Rocking the Solo Long Run

While running with Theodora is always fun, sometimes it’s great to get out and enjoy the fresh air alone. It allows for day dreaming, random running paths that are chosen at a moment’s desire, and singing along to a great playlist.

Even though I enjoyed my normal pre-run breakfast at 9am, I didn’t make it out the door until past 10!

IMG_0831 (800x598) (640x478) The next hour was spent cleaning, debating what to wear, and organizing the house.

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Since the weather was sunny but still a tad cool (41 degrees) when I started I opted for the following outfit:

  • Champion Sports Bra
  • ING Marathon Aasics long sleeve technical t-shirt
  • ING Marathon windbreaker
  • Lululemon crop pants
  • Lululemon headband

It was the perfect outfit until around mile 8 when the sunshine was out and the temperature had reached almost 50 degrees!

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I left the house with one goal in mind: stay as close as possible to my half marathon goal pace for the entire run.

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It was absolutely gorgeous out as you can tell from some of today’s pictures! I was definitely all smiles for the first five miles of the run!

IMG_0840 (800x598) (640x478)Seeing the view above reminded me of the last mile of the marathon!          IMG_0847 (800x598) (640x478)

By the time I reached the resevoir my legs were screaming at me. IMG_0849 (640x480) (640x480)

I didn’t realize my upper hamstring/glutes were so tight.  I suppose that is what a return to spinning will do! I took a 5 minute break for fuel, water, and a few downward dogs.

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I left the park around mile 8.5, ready for a quick run DOWN Murray Hill and midtown. But, before I could escape the park area I had to capture a few more pictures of the crazy things one sees when visiting the park.   IMG_0860 (598x800) (478x640) IMG_0859 (800x598) (640x478)

The daffodils have broken ground which means Spring has arrived! Between my allergies, the number of people in the park today, the green grass, and birds it is clear that Spring has arrived in New York City!

Since my last mile was my fastest of the day, the run home felt like nothing! But, I did spend the last few minutes dreaming of a massage, a much needed yoga class, and cleaning my Camel Bak. Oh yes, you read that right, I haven’t cleaned my Camel Bak with anything stronger than water since I bought it back in July.

10.18 miles done in 1:43! If I can keep this pace in the half, I’ll be able to reach my goal!

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But, after stretching, that was the first thing on my to-do list! I bought this cleaning kit from Amazon and was very pleased with it! The dark gunk quickly dissolved and my CamelBak is now fresh and clean!

After the cleaning session, my stomach was growling. I finally enjoyed one of Caitlin’s amazing grilled banana sandwiches!

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After a quick shower I’m heading to the grocery store to buy the ingredients for tomorrow’s brunch! I have a lot to do this afternoon so I better get moving in fast gear!

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A Hot Date with Weights

I had a hot date this morning with some new friends!IMG_0801

After a 3 mile run that went by faster than normal, I decided to back out of Whipped with Sara in favor of some time in the weight corner. I’m still not feeling 100% so a tough class didn’t sound appealing. However, I was proud of myself for spending time in the weight section instead of cutting my workout short.

Like many people, I find the weight section to be intimidating when I am not prepared with a plan of attack. There are many different types of weights, both free weights and machines, which can be confusing and dangerous if not used properly.

Since committing to cross training, weights has been part of the reason I’ve become faster. Most of my weight work has been through classes such as 30/60/90 or Corey Hill’s classes. However, this workout, which Sara shared with me, is also a perfect way to fit in weight training, especially when there isn’t a class on the gym schedule. Don’t worry, no will is looking at you while you’re lifting weights. There is no reason to be intimidated, scared, or shy of the weight section even though most females avoid it like the plague. Why should boys have all the fun anyway?

Print this post out with you so you can carry it to the gym. Also, I’ve linked each one to a website which shows how to do the exercise.

Strong, Shapely Arm Workout

Set 1:
Ez bar curl
Cabel Reverse grip single arm tricep
Hammer grip dumbell curl
Set 2:
Close grip barbell benchpress
Rope cable curls
Complete 12 reps of each exercise and complete the sets 3 times.IMG_0802

In addition to the arm work today, I spent a few minutes focusing on building my leg strength. I followed this simple workout, which I found online.

Quick Leg Workout for Weight Room Beginners

Walking lunges with 5 lb weight in each hand

Leg extensions

Incline leg press

Complete 12 reps of each, 3 times total.

This entire workout took me a total of 35 minutes, including stretching and foam rolling at the end. My muscles felt fatigued and I felt stronger overall, knowing I was focusing on an area that still needs a great deal of work and will help my running immensely.

If you’re looking for more weight room advice or running oriented weight workouts, check out these great links!

Question: What is your favorite single strength training move?

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Long Run Friday: Training Aches & Pains

In honor of today’s long run with Theodora, I wanted to share with you some wonderful information I’ve been using to keep my training aches and pains at bay. Anytime I increase my weekly running mileage or intensity, I end up with tight hip flexors which affect my daily activities and my running form.

74138_1376955158715_1676948544_716614_4133841_nDuring marathon training I pushed through this pain, thinking that it was just something that came along with the territory. Of course, like any good runner I did hip flexor stretches once or twice a week after a run, used a stick or foam roller, and I tried to practice yoga every now and then. But, I never did anything to strengthen my hip flexors.

IMG_426663163_1406932988142_1676948544_763327_2938847_n Luckily, Fred Devito, half of the power team over at Exhale Core Fusion, sent me a few tips to help my hips and aching body during my new training period. exhale - mindbodyspa

Thanks for reaching out and asking for my opinion on your current situation regarding past training and current injuries.

I would have to say that by you training for the marathon without any other type of cross conditioning and not suffer some sort of set back is common, I have heard that scenario as well.

But the body doesn’t forget and what you are feeling  today with shin splints  and hip flexor inflammation is not necessarily caused by the training that you are currently doing, but rather an accumulative effect of muscle/ joint over use. But it may be the training that you are doing.

I ran distance in college and my hips and knees were fine, until about 5 years later, I couldn’t run any more.  The accumulative wear and tear from earlier running weakened the interior walls of my hip socket.  After that, even what I would consider normal activity created pain.  After an MRI, I learned that  I suffered a minor tear in my labrum and arthritis in the joint from bone touching bone.  The cartilage in my hip wore out in a genetically weak area of the joint and it didn’t manifest itself as pain until years later.

Joints have a built in obsolescence.  They wear out over time.   Every place I go, I hear people having hip or knee replacement surgeries.  That’s why when you chose exercise routines focus needs to be on positioning and alignment before movement to tax the muscles hard (they breakdown but they also rebuild). Cartilage, ligaments and tendons i.e. connective tissue does not have rejuvenation properties like muscle tissue so joints tend to just wear out or over stretch and ligaments and tendons over stretched  and need arthroscopic surgery to clip and stable them back to a functional shape.

Because of this fact, routines for functional fitness, meaning fitness that helps you with living a better lifestyle, need to be intelligent.  I know that you  are young enough to probably be my daughter, but age doesn’t matter!  If you abuse your joints with over use exercises it is only a matter of time before it comes back to haunt you.  Also another important point is to keep your activities balanced.  If you spin or run then you should be doing hip flexor stretches daily to balance out the tightness from so much hip flexion and over development of those muscle groups that are predominantly used (example, speed skater’s thighs).

If you enjoy exercise classes that focus on movement, choreography, quick changes and hardly any stretching, this is also a formula for injuries and we see it first hand when we get students from other studios come to core fusion or yoga at exhale.

We not only teach exercise we teach lifestyle and we educate our students on how to exercise safely to see results and avoid injuries.  Injuries can and will change your life, they should be avoided at all costs by making intelligent exercise choices based on balanced work of flexibility and strength.

The muscular system, like all other systems in the body, needs to be balanced. The problem is that most of the other systems of the body: circulatory, nervous, digestive, glandular are self regulating.  To balance the muscular system intelligent choices need to be made so this then comes a problem if people don’t stop and think about what activities they are choosing to do and future implications.

Fred’s great advice makes me appreciate all the cross training, yoga, and stretching I’ve added to my training plan this time around. However, it does make me realize that I need to be careful of building too many classes like 30/60/90 to my routine which also put a great stress on my joints.

Question: What are your thoughts in response to Fred’s suggestions?

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