Cherry Blossom 10 Miler 2016 Race Recap


After having the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler on my race list for years, I was finally able to run it on Sunday with my friend and running buddy, Theodora!

This race is one of Washington’s most popular races with thousands entering the lottery each year. This year, thanks to Anne and the team at Cabot Cheese, I was able to run as part of their race team. Since they are one of the race’s sponsors they were able to provide Anne with 10 bibs for her friends, readers and fellow bloggers.  I had a wonderful time getting to meet these women and spend time with them on Saturday and Sunday.
Team Cabot

These ladies were so much fun! From left to right, Kathleen, Mary, Theodora, me, Sokphal, Rose, Turner, Mary, Anne, Sarah!

team cabot group pic


After enjoying a delicious dinner with the rest of Team Cabot at the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler Pre-Race dinner, I woke up at 6 AM Sunday morning excited to run. Room service came to the rescue with pre-race breakfast of coffee and a banana which I paired with a KIND bar from our Cabot friends.

breakfast 10 miler

Sunday’s race weather wasn’t exactly ideal with wind chills of 25 degrees and 40 mile per hour wind gusts forcing the race organizers to remove all course signage. They sent an email to all participants on Saturday evening, warning them of the changes.

high wind modifications


Based on this note and the weather forecast, I decided to wear every layer of running gear I brought with my to Washington, DC resulting in an unusual, unfashionable look that luckily kept me warm.  When we arrived at the start area around 7 AM, just 30 minutes before the race start, the area was still eerily quiet due to the cancellation of all pre-race activities. You could tell that people were either hiding in coffee shops, their cars or decided not to run.  After using the bathroom, Theodora and I headed over to the corrals where we proceeded to hug each other for warmth and laugh about the conditions. The prior day it was sunny and 70 degrees while suddenly on race morning it was frigid. Don’t mind my tired eyes or our very odd race attire. Theodora was lucky enough to have fleece lined attire since her amazing friend, Meg, brought all the athleisure gear for spectating. Me, on the other hand, I opted to wear purple Pro Compression socks paired with my Lululemon crops as well as my new Brooks running jacket, the Drift Shell.

cold 10 miler

Right around 7:30 the corrals started to move forward and we prepared to run. After my half marathon disaster two weeks ago, I went into this race with two goals: treat it like a long run and have fun. It’d been more than two years since Theodora and I ran a race together so I figured I’d tag along with her for as long as possible since her pace goals were pretty close to my half marathon goal pace.  I don’t have any pictures from the actual race as I decided to keep my phone tucked safely inside my Spibelt after cracking the screen during the NYC half marathon.

The first mile was packed with people who were jogging or walking, forcing us to weave a bit before we found our groove in the middle of the pack. Theodora, who used to live in DC, served as my tour guide during the race pointing out bridges, monuments and other important sites. Most of the cherry blossoms were long gone after Friday’s rain and Sunday’s wind, but the few that remained were gorgeous!  I let Theodora set the pace for the race, since she hasn’t been training or running long distances during the frigid, Winter months. In fact, Sunday’s race was her first double digit race since the marathon!  The pace felt great the entire race, and was comfortable enough that I could make conversation without feeling winded or tired. I even had the opportunity to high five a few friends and readers who shouted hello as we passed each other. I couldn’t believe what a beautiful day it was, sans the wind chills and lack of appropriate clothing. Miles three through six were the most enjoyable, as we were warm and relaxed during these sunshine miles, before we were met with the horrid wind gusts of Hains Point.  Our only focus during the Hains Point miles were to keep moving and not let the wind deter us. It was definitely blustery and I felt every mile of the 40 mph gusts during this waterfront section in Potomac Park.

The paces below are from my GPS watch and include any water or walking breaks we took during the race.

cucb race resultsMile 1: 9:33 Mile 2: 9:13 Mile 3: 9:15 Mile 4: 8:57 Mile 5: 9:13 Mile 6: 9:27 Mile 7: 9:19 Mile 8: 9:36 Mile 9: 9:20 Mile 10: 9:16

post race 10 miler

Overall, I loved this race and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a flat, fast, scenic course. Even with all the crazy weather, the race experience was wonderful and the volunteers and race organizers were responsive and supportive. They even had volunteers standing at the mile marker spots calling out the miles as you ran by them! If I lived in DC this would definitely be an annual race and I’m tempted to come back again next year, when the weather will hopefully be a little less breezy or I’ll just pack more clothes!

Thank you again to Anne and Cabot Cheese for making this race possible and to the spectators who cheered along the course, the volunteers who made it all possible and our friend Meg who cheered for us at the finish line!

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A Workout for All Abilities

Thanks to the YMCA of Greater New York for sponsoring this post.

When I was young, I spent a great deal of time at my grandparents house as my parents did their best to balance staring a family business and working full time. Most Summer mornings, my grandmother would don her favorite floral swimsuit and swim cap, force me into my swimsuit, lather me down in just a little too much sunscreen and drive us to the neighborhood pool. For the next hour I would dance on the pool’s ledge to the music as she and twenty of her friends took a water aerobics class. This class served as social hour for the women, providing them the chance to catch up on the local gossip, while also allowing them to get their heart rate up in a low impact environment.  Oh how I wish I had pictures from these morning workouts as the memories are wonderful.

Therefore, when the YMCA suggested that I try one of their aqua exercise classes, as part of my partnership, I was excited to follow in my grandmother’s footsteps and give her favorite workout a try. Even though it’d been more than nine months since I slide into my favorite TYR swimsuit and donned my aqua swim cap, I was excited to get in the pool last night after a long week.

mcburney ymca


I arrived at the McBurney YMCA, commonly known to locals as the Union Square YMCA, at 6pm allowing myself plenty of time to explore the space and change before the 6:30pm class.  The building was bustling and packed with teenagers joining the weekly basketball game or the swim practice.  There are multiple floors and spaces including studios for group fitness, basketball courts, a large weight room, massage rooms, steam room, sauna and of course a pool.  I headed to the locker room where I was able to change into my swimsuit and rinse off before class.


aqua exercise

As soon as I exited the locker room the instructor, Val, kindly introduced herself and gave me a quick overview of the class.  She teaches aqua bootcamp multiple times per week at the YMCA and each class is a little different depending on the crowd. Last night’s class had twelve women of all shapes and sizes. For the past ten years she has loved teaching aqua boot camp as it allows her to bring fitness to people of all abilities as the workout is low impact but the water and foam weights provide resistance.

aqua exercise 3

I eased myself into the water, introducing myself to the other students. There were a few first timers, a mother in her third trimester and then some groupies who follow Val throughout the city for her classes.  Positioned in the deep end of the pool, I was ready to give this class a try.

The aqua boot camp class is broken into segments, which Val led both from the pool ledge and then in the water with us.

  • Warm-up
    • This portion was a blissful mix of deep stretching and yoga moves. 
  • Cardio
    • In order to get your heart rate up it’s suggested that you do this portion in the deep end, if possible. We spent 20 minutes doing different calesthic moves like running in place, jumping jacks, butt kicks, tuck jumps, lateral jumps, and cross country skiing.  This portion was harder than I expected and within five minutes I could feel my heart rate increasing and by the end of the twenty minutes I was short of breath. Now I know why people can use deep-water pool running while training! 
  • Strength
    • We used foam weights for the strength portion of the class, doing typical moves like lateral raises, bicep curls and hammer curls. The resistance of the water combined with the weight made the moves harder than normal. In order to keep our heart rate up we’d include cardio bursts after each move such as sprinting in place. 
  • Cool Down

For me, the class served as a great way to shake out my muscles after a long week and a few tough workouts while also enjoying the water’s relaxing effects.  I would highly recommend this class for anyone who is new to fitness, needs to keep things low resistance due to injury or is looking for a change.

Have you tried water aerobics or pool running before? 

Live in NYC and want to see what your local branch offers? Check out the YMCA website.

Disclosure: This post is part of a sponsored partnership with the YMCA of Greater New York.

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Friday Favorites – April 1st, 2016

cherry blossomsphoto

I can’t believe it’s April 1st already. Where did March go? How have we been back in New York for nine months already? It’s crazy how fast life is moving. April is one of those months I have mixed feelings about. The weather in NYC is either amazing, sunny Spring weather filled with pollen, flowers and sunshine or it’s rain. In addition, I accidentally overbooked myself this month. As in I’m traveling EVERY single weekend this month and even though the destinations and reasons are fun, it still leaves me a bit stressed. Sometimes a girl just needs her downtime, am I right?

As promised, in regular Friday fashion, here is this week’s version of Friday Favorites. So, as you count down the hours until the weekend begins, let’s dive into this week’s edition of Friday Favorites, including recipes, articles, posts and other things that caught my eye this week.

There’s a good reason I didn’t ask you guys to click Turn on Post Notifications this week on Instagram. Get in the know on all the Instagram changes before you push that little alert button.

Oatmeal has long been a breakfast standby in our house but it isn’t something I’ve thought about eating for dinner until I saw this delicious, savory oat recipe.  As soon as I shared with Bo he immediately responded with “Why don’t we have that for dinner one night next week?” Done and done!

Inspired by Carly, I immediately added this top to my shopping basket.  The loose fit, navy pom-pom detail and thick material made me fall in love immediately! Now, is it too early for me to slip into these jeans and these wedges for my client meetings today?  (Don’t forget, 25% off Spring styles at J.Crew and an extra 30% off sale styles!)

As if I needed any further inspiration to fully embrace the athleisure craze, Infatuation shared a list of 19 restaurants where you can eat in your gym clothes, comfortably, without getting that judgmental side eye from your table neighbor.

As if Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, needed to something else to impress us, this week he showed off his wicked strength with a peacock pose. Really, what will this guy do next?

Say what you want about self help books but over the past few weeks, Bo and I have read The Five Love Languages together. While part of it seems a bit like those Chicken Soup for the Soul books, that seemed to multiply on the bookstore shelves faster than bunnies back in the 90s, it’s been a very helpful read so far. Without getting into too much detail, we have different ways of showing love and it has been helpful to understand these differences. The book has multiple versions so you can even apply the material in a work or friendship situation.

beyonce-ivy-park-01 Source

Queen B has proven that she knows how to inspire women in American and that anything she touches, surely turns to gold. Therefore, I predict that her new active wear line, Ivy Park, will sell out on April 14th.  My wallet appreciates the fact that the line will be priced from $30-$200.

Available today, this year’s limited edition Brooks Nantucket Adrenaline GTS 16 is inspired by Nantucket. Featuring whales, vibrant plaid and anchors they are so adorable and I’ve already received compliments on them after just two wears! If you’re in Boston for the marathon you can snag a pair at the expo or online!

boston2016 shoe

A good reminder, In case you forgot, you can’t exercise yourself to weight loss. It’s about balance and your time at the gym can’t balance out what you put in your mouth the other 23 hours of the day.

Looking for some running inspiration in your Instagram feed? This round-up includes, Michelle, one of my favorite runners as well as other recreational and pro runners who will leave you wanting to lace up your shoes.

Your turn: What are you loving this week?

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored and instead is a list of the things of my favorite things this week. As normal, it includes lots of beauty and fashion items which means there are a few affiliate links via ShopStyle. It takes time and money to maintain a blog so I thank you for the support and few cents that come from clicking through the links!

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