Today I Ran from Switzerland to France

There are no words for the way I feel right now. It took 3 hours for Renaud and I to hike, run, and scale our way up 3,000 feet to the top of Saleve and back down the other side. Once I have all the pictures from Renaud, I’ll do a full post that will give justice to this incredible challenge.


When we got off the bus in a small Swiss town this morning near the foot of Saleve I was starting to doubt myself. A natural athlete, Renaud conquers this mountain almost daily in order to train for sky running and other endurance trail races. He also mistakenly told me that many of his friends don’t dare go with him to run Saleve in winter due to the ice and snow. Luckily, this was the magic motivation I needed as my competitive side decided I wanted to not only finish but push myself as much as possible physically and mentally.

Here are some pictures from the experience but many more and a post with descriptions of each section will come later!


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Today I Ran from Switzerland to France

There are no words for the way I feel right now. It took 3 hours for Renaud and I to hike, run, and scale our way up 3,000 feet to the top of Saleve and back down the other side. Once I have all the pictures from Renaud, I’ll do a full post that will give justice to this incredible challenge.

When we got off the bus in a small Swiss town this morning near the foot of Saleve I was starting to doubt myself. A natural athlete, Renaud conquers this mountain almost daily in order to train for sky running and other endurance trail races. He also mistakenly told me that many of his friends don’t dare go with him to run Saleve in winter due to the ice and snow. Luckily, this was the magic motivation I needed as my competitive side decided I wanted to not only finish but push myself as much as possible physically and mentally.

Here are some pictures from the experience but many more and a post with descriptions of each section will come later!


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Random Musings from Geneva

It’s currently 3:08pm in Geneva though my body believes it’s 9:08am as I am definitely still on EST time.  Below is the view of Lake Geneva and the town from the plane this morning. As you can tell, I left one soon to be winter wonderland for another snowy, winter wonderland!


While I still have about four more hours of work at our office in Geneva before my weekend can begin, I think it’s time for some updates and random thoughts. Because really, what else do you expect when my body feels like it’s been going for more than 24 hours?

  • My weekend plans: I mentioned in previous posts that I was going to enjoy the winter wonderland here this weekend by skiing with friends. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, our ski trip was cancelled.  For about 24 hours I was a ball of stress trying to figure out a backup plan as I was suddenly left in Geneva for the weekend with no plans. In addition, keep in mind that Geneva becomes a ghost town on the weekends as everyone heads for the mountains. Luckily, one of my colleagues who is based in Geneva offered to host me this weekend. I am so thankful for he and his girlfriend’s hospitality and am looking forward to a relaxed weekend with them.
  • Why I May Still Die in the Mountains? So, Renaud, a colleague and friend who is hosting me this weekend is quite the athlete. Tall and lean, he spends many a day completing triathlons, bike races, and trail runs in this region both in the summer and winter! His latest hobby is mountain running which combines trail running, snow, mountain terrain, and altitude to deliver quite the extreme workout. In exchange for him hosting me this weekend, I have agreed to go mountain running with him. He seems to think that I’ll be quite the natural. Instead, I continue to remind him that while I am a runner, I enjoy long runs at low to zero altitude. This will be quite the challenge but I’ll be damned if I give up! I can’t wait to conquer my fears! The picture below is Renaud on a recent run – WOW!


  • Hydrating: While caffeine has been appearing in my daily routine more than normal these days, esepcially in the form of delicious skim cappuccino  I’m also trying to make sure I get plenty of water, especially during travel. My favorite way to hydrate these days has been unflavored Seagram’s sparkling water.  I think I drank 10 of these on the plane last night before falling asleep 3 hours into the flight.


  • Rent the Runway: I absolutely loved reading everyone’s responses to my Rent the Runway post earlier this week! Based on reading 100’s of dress reviews on their site and your input, I decided to rent the Badgley Mischka Glitz Gown for the NYJL Winter Ball. I may try to make an appointment in their boutique for sometime the week of February 17th when I’m back in New York just to take the dress for a test drive in advance of the event. Now that I see you all love giving your input on things like this, I’ll have to take you up on it more often!


  • Nail Polish That Lasts: I shared last week that my manicure was done with Sally Hansen Haute Chocolate, a polish I found on sale at CVS. Well, this little gem lasted 7 days before I noticed one small chip. That is a record for me considering the hours I spend typing each day combined with kettle bells and lifting weights. If you’re willing to go outside your normal Essie or OPI repretoire, I can’t recommend this line of Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure polish enough!


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