Marathon Training Peace Corps Style

This week’s Marathons+Moderation guest post comes from the amazing Taylor, who trained for a marathon in more difficult conditions than I can even imagine! Not only did she train while volunteering with the Peace Corps, but she also did it while serving in Paraguay.  Be sure to click over to her blog to learn more about her experience in Paraguay!

The Peace Corps has three official goals:

1. Helping the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women.

2. Helping promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served.

3. Helping promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans.

Those three goals are the best way to describe my job as a Peace Corps volunteer, however most volunteers also come to service with a "4th Goal," a personal goal the volunteer hopes to achieve during their service. From reading over 100 books during their time served, to learning the guitar, these goals are diverse. In my case, I got it into my head I was going to train for and complete my first marathon while serving in Paraguay. While I’m happy to report that I achieved my 4th goal last August, I think like most marathon novices I had absolutely no idea what I had gotten myself into. Compound that with trying to navigate life in rural Paraguay and it was quite the journey.

Life in a developing country is exciting, but at times it’s also just weird. When in a new culture, things don’t always make sense, and that brings a degree of stress. Being active has always been my stress outlet, but when confronted with the reality that there was no local Yoga studio or climbing gym, I knew I had to turn to running as my activity of choice. Life is slower here in Paraguay, so I figured clocking the miles would fill my free time and keep me occupied, but like all marathoners time and motivation were major challenges.

While I was in my town I had enough free time to get in my miles, but part of life in Peace Corps Paraguay requires frequent travel for work, cultural events, medical, and friendly visits. As I started getting higher in mileage it became increasingly difficult to manage. That’s a large part of the reason I went with timed runs rather than mileage when creating my workouts. Instead of a set number of miles to complete, I would have a time goal. 1 hour run, 2 hour run, ect. Furthermore, without access to reliable maps making longer routes was near impossible. If I were visiting a friend, I would literally ask them to point me down a long dirt road and just run out and back. Maybe it’s not the most fun run, but it allowed me to keep up my training no matter where I was. (To be honest the long run into the country side and back provided beautiful views and allowed me to see more of the country than I otherwise would have.)


With long dirt roads, I became a complete slave to the weather. Heavy rains would make the roads impassible until they dried out. Sometimes at the first hint of rain I would drop everything and squeeze in a run just because I knew I wouldn’t have another chance for a few days.

While in the winter it’s the rain I had to battle in the summer it was the oppressive heat. I swear the sun is closer to the earth down here. For long summer runs 4:30 am wake ups were required to get a good run in before it was too hot to do anything. While it would be cool enough during this time of morning, the street dogs didn’t take kindly to a person running through their territory during the pre-dawn hours. On more than one occasion I had to fend off packs of dogs before finally learning which streets were safe. Then there was explaining to my local friends and neighbors exactly why I running in the first place. People would ask if I were training for the Olympics. They just couldn’t understand that I was doing this for fun. Even after everyone knows that I ran a marathon, they still are in awe that I’ll run for 30 minutes without stopping.

I really didn’t think motivation would be so hard. I figured I’d be working out anyways, but marathon training is a different beast. Not only was getting the motivation to run every day grueling, but just the total stress of living in foreign country was starting to get the best of me. I was tired of strange looks and cat calls from locals as I ran. I had started throwing rocks at dogs, which while necessary at times, never makes you feel good, and knowing that a long run would perhaps be the only thing I would do that day, made lacing up even less appealing.


To combat my lethargy, I made a inspiration poster out of butcher paper on which I would write PRs, and inspirational sayings to try to keep going. It became a great place to remind myself of how far I had come. I must say however, the best motivator was family and friends both here and back home. Locals started to recognize me, and started cheering me when I would pass rather than leer. People from the US sent me quality socks and new running shorts, a book about marathon training, and energy chews. And every time I was on the phone with a friend at home or in Paraguay, they all wanted to hear how the training was going. It made me feel like I had to get my runs in our I would have nothing to tell them.


When the race finally came, I knew I had already achieved my 4th goal no matter the outcome. I didn’t run the whole way, having to start walking at kilometer 35. But even then my great network of volunteer friends were the support I needed to finish. They found me handed me a cup of terrere, Paraguay’s typical cold herbal tea, and walked the final stretch with me, delivering a cold beer at the finish line.


I was the last person to cross the finish that day, but after all the work I sure as hell felt like a winner.

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Strong Arm and Back Workout

This morning I was excited to get back to my lifting routine. After seven hours of sleep and a refreshing, healthy Coconut Peach smoothie for dinner I was energized and rested.

Unfortunately, my trainer missed my email and therefore wasn’t at the gym bright and early this morning. While my warm, cozy bed was screaming for me to come home I decided to put my muscles to good use on my own this morning. This 30 minute workout left my arms quivering in the best of ways! Even though I did it at the gym this morning, you can do it at home or in a hotel gym as long as you have heavy weights.

Since I’m travelling to Paris and Geneva for business beginning on Friday night, I will most likely reference this workout next week in the hotel gym.

Strong Arms and Back Workout

I call it the 45 since you end up doing 45 reps of each exercise by the end of the workout! The final sweat is something I love to add to the end of any weight workout as it gets my heart pumping and the energy flowing!

Have a great Tuesday!

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Meghann and Derek’s Wedding: Part 2

As we left the bridal suite for the last time, holding Meghann’s hand, I was finally able to appreciate all the details that Meghann worked on for so many months.


The snowflake theme greeted me as I walked past the bench and reception area, towards the ceremony and altar. Meghann’s sweet Aunt Betty Anne, who served as her wedding coordinator extraordinaire during the process helped Meghann and her family organize and collect snowflake inspired pillows, lanterns, lights, and décor which provided small details at every glance.


As I approached Bo and the other guests, I was able to see the hand written, chalk board wedding program which I volunteered to write earlier this month. While I don’t believe I am crafty, I do tend to have neat hand writing which came in handy for this task.



(Photos via Anne)

The simple baby’s breath arrangements, lining the aisle provided a perfect yet simple pop of white. The mason jars, hanging from the shepard’s hooks had the same rafia detail as the bouquet in my hand.

As I took my place along the other bridesmaids, I saw just how well the khaki suits and navy ties coordinated with our navy dresses and rustic boots against the simple altar and wooded background.


The ceremony itself was the most original I’ve ever witnessed.


Short and very personal it included two readings, including Falling In Love Is Like Owning A Dog which made the audience laugh and nod in agreement. They also had the courage to write their own vows, promising to always respect each other and treat the other as an equal, among other things. My favorite part of the ceremony was when they sealed their vows with a pinky promise – such a sweet touch.


Don’t they look happy?

After the ceremony, it was time to head over to the covered reception area and enjoy a cold drink.

The guests and wedding party enjoyed drinks and appetizers while the bride and groom took a few pictures together. Anne and I were finally reunited after what feels like forever! Bo and I had a great time getting to know Matt, whom we met for the first time Saturday night!




We were luckily able to sneak in a few laughs with the bride and groom before they made their official entrance!




If you ever want to get a bride and groom’s attention during a wedding reception I highly recommend greeting them with a glass of wine or bottle of beer! Photo

The next hour included dinner, speeches by the Best Man and Matron of Honor, and the infamous Jack Daniels toast during which time the father of the bride toasts the new couple and then takes a swig from the fresh handle of Jack. This handle was Mr. Anderson’s largest yet it was gone in minutes! Everyone was volunteering to help finish the bottle!


This was definitely a first for me but such a great time and as Meghann and her family said, it’s their way of welcoming people into the family.



For the next 3 hours we danced and danced. Their DJ was beyond amazing, playing songs that made you never want to take a rest from the dance floor. Their dance floor was always packed and everyone had a blast busting a move. These pictures are a perfect summary of the dancing, A lot of fun, a little crazy, a little blury, and filled with ridiculous dance moves. 



A quick picture break between dancing with Anne, Meghann, and Mary!

The ladies in navy smiling with our happy bride! All the hard work and planning paid off! Photo

Bo and I are so thankful we were able to be part of the special evening and spend so much time with Meghann and Derek’s friends and family. After hearing about so many of their friends, especially their Tampa friends, it was wonderful to hang out with them!

Question: What is your favorite wedding dance song? Mine is hands down Sweet Home Alabama if I’m at a Southern wedding or Don’t Stop Believing!

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