Choose Friends

I have a smile on my face that is impossible to get rid of right now thanks to some wonderful friends!

Last night Emily, Sara and I dined outside at La Bodega where we split a bottle of Spanish wine and more food than any of us could stomach. It wasn’t the most memorable food but the temperature was perfect and we spent more time laughing than anything else.

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I am coaching Renaud’s girlfriend as she gets back in shape and starts running. We’ve spent two evenings together talking about health and fitness while running along Lake Geneva.  The two sessions have made me fall in love with running all over again. I love being able to help and support someone along their journey to a healthier lifestyle! I’m going to talk more about it in a separate post but for now, all you need to know is that I am so proud of her and she is doing wonderfully! I think the best part is her positive and realistic attitude about the whole process!

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This morning’s speed workout found Emily and I on the opposite side of the lake before the sun which meant we stopped for a sunrise stretch break after our last sprint! I relish these mornings as I know come November the cloudy, cold days will replace the brilliant sun filled mornings. 

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I head to London this weekend! My long run will be more fun than two weeks ago just by the mere fact that I finally get to meet Charlie! We’ve followed each other on Twitter for over a year so I can’t wait to spend 10 of my 16 miles chatting and seeing more London sights! She put together a route and everything for us. Now, I wonder if she can also tell London it really doesn’t have to rain for another long run. Unfortunately the 90% chance of rain beginning at 5am on Friday makes me think that I need to upgrade my water resistant running jacket to a waterproof one. Any suggestions?


I am leaving straight from work tomorrow for the airport which means I should already be packed and ready to go, right? Never mind the fact that most of my running clothes are in a dirty pile or that the house is a wreck. I guess sometimes happiness is more important than clean running clothes.

Last but not least, I finally answered my sushi craving! Tonight I had great intentions to make a huge salad, taking advantage of the leftovers in the refrigerator before leaving for London tomorrow. While I’m sure the salad would have been delicious, I couldn’t refuse a sushi invitation! During our run this evening, Sarah mentioned how much she loved sushi and that there was a great take out sushi spot near their flat. Little did I know that while I held Ugo she and Renaud were planning a sushi dinner.

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I haven’t had sushi since leaving New York so even the simplest of salmon rolls made me smile tonight! Some how, I found myself watching the Belgium versus France futbol game and eating sushi at 9pm instead of packing. Like I said gang, what is more important? Clean clothes and a packed bag or sushi and laughter with friends? Always choose friends, especially when living in a new city.

Your turn! What are your tips and motivational suggestions for someone starting down the path to a healthier lifestyle? In my post where I share more of my thoughts I want to include some of yours!

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  1. Lauren August 14, 2013 / 9:11 pm

    We LOVE sushi as well and we end up making a lot of sushi at home since we miss the quality and prices of sushi back in the US. Its really fun to make and we end up having sushi roll flavor competitions between us and friends 🙂 You’ll have to join one evening for the fun!

    • ashleyd August 15, 2013 / 6:00 am

      Lauren it’s so crazy to think that you all make sushi! You will have to tell me more as I’d think the ingredients would be just as expensive, if not more!

  2. Maureen August 14, 2013 / 9:31 pm

    I always tell people who are just starting out or coming back to embrace where they are now with their fitness, rather than worrying about where there were or want to be. Having things take a little longer because you’re starting from scratch is better than doing too much too soon and getting hurt or discouraged. Have a great weekend in London! Safe travels.

    • ashleyd August 15, 2013 / 6:01 am

      I love this outlook Maureen! It’s so easy to compare ourselves to others whether you’re just starting out or have been running for years!

  3. mimi diamond August 14, 2013 / 10:43 pm

    Friends are the best and going to London with a happy outlook is most important! Have a perfect weekend!

    • ashleyd August 15, 2013 / 5:56 am

      Thanks Mimi! 🙂 It’s been a good week! I know some weeks will be harder but I have to celebrate the good ones at this point!

  4. Jana August 15, 2013 / 1:03 am

    Hi Ashley! First time commenting but I’ve been reading your blog for years so it’s about time! I’m so inspired by the leap you took moving abroad and it got me thinking about all sorts of things I can do to push me outside of my own comfort zone. Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures 🙂

    I’d tell someone looking to start a healthy lifestyle that she first needs to find the right support group – whether that is friends, family or a workout group – she needs to surround herself with people who share similar goals. She should experiment with all different types of fitness and not settle until she find ones that she enjoys. I’d also emphasize that good foods fuel your body so nutrition and exercise truly go hand in hand. Start reading healthy lifestyle magazines and blogs to learn the basics or work with a nutritionist and/or personal trainer if funds permit. I could go on and on!

    • ashleyd August 15, 2013 / 5:59 am

      Thanks Jana for commenting! That is so true regarding support. I’m helping her understand that strict changes won’t stick and instead small gradual changes will be most effective in the long run.

  5. Ashley August 15, 2013 / 3:37 am

    Looks like you are settling right in, and have the absolutely perfect attitude about it all. Seems like you are quite the happy lady right now 🙂

    My word of advice: Keep pushing through, never give up, and celebrate every accomplishment, ESPECIALLY the small ones. The day I ran my first mile without walking is seriously one of my top 10 running moments ever…no matter how far I can run now!

    • ashleyd August 15, 2013 / 5:57 am

      I love this advice Ashley, especially celebrating every accomplishment!

  6. Leah August 15, 2013 / 4:10 pm

    YAY that you are running with Charlie this weekend! She is a great running buddy (she drags me around long runs along the river and keeps me going often!).

    If you are free on Sunday morning and fancy an easy 10k – a group of us running gals are meeting at 9am to run a trail in North London…followed by a well earned coffee date afterwards. As an expat who arrived in London only a year ago – the friends I have made through running have been amazing and become some of my closest friends here!!

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