Why You Should Try Oil Pulling

Let’s get real. I work for Procter & Gamble, one of the world’s largest consumer goods companies, which also happens to make a little brand called Crest. I love Crest and have been a loyal user since college when P&G hired me. But, as much as I love the results of our White Strips, my sensitive teeth can’t handle using them often. Therefore, a few weeks ago when I saw a Well + Good NYC article on Twitter claiming whiter teeth using an all natural method I clicked right through.

But, after reading the first line, I was immediately a skeptic.

You are trying to tell me that putting a tablespoon of either coconut, sesame or olive oil in my mouth and swishing it around for 20 minutes will result in whiter teeth and rid my body and mouth of toxins?

Year right. For three weeks I laughed about the topic with friends both in Geneva and New York City. My Geneva friends had no idea what this trend was and thought I was insane. My NYC friends had all heard of it but similar to me thought it was too good to be true or would result in gag reflexes.

After an indulgent ski weekend filled with wine and cheese induced night sweats, I woke up Monday morning ready to start the week fresh. I sipped warm lemon water after an invigorating run all before the early hour of 7am. As I left the kitchen I noticed the olive oil bottle, sitting out from the previous night’s dinner.

Oh what the hell. I have a whole bottle of olive oil sitting right here. Why not give this health fad a try? I do have a health blog after all.

Three days later I’m beyond hooked! So now that you’ve heard my long winded story about how I put the first tablespoon of olive oil in my mouth, let’s get down to business. Why should you try oil pulling? What is oil pulling? Will I gag?

What is oil pulling

What is oil pulling? Oil pulling should really be called oil swishing as it is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy that involves swishing oil in the mouth, similar to the way one would swish mouthwash. Many claim that the act of swishing a tablespoon of oil for up to 20 minutes extracts or pulls out toxins by absorbing products of food and bacteria in the oral cavities, especially in hard to reach areas such as between teeth crevices.

What type of oil should I use? Traditionally coconut oil is the most popular, due in part to it’s flavor, but sesame and olive oil can also be used.

What are the benefits? Every article I read sites different benefits but the most consistent benefits cited are decrease in gum inflammation, whiter teeth, reduce tartar, fresher breath, clearer skin, stronger teeth, decrease in headaches, reduces insomnia, and supports your bodies detoxification.

Do I really have to swish for 20 minutes? In order to see the most benefits, many articles claim that 10 to 20 minutes is the optimal amount of time, ensuring not to swish longer than this. If 10 minutes intimidates you, try swishing during your morning routine so your mind is on showering, blow drying your hair, reading the news or making breakfast versus swishing oil.

When should I oil pull? In order to see the full benefits, it is recommended that you oil pull immediately upon waking up.

But won’t I have oil residue in my mouth? After spitting the oil into a trash can or bag you should rinse your mouth with warm water or salt water. Then, it is recommended that you practice your regular dental hygiene routine including brushing your teeth, flossing and using mouthwash. Never spit the oil into your sink as it can clog your drain!

How much do I use? 1 tablespoon

Will I gag? Who knows how you’ll react the first time but based on experience I recommend ensuring that you do not use too much oil and setting your timer so you make a game of seeing how long you can swish the oil. Make sure you do not swallow the oil! If you do have to spit it out after just a few minutes you can choose to start over. The first day I lasted less than 5 minutes. The next day I swished while blow drying my hair and lasted 8 minutes. Today I found that swishing while showering is the best option as I was able to swish for 10 minutes and barely noticed the swishing since I was focused on showering.

Oil Pulling Day 3

When will I start to see results? I started to see results from oil pulling immediately. My teeth and mouth felt more fresh than normal after the first day and by day three I’ve noticed a significant reduction in the amount of plaque between my teeth and I have been sleeping better these three nights than I have in months.

In case you’re still not convinced to grab the olive oil from your pantry, check out these other articles and blog posts about oil pulling.

Oil Pulling: New Yorkers Trade Listerine for This Ayurvedic Detox Method

Oil Pulling: Miracle Cure or Oily Mess? 

How to Oil Pull – Video by Holistic Habits

Oil Pulling 101Stripes & Sequins 

Want a New Hobby? Try Oil Pulling.

Your turn – Are you going to give it a try or have you already? Thoughts?

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Geneva Half Marathon Training -Week 4

The title of this post should really be skiing does not equal running. I had great intentions for last week but sometimes that doesn’t result in great training. At the same time, each run that I did do was a quality run and exactly as prescribed by Gia. In addition, I was very active last week when I wasn’t running which does make me feel a bit better. But, last time I checked my goal half marathon includes running not skiing.

imageThe only good news about all this cross training is that I woke up both yesterday and today craving a run. That is a wonderful feeling to have!

So, instead off being hard on myself for last week let me share my sins or lack of training with you and then move forward with this week which includes four runs that focus on pace, at least one yoga session and hopefully a spin class while I’m in London this weekend.

Monday: I had a case of the Mondays and overslept by almost an hour. That meant that I missed my planned yoga class and instead opted for an at home workout after work. I tried a workout I found on Interest (Ballet Abs) then did 20 minutes of Yoga for Runners.

Tuesday: 4.31 miles at a 9:16 pace It was pouring outside which forced me to do this run on the treadmill instead of along the lake. Lately I’ve found that watching one of my favorite TV shows on my iPad really helps the time fly by faster. This run was fueled by Scandal!

Wednesday: 4.7 miles at 9:05 average pace This workout kicked my butt in the best way possible. It left me out of breath and knowing I had literally left everything on the treadmill. I started with a one mile warm-up then did 5 800 meter repeats at a 7:54 pace, taking a 3 minute jog break between each repeat. I finished the workout with a 1 mile cool down

Thursday: 4 hours of skiing

Friday: 7 hours of skiing

Saturday: 7 hours of skiing

Sunday: After 3 days of skiing I knew that any attempt to run would be complete junk. I focused on foam rolling, stretching and some arm and ab work while catching up on our favorite TV shows all afternoon. 

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A Weekend in Zermatt

Over 9 months ago, four of our closest friends, who make up our “Supper Club” group decided to book a week trip to Switzerland. It started as a whim when we’d all enjoyed one too many glasses of wine during one of our infamous supper club cooking evenings on a Saturday night. Elizabeth pointed out that the only time off from her MBA program was Spring Break, which would be a perfect time to visit us in Europe. Within a few days the group agreed that it was a plan and marked the dates on our calendar.

When we finally got our act together and started planning trip details, one item rose to the top of the list – skiing. Where better to take our friends skiing for a weekend than Zermatt. Home of the Matterhorn and skiing 365 days a year, we were excited to experience a new city and the German side of Swiss culture.


Our 48 hours in Zermatt were perfect. The days were filled blue sky, sunshine and lots of time on the slopes while the evenings were filled with rich, delicious Swiss food and exhaustion induced sleep.

We stayed in a small studio just a 5 minute walk from the lift which Brad found on AirBnB. The studio housed the 6 of us perfectly and featured a larger than expected bathroom, a small kitchenette, wireless, a ski storage area and all the linens and kitchen tools we needed for our two night stay. In keeping with Swiss culture and stereotypes, it was also spotless! We would highly recommend this Zermatt AirBnB for anyone looking for simple and reasonably priced accommodations.

IMG_4860IMG_6852IMG_6854We spent three full days skiing the area which is the largest ski area we’ve ever experienced! There are over 225 miles of pistes (trails) in Zermatt that cross through Switzerland and Italy! The mountain was perfect for our group as more than 60% of the trails are red slopes which are the equivalent of blues and blacks in the United States. I was able to ski with the guys the entire trip keeping up on the red routes though going slower as I made my way down the long, steep runs slowly but surely – huge headway since December when I started skiing over here!


What intially struck us about Zermatt was the shear size of the mountain and area as we were on a gondola at one point for 30 minutes before we started skiing. However, at the same time, we were able to ski all the way down from the top of Matterhorn Glacier Paradise (12,740 feet)! In addition, the area felt very natural, untouched and filled with glaciers, huge mountains, and exposed boulders.

On our last day we stopped at a fun, unique area called Iglu-Dorf or the igloo village. Igloos fill the small area along with fur laden tables and chairs allowing skiers a place to stop and enjoy fun music, mulled wine and a break in between runs.


We enjoyed dinner and drinks at four different spots in Zermatt, each very different but so much fun!

Our first stop was Elsie Bar, a tiny bar across from the church in Zermatt and features everything from local beers to champagne and caviar. We enjoyed a glass of champagne and 6 oysters before heading to dinner.


Our first dinner spot in Zermatt was not recommended by one but three different friends. That is the sign of a great restaurant! Every bit of Restaurant Julen was perfect from their warm atmosphere and comfortable booths to the friendly staff and delicious Swiss German cuisine. Our entire table ordered a lamb dish as the restaurant is known for their lamb which they raise right outside town.


The next night we started with drinks at Papperla Pub while enjoying their live band and a lively apres ski crowd. Their aperol spritz was refreshing after a long day on the slopes and cooled us down after two straight hours of dancing to the cover band. The band even played our request of Sweet Home Alabama which almost caused us to lose our voices from singing, ahem shouting the lyrics.


Finally we ended our food tour of Zermatt with a fondue dinner at Restaurant Pinte in the Pollux Hotel.


Our eyes were bigger than our stomach as fondue, rosti and raclette were enough to leave us with cheese induced night sweats but man was it delicious. I think I need a long sleeve shirt that says “I ski for cheese” because that is the way we all felt by the end of the weekend.

What an incredible weekend but I am happy to spend the rest of today recovering on the couch with Bo!

If you could request one song from a cover band what would it be? Mine is always Dixie Land Delight or Sweet Home Alabama

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