Friday Favorites – September 2015 Edition

Did this week creep along for anyone else? I’m so glad it’s Friday and also thankful that we made the decision to keep things local this weekend versus traveling. We are celebrating a friends birthday tonight with dinner and drinks but the rest of the weekend will be really relaxing – just what we both need. I made Bo promise that we won’t stress ourselves out trying to get a lot of things done around the house, instead focusing on a few easy things like hanging pictures.

As you count down the hours until the long weekend begins, refill your morning coffee and enjoy this week’s edition of Friday Favorites, including recipes, articles, posts and other things that caught my eye this week.

This week I discovered the Another Mother Runner podcasts thanks to this Zelle article. I love that the two hosts, Sarah & Dimity feel like friends and are not elite athletes, instead just women trying to stay sane and healthy through running. I’ve listened to three podcasts this week and enjoyed each one as I could relate to the topics and found myself smiling as they talked about their running experiences. You don’t have to be a mother to enjoy this podcast – I promise!

Another Mother Runner podcast

Bo and I are both loving some crunch on our smoothies and yogurt in the form of Purely Elizabeth Original Granola. The large, chunky clusters are gluten free, free of refined sugars, and are flavored with cinnamon and vanilla making it perfect for any base whether it’s plain Fage yogurt or a green smoothie.

After five years away, I returned to a barre studio this week. Both Charlie and Kristine influenced my return as I’ve followed their barre adventures via Instagram and their blogs. I walked into Bar Method Brooklyn with an open mind, merely looking for a good workout. I left feeling energized, a little bit taller and loving the challenge that I experienced during the 60 minute workout. While I love Fhitting Room and running, I feel that the core and glute work I can get in the barre class will be a great complement. For the next month I am going to add Bar Method to my training plan and see how I feel going into the Brooklyn Half Marathon. The biggest thing this experience did for me is remind me that trying new workouts can be a great way to highlight certain imbalances or weaker muscles!

Bar Method Brooklyn

I love a good documentary and after reading this article on sugar in Well and Good, I really want to watch That Sugar Film.  It seems that the guy gained 19 pounds in just a month after eating as much sugar as the average Australian eats, 160 grams.


My pals at New Balance sent me lots of gear in preparation for Reach the Beach which is just two weeks away! I’m head over heels in love with the New Balance Vazee. These super lightweight shoes provide support while still hugging my feet and feeling light as a feather.

Charlie is chasing an ambitious BQ goal in the Chicago Marathon and her hard work and determination is paying dividends. In today’s post she shares her top tips for running faster including “confidence and knowing it will be hard.” This is a great read for runners of all levels who want to improve their pace, slowly but surely.

As you guys know, I love Spotify and keep it playing most days in the background while I work, commute or run. This week my artist of choice is Rudimental. I’m especially enjoying their song Free, featuring Emeli Sande.

Healthy Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread

You know how I can tell that people are starting to think about tall boots, pumpkin and cozy sweaters? My Pinterest pins blew up this week around two of my highest pinned items: Low Fat Pumpkin Bread with Chocolate and Peanut Butter Chips and Pumpkin Spice Latte Smoothie.

Your turn: What are you loving this week?

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored and instead is a list of the things of my favorite things this week. As normal, it includes lots of beauty and fashion items which means there are a few affiliate links via ShopStyle. It takes time and money to maintain a blog so I thank you for the support and few cents that come from clicking through the links!

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It’s Okay

Often times, many of us fill our personal calendar with far too many commitments. Whether it is an early morning workout class when we know our body needs sleep or a happy hour when we know our body has had more than enough wine. We feel the need to say yes to everything unless we have other plans.

In fact, at least once a week during our daily chats, my mom will recommend that I slow down.

Don’t you think you and Bo need a weekend with no plans?

Don’t you need an evening just to relax?

Do you really need to go to that event?

I often roll my eyes telling my mom that I’m just wired differently and love being around and with people, nurturing relationships and trying new things. Since moving back to New York City, I’ve immersed myself in the blogging and fitness community, a void I felt when living abroad.

just say no

But sometimes, even the most energized people need to take a pause and listen to our minds and bodies. 

Yesterday I found myself stressed and worried about the number of commitments I had on my calendar. After snoozing through my alarm three times, clearly a sign that my body needed sleep, I had the following on my calendar:

Don’t get me wrong; I am thankful to live in NYC and have so many opportunities and have a wonderful and supportive fitness community. But, the thought of rushing from Brooklyn at 5:30pm to head to Central Park and deal with the lines, warm temperatures and craziness of a large event such as the Lole White Yoga Party just wasn’t appealing. The runner happy hour sounded fun and would be a great chance to catch up with a lot of running buddies, but it unfortunately was also starting around 5:30.  While throwing together a quick lunch yesterday, I found myself stressing out while texting with Kristine and Bo. As luck would have it, they both advised me to analyze my commitments.

Do what will make you happiest.

It’s all about attitude. If you won’t be excited at any of the events then don’t do it. It’s worse to be partially present than not present at all.

Since I wasn’t going to leave any one person alone at either event, I wasn’t stressed about bailing at the last minute. My friends going to the yoga event would have each other and the 10,000 other yogis while the runners at happy hour would have plenty of other people with whom to enjoy the cold beers and lovely evening.

I took a few minutes to send emails to a few different people explaining that I was investing in me and doing what I felt my mind and body needed: a workout and a quiet, healthy outdoor dinner with Zoe.

Bar Method


Even though the pictures from both events look wonderful, this morning I woke up smiling and feeling renewed. There was no sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) or regret.

say no stress free

It’s okay to say no sometimes. It’s okay to bail when you know it’s the best decision. It’s okay to take time just for yourself and do what you know will make your mind and body happy.

Your turn: Am I the only one who feels this way or do you fight with the need to say yes to everything? What are your tips? 

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This or That

Hey gang! I can’t believe that September 1st has already arrived. Where did Summer go? Due to our move the Summer flew by, coming to a close without a single beach weekend! Luckily I squeezed in a few lazy lake days in Geneva back in June.

lake genevaOh well, it’s a small price to pay for being back in the city we love, in a new apartment and surrounded by friend and family.

As soon as I saw this fun post on Tina’s blog this morning, I knew I wanted to share with you guys. Hope you enjoy it!

Chocolate or Vanilla?

The answer will ALWAYS be vanilla. I love chocolate but in small doses. For example, I love vanilla ice cream with chocolate chip cookie dough or cookies and creme but have never liked chocolate ice cream or any of those decadent chocolate flavors.


Innie or Outtie?


Hot, Hot Summer or Snowy Winter?

Even though I’m from the South, I love cold weather. Therefore, after missing the past two winters, my answer is snowy winter because I missed the snow when we lived in Geneva. However, I will go ahead and admit that I’ve never lived through a horrific winter so ask me again in May. Based on the Farmer’s Almanac prediction, we’ll have plenty of snow this winter.

Save or Spend?

Bo laughs at me because the things I choose to save on or stress out about are the small things i.e under $100 but then I have no issue making big purchases. Luckily, we balance each other out very well in this area.

Elliptical or Treadmill?

I definitely prefer running outside but I don’t mind the treadmill once in a while especially if I have a few good shows or a movie on the iPad.

Banana or Apple?

I love bananas but come Fall I absolutely love filling the house with different types of apples.

Morning or Night?

I have this weird ability to be an either person. I can stay up late when there is a reason and I can easily wake up ridiculously early.



Love or Money?

Love. Unfortunately you can have all the money in the world but you won’t be happy if you have no one with whom to share it.


Lip Balm or Lipstick?

I can never seem to keep track of either and therefore rarely apply lipstick or lip balm. My mom always says “Ashley you’d look good with just a little bit of color on your lips.” Oops.

Butt or Boobs?

Since I personally have neither, I guess I’d say boobs as I’ve always wished I had a bit more in that area but never in the butt region.

Alone or with others?

90% of the time the answer is with others but once I hit my threshold I want nothing more than to be alone on the couch with a glass of wine and a good book. In fact, that’s what I’m doing tonight.

Coffee or Tea?

Coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon.

Straight or Curly?

Since my hair doesn’t hold a curl for more than an hour or two, the answer is straight.


Three Squares or Graze All Day?

I’m a born grazer though I’ve improved what I graze on a great deal over the years. These days it’s fruit and nuts whereas it used to be empty snack foods.

Right-handed or left-handed?



Beach or Mountains?

I grew up a beach girl but over the past few years have come to love the mountains. My perfect combination is a lake in the mountains.

Mac or PC?


Shy or Outgoing?

I’m outgoing unless I’m totally out of my element; in that case I clam up immediately and second guess everything I say which leads to pure social awkwardness.

Your Turn: Choose one of these questions to answer in the comments! 

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