) will become your best friend-go ahead and name it we won’t judge. Try out an ice bath-its cold but it works!
8. Find the training plan that works for YOU
There are so many plans out there how do you choose the best one? Don’t just choose the one your friend chooses. Look at the length of your race and what your fitness level is as well as how injury prone you are. I’ve used a Jeff Galloway program for most of my races. Most of his plans include a run/walk program and only running 4-ish days a week with lower mileage. This is great for beginners. During my last race I used a Hal Higdon plan while still using the Jeff Galloway run/walk method. Unfortunately, I ran too many days and miles on top of strength training and injured myself -making for a very painful and disappointing race. 
This year the Goofy Challenge (a half marathon one day and a full the next) provided a scheduling challenge. I knew I needed to get enough miles in but was afraid of injury. On top of that I am doing a few half marathons earlier in season. My plan is to use Hal Higdon’s Intermediate 2 program (still with the Jeff Galloway run/walk method-I love it!) because it includes a long weekend run with a long-ish run the day before -just like the race will be. I’m treating all my shorter races as long training runs and just having fun! I’ll have to let you know how this works out!
9. Rest Day(s)
The most important thing about any training plan and the only way to run in moderation is to REST. Your body needs it and your mind needs it. Let those muscles recover!
10. Take time off
After my last full marathon, a very wise running friend told me to take 7 days off before running again. While I was itching to get back to my Nike’s (I wanted to run off that marathon weight gain) I listened and my legs recovered better. You may find after a race you never want to run another one-I certainly did (although obviously that didn’t last long). Take off as much time as you need for your body- and more importantly your mind – to recover. Figuring out splits and times and miles constantly adds a lot of pressure and can lead to burnout. So lighten up and take a break!
11. Schedule your race around your life
So what if everyone is doing the NYC marathon (BTW I am so jealous and want to do it too)?! That doesn’t mean you have to. Depending on where you live, running at certain times of the year may be really difficult. When I lived in Chicago I didn’t attempt to run outside in the freezing, ice, and snow covered winters and now that I’m in DC I LOVE winter running but the heat and humidity of the summers make running more than just a couple miles feel like a marathon in itself. Do you hate running hills or know that you won’t have the chance to train on them? Then don’t pick a hilly race. Do you hate running on the treadmill or maybe love it? Keep all this in mind when scheduling your race.
12. Have FUN
You’re not going to want to complete 12-18 weeks of training if its not at least somewhat enjoyable. So make it fun! Wear bright clothes and sing silly songs in your head (or out loud-no judgment here). Whatever is fun for you-Do It!
Thanks for reading along and let me know if you’re running Goofy! I’d love to see friendly faces there!!!!

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