Silent Saturday – Montreux


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Geneva Half Marathon Training–Week 5

Oh how I wish every week of training could be just like last week. My body felt strong, the workouts were challenging but enjoyable, work and my travel schedule didn’t get in the way of any workouts, and I was able to enjoy a few workouts with friends which makes things even more fun!

Here’s a round-up of what went down last week in the world of half marathon training.

Monday: Nothing helps me get out of bed on a Monday like meeting a friend for a few pre-dawn miles! I had 5 miles on the plan so I decided to knock out the first 3 miles solo, enjoying sunrise along the lake, before meeting my friend Lauren for the final 2 miles. I kept each mile under 9:45 which was my goal for the run while not finishing completely exhausted.


Tuesday: This 35 minute easy run was squeezed in during lunch. The treadmill minutes flew by thanks to How I Met Your Mother! If you’re stuck on the treadmill for a run, try switching things up with a no thought required tv show or movie. I love getting movie ideas from RunEmz who watches a different movie almost every day as she racks up double digit distances on her treadmill! 

Wednesday: Holy sore legs, this speed session left my legs screaming for two days! The workout included 2 miles of warm-up at a 10:00 minute pace followed by 12 x 30 second sprint intervals at a 4.0 incline followed by a 30 second recovery between each sprint. I finished the workout with a one mile cool down as I gasped for air, trying to catch my breath. 

Thursday: I finally took advantage of the yoga class which is offered three days a week at our office. The 60 minute yoga class was what I would consider in intermediate class with lots of balances and long poses. It felt great to stretch out my body and take advantage of this great office perk!

Friday: My only activity for the day was 20 minutes of foam rolling while catching up on The Good Wife! (Holy moly last week’s episode was a surprise!)IMG_7060[1]

Saturday: I really wanted to run with my favorite London running ladies but I knew that in preparation for the half I needed to tackle this run solo and follow the plan. Gia wanted me to do 9 miles ensuring that I avoided traffic lights and stops as much as possible. Since the pace goal wasn’t an aggressive run, a 10 minute mile or faster, so I focused on my mental strength during the run. I did two loops around Regents Park enjoying the gorgeous flowers and blossoming trees. The middle 3 miles were definitely tough but the rest of the miles felt perfect! My average pace for the run was a 9:53 – perfectly on plan!


Sunday: We always see the Barclay’s Bikes in London but so rarely take advantage of them. Due in part to the gorgeous Spring weather, we were inspired to rent bikes and explore some parts of London we haven’t seen before. The hour long bike ride was a hilly one and it definitely had my heart pumping and sweating by the end. It was the perfect way to squeeze in some activity together!

What’s up for this coming week? The name of the game this week is pushing my body and logging the miles! I’ve already enjoyed a few cross training sessions including yoga and swimming but the end of this week includes four straight days of running!

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Feels Like Home

I am beginning my 10 month in Geneva. While I have saved you all from the details, not every day has been rosy. The time change is difficult on relationships with friends and family who are in the United States. I miss having an incredible support group of friends both in the health and wellness world and in our personal life. I’ve tried to find some of this through the wonderful group of women in London who are part of Team Naturally Run but only being their once to twice a month has made establishing those relationships difficult. There are moments when I close my eyes and wish nothing more than to be back in the chaotic, easy life we knew in New York City. No, I don’t mean that living in NYC is easy but our life there had just hit this wonderful rhythm. Our groups of friends were merging into one cohesive group, we knew how to find everything in the grocery store, I’d fallen in love with a few group fitness instructors, I was surrounded my friends who pushed me beyond my comfort zone during workouts, my commute was a science, we loved every inch of our neighborhood, I had a wonderful relationship with my co-workers, and the tall buildings and crowded streets which had once overwhelmed and threatened me now felt like home.

When I open my eyes from this dream of living back in NYC,  I remember just how blessed we are. For nine amazing months we’ve discovered London and Geneva together while also traveling across Europe. Our relationship as a couple has strengthened as we’ve figured out what works for us as we deal with the distance four days per week. I have become dependent upon people and opened up in a way that was never necessary back home. While the word dependent can sometimes have a negative connotation, it has been a good thing for me. I tend to be too independent in both work and personal life, wanting to do everything my own way. I’ve come to respect the feedback, opinions, cultures and support that I’ve found in Geneva through my work environment and the group of friends who have become my rocks.

While I can’t transport my family, running buddy or dearest friend to Geneva, I am learning slowly but surely how to invest just a bit more time in making Geneva feel more like a home than a temporary location. Today, instead of running along the familiar banks of Lake Geneva, I spent my morning and evening filling one of the gaps in my life – finding positive energy through group fitness.

For 3 hours today I found support, inspiration and strength in two unique places – the swimming pool and the yoga studio.


I was nervous before both activities but for very different reasons. I have never swum competitively in my life and this morning’s swim team experience brought together a number of fears: being in a swimsuit in public, seeing co-workers in swimsuits, having a coach scream at me, having a coach prescribe impossible workouts, and gasping for breath in the pool.  My nerves around the yoga class came more from the studio and experience than the class itself. This studio is the only yoga studio I could find on Google which features classes in both French and English along with hours which suit my work schedule. I knew that after this class I would know whether the studio was a fit for me. What I didn’t expect was to fall in love with the teacher, studio, teaching method and space during a 2 hour class which had me attempting crow pose and dripping at just ten minutes into class.

I walked home tonight, through the quiet Geneva streets, feeling just a little bit more at home.

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