35 Minute Sprint Boot Camp Workout

How is your week going?

This week flew by quickly this week thanks in part to David’s visit and some projects at work that are keeping me busy. Our evenings were relaxed while David was here, enjoying dinner out each night.


I treated David to his first fondue experience in Switzerland at Bains des Paquis and last night we enjoyed delicious chicken at Restaurant Chez Ma Cousine. I was so excited to hear that his Lonely Planet guidebook even suggested Chez Ma Cuisine due to their tender and delicious chicken which is also one of the best dinner deals in Geneva!

fonduechez ma

I didn’t walk through the gym doors this evening until 7pm. I was tired and not in the best mood. My plan called for a 4-5 mile easy run but as soon as I realized my iPad was dead I knew there was no way I could make myself run on the treadmill. Instead of forcing myself to do something I didn’t want to do I hopped off and decided to do a boot camp workout instead. I love creating boot camp workouts as it takes my mind off the workout itself and only doing any single workout for a short duration helps keep the workout fun and ensure I push myself as hard as possible. The treadmill speed intervals did a great job keeping my heart rate up and challenging me while I mixed up the strength to ensure I was focusing on my total body versus just one specific area.

Gym Boot Camp Workout

What is your single most favorite strength or core training exercise? Mine is definitely side planks!

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The Cutest Instagram Account

This post is going to be a random one so sit back, relax and enjoy!


First of all, if you are on Instagram I highly recommend following Daily Puppy. Your days will be filled with so much joy as it is not possible to be sad when you look at pictures like this.


So now that your life is filled with warm fuzzies and fluffy puppies, feel free to try what may be my new favorite treadmill workout which Gia prescribed for today’s workout. The speed distance was long enough to make me work but short enough that I felt I could really push myself. I hope it becomes a regular workout on my training plan because I would love to strive for faster repeats each week.

1 K Repeats

10 minute warm-up

1000m at 10k pace, repeat 5 times with a 3 minute jog recovery in between each interval

10 minute cool down


7 months

This week I’m hosting an old friend from Savannah who has never been to Europe. Spending an hour over cheese fondue listening to his adventures made me so happy. I am so glad that he made the decision to backpack across Europe, just going where his heart desires. He provided me with some city inspiration for our upcoming trips to Vienna, Prague and Munich while I loved giving him some suggestions for the rest of his trip. Tonight also made me realize just how much Geneve has become home. It was so nice to know exactly where I wanted to take him tonight for a local, Swiss dinner experience while also being able to order dinner in French and confidently navigate our way home.


Birthdays Make Me Homesick

On the other hand, today was one of those days when I really wish I was home in New York. Some days I miss my family and friends in Georgia and other days I miss my second family, our amazing group of friends in New York City. I’ve found that during the 7 months I am homesick most often on someone’s birthday. In proper fashion, I missed my girl Theodora today in a huge way. Still to this day, more than 4 years later, she remains Theodora Blogger in my phone. The past three years, Theodora and I have celebrated our birthdays together. Some years there have been epic trips or parties while other years it was as simple as a morning workout together followed by dinner. When I texted her this morning, wishing her a happy birthday, there was no doubt in my mind what she was doing. I knew she was at Uplift enjoying a morning sweat fest and getting endorphin drunk before work. While I am so thankful for this incredible opportunity we have to live in Europe, there are days like today that just make me plain old fashion home sick. So, since I can’t be there in person, here’s a HUGE happy 31st birthday to my girl Theodora. Spending the day away from you just doesn’t seem right.

Over the years we’ve had some pretty incredible memories together whether perfecting our jumping skills, drinking champagne, posing with Dunkin Donuts like fools during Reach the Beach, sharing a chocolate filled romantic helicopter ride together, making snow angels in Vermont, or sporting our best tacky holiday attire I know I’m blessed to have this girl on my even though now our conversations contain more emoticons than spoken words. imageimageimageimageimage

I highly recommend taking time today to go through Facebook and look at some old pictures. I spent 30 minutes tonight laughing at the memories I found.

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Silverstone Half Marathon Training Week 5 & 6

These past two weeks were as different as two training weeks can get. Last week was absolutely perfect. I completed every single workout Gia prescribed on my training plan and I felt great! Sunday night as I finished my shakeout run I couldn’t help but smile. Everything felt wonderful and my energy levels were through the roof as I signed up for another Spring half marathon – the Hampton Court Half Marathon. Running through the magnificent grounds surrounding the Hampton Court Palace before spending the afternoon touring the grounds with Bo and my family sounds like heaven!

But, let’s talk about this week. This week was the complete opposite. Unfortunately Bo and I suffered through the worst case of food poisoning this week. I was so sick on Monday that I had to cancel my flight back to Geneva and spend the entire day in bed. While in Italy for business I couldn’t enjoy any of the evening events or even the delicious Italian food as my stomach couldn’t handle any food richer than plain pasta, crackers, or Ginger Ale. My unpredictable stomach along with constant headaches meant that I couldn’t handle running Monday through Friday. Yesterday’s run, although brief, felt incredible after so much rest.

Who knows what a week off from running means for my upcoming half marathons but all I can do is give this upcoming week of training 110%! Luckily, Charlie has agreed to run the Hampton Court Half with me which means we’ll have a complete blast!

Silverstone Half Marathon Training Week 5 & 6

Monday: 4.5 mile speed workout on the treadmill

Tuesday: rest day

Wednesday: 2.6 mile run followed by arms & abs

Thursday: 40 minute trail run with Renaud in Geneva along the Rhone River

Friday: 2.3 mile run commute followed by 75 minute Yang and Yin yoga class at Good Vibes Fitzrovia

Saturday: An 8 mile run through London with Bo, Emily and lots of lovely ladies under rare London sunshine.

Sunday: A three mile shakeout run through Regents Park at dusk was the perfect way to end the week.

Wednesday: After two days without any workouts I was craving some time in the hotel gym by the time our meetings were done at 5pm. My stomach wasn’t feeling up to running so instead I did 45 minute of incline walking followed by this five minute plank workout.

Thursday: The hotel gym didn’t open in time for a workout before meetings so I kept things simple yet effect with a 15 minute hotel room workout repeated twice.

Saturday: Four mile run through Regents Park and Primrose Hill followed by a 2.5 mile walk through the neighborhoods.

Sunday: We kicked off our Sunday with a 2.5 mile run commute to Boom Cycle followed by a 45 minute spin class with Charlie led by Denis Bail. I am going to do a further review of Boom Cycle along with some other London spin options but suffice it to say there were 3 people in the class wearing Soul Cycle gear. Based on this observation, the friendly staff and the lit candle at the front of class, this must be a close substitute for many London residents with ties to Soul and the states.

How do you bounce back after a week of illness?

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