Top 10 Marathon Tips – Training

Many runners are in the midst of applying to Fall marathon lotteries, hoping that they will receive the golden ticket to run one of the larger races such as Marine Corps, New York or Chicago. Others are pushing the button to register for smaller, more manageable and easier to enter Fall marathons. Regardless of which marathon you have set your sights on or, if you’re still trying to make the decision, this post will help you know what to think about when training for your first marathon.

I have completed over 50 races in the past few years including four marathons (New York 2010, New York 2011, Philadelphia 2012, Hartford 2013) and will soon begin training for the Berlin Marathon. I find that each training cycle I learn something new about my body, running or the training itself.


Today’s post is dedicated to the training portion of running a marathon. Coming soon I will share tips for deciding whether you need a coach, marathon gear, preparation for the marathon, and the race day itself.

top 10 marathon training tips As always, feel free to email me or leave questions in the comment section!

1. Strength training and foam rolling are almost as important as running itself. Strength training is a key component of distance running in order to ensure good running form, avoid injury, achieve higher speeds and mileage, and correcting imbalances. Foam rolling is basically like giving yourself a deep tissue massage on a nightly basis in the comfort of your own home.

2. Glide or petroleum jelly is your best friend. You eventually will chafe and this exposed skin will cause showers and running to make you wince in pain. Glide up so you don’t chafe up. I tend to use Glide anywhere clothing will rub such as feet, thighs, bra line, and underarms. Guys – don’t forget to use Glide around your nipples as there is nothing worse than finishing a run looking like you’ve been stabbed in each nipple. Bloody nipples are not sexy.

3. Do not let marathon training ruin your social or personal life. It won’t be enjoyable if you’re resenting it or regretting your decision. Who says long runs have to be on Saturday or Sunday if you enjoy spending late nights out with friends? Be agile with your training plan while also ensuring to respect it.

4. Before you start training, invest in good running shoes. The choice of style and brand is personal, based on your gait and needs but spending time at a full service running store where they can analyze your gait and recommend a specific model can help prevent injury in the long run. That being said, make sure you replace your model at least a month before the marathon so you’re not wearing new shoes, even the same model, on race day.

5. You don’t have to spend money or time searching for Gu, Shotblocks or other forms of popular running fuel. While these work very well for many people you can also opt to use actual food whether that be dates filled with peanut butter, baby food packets of applesauce or other fruit or granola bars. Whatever you choose, make sure that you use your long runs to experiment with different options so you know what works best.

6. Marathon weight gain is real. However, protein and water are your best friends for fighting off marathon weight gain from eating all the food due to “runger.”  Make sure to increase the protein in your diet as your mileage increases especially on the day of a long run and following. I have found that the easiest way to increase protein in a healthy way is by adding protein powder or high protein Greek yogurt to my breakfast routine, adding an extra portion of lean protein to lunch salads and building nuts into my afternoon snacks. Keep in mind that the high level of exercise and mileage can leave you dehydrated. Water consumption is more important than ever before especially as thirst can sometimes be confused as hunger.

7. Respect the training plan. There is a reason that many beginner training plans are 16-18 weeks in length. Gradually building mileage will help prevent injury.

8. You can’t just focus on the long runs. I’ve known far too many people to get injured due to skipping their shorter runs and then pushing through the weekend runs.

9. Sleep is important to help your body and muscles repair and keep illness away. While I know we can’t all enjoy eight or more hours of sleep per night even 15 minutes extra each night can add up during the course of a week. Make sure to make the most of your sleep hours by nurturing your legs with compression sleeves or socks as this can help with leg recovery, especially once you’re hitting peak mileage weeks.

10. Respect the rest days. My first two marathons I thought that rest day meant non-running days and instead of resting I spent time on the yoga mat or spin bike. This led to tired legs, exhaustion and overall burnout. Now I look forward and crave the rest day as a well earned reward for giving the week’s training 110%. 

Are you training for your first marathon or trying to decide? Feel free to leave any questions in the comments!

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NYCM Tips & Tricks: Marathon Week

I wrote and published this post on October 29th last year in the midst of Hurricane Sandy and NYCM uncertainty. As I am traveling for work this week, I thought I’d share this post again with everyone as it has some helpful tips. Please feel free to email or leave a comment with any questions you may have and GOOD LUCK to all those amazing readers who are running on Sunday! Remember not to go too fast in the first half which is definitely flatter than the second half! 

Last year, during the New York Flyers 3 Bridges Run, I spent over an hour of the run answering questions about the New York City Marathon. While I am not the fastest runner, I have experienced the amazing and wonderful chaos that is the New York City marathon two times and have cheered two years!

After the conversation, Meghan suggested that I actually dedicate a blog post to sharing some of the things I’ve learned over the past two years which I am going to remember come November 4th in order to hopefully PR and enjoy the day more than ever before.

To get things started, let me introduce you to my New York City Marathon Pinterest page, where I have over 20 different New York City Marathon recaps pinned for your reading pleasure.


In order to conquer the questions in a somewhat sensible order, I’m going to approach marathon week in chronological order, therefore organizing my tips from a week out to November 3rd, marathon day! I hope this helps and feel free to email, tweet, or Facebook message me with further questions!

Marathon Week

  • Have two race outfit options ready to go so you’re ready regardless of temperature. Based on the past few years, the temperature shouldn’t be lower than mid 40’s to mid 60’s. Remember that there is a big difference in the temperature at 10:55 versus 7:55. The New York marathon starts later than most and for this reason many people end up at the start with more clothing than they really need. If it’s in the 40’s you may want a long sleeve option or crop pants but if it’s in the 60’s you’ll want less layers. If you don’t want to put your name on both shirts, remember that you can use a piece of fabric on which to write your name and then pin it to either shirt option.
  • Head over to CVS, Walgreens, Duane Reade, or your local Salvation Army to find throw away clothes for the start on Staten Island. Depending on your plans, you could be hanging around the island for as long as 4 hours and it can get chilly just due to the fact that you’ll be sitting still. $5 fleece robes are a great option from your local drugstore as they are long enough to provide full coverage and are soft as well. Grabbing an extra magazine or two can be a good idea as well since you won’t want to drain your iPhone or iPod for entertainment. Also, in light of this week’s weather, grabbing a trash bag or two to keep you dry from the mud may be a good idea. In addition, don’t forget to pick up some food and water for race day. Normally I carry a bottle of water, banana, 1/2 bagel, and peanut butter to eat an hour before the race.


  • Go to the expo as early as possible. I’ve actually never gone to the expo on Thursday and each year have grown to regret my decision more and more. Saturday is a complete shit show filled with tourists, people panicking last minute,  long lines, and selection of both official marathon gear and other merchandise is picked over by this time. I didn’t expect Friday to be as bad but last year Theodora and I were both pretty overwhelmed by the time we left and just wanted to get out of there. This year, Bo and I are heading over Thursday after work in hopes of enjoying the expo together and checking out some of the gear. While I know there will be a post work rush it will still be far less people than Friday or Saturday. Also, you can take the MTA Bus to the expo if you’re in from out of town. There are 2 that run to the Javits Center: M34 and M42.IMG_0178
  • Be careful what you eat at the expo. The New York City Marathon expo is the largest I’ve ever experienced and each year there are more booths offering food samples, drinks, new power gels, and more. It’s never a good idea to try something new this close to the marathon especially when you don’t know how it will affect your system. Take the freebies and save them for after the race unless it is something you have used before. In addition, beware of being persuaded to try something new last minute. Many of the people working the booths are trained salespeople. They could make Eskimos buy ice just like they convinced me to spend over $200 during my first marathon expo.


  • Take advantage of the knowledge: Are you worried about the course? Need someone to help you keep a steady pace? Want to figure out how to fix your Garmin? Need to have someone KT tape your leg? Didn’t get to squeeze in a massage session before the marathon? There are experts everywhere at the expo and the other events that NYRR and ING are organizing this week. Take advantage of their time and ask them questions and use the expo map to help you figure out the best places to spend your time depending on your needs.
  • Bring cash.  Each year there are a few stands at the expo that only take cash. Last year, all we wanted were cow bells and they were sold by a stand that only took cash. Of course, we didn’t have cash and nor did we have time to wait in an ATM line or scour the Javits center for the ATM.
  • Respect the taper: While it may seem weird not to be running everyday this week or breaking a sweat at Crossfit, Soul Cycle, etc it is important to give your body this time to rest. Be sure to focus on sleep, especially on Thursday and Friday night. According to Gia, this week’s food is the most important of the training cycle so make sure to eat clean and rely on vegetables, grains, and fruits for some healthy carbohydrate increases versus processed foods. In addition, relax in an Epsom salt bath or two this week to help relax your legs and release toxins, especially after a long foam rolling session. If you feel especially anxious, go to Yoga on Demand and do a restorative yoga class or this great Yoga for Runners session which is free on YouTube.
  • Realize that many of the Italian restaurants in the city will be jam packed with runners. If you’re local, I suggest dining at home in the comfort of your compression socks and pajamas. If you want to dine with friends, invite them over! It’s a great way to relax your nerves before the big day without stressing out about reservations, crowds or slow waiters. If you’re coming from out of town, make reservations in advance.
  • Don’t forget to bring a form of identification and your registration form to the expo. While there are plenty of information and help lines their lines tend to be long and the last thing you want to do is have to wait at the expo or go back to the hotel or your apartment to get your id or registration.
  • Download this AMAZING marathon guide from Jack Rabbit Sports! I have used this each year and the first year especially, when I was on pace for almost all my miles, it worked like a charm. It allows you to figure out your pace depending on how you’ve trained (positive or negative splits), the time you start, and more. It also turns this info into a pace bracelet! Share the finished product with your spectating friends and family so they’ll know the exact time you should hit each mile marker.
  • Send your friends and family who are spectating a picture of you in your marathon outfit. Remember, there are 45,000 people running down the streets of Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Harlem, and the Bronx on November 4th and it is hard to spot people. Make sure to put together a plan in advance especially if you know you need to see them in order receive fuel, water, or hand off clothing. My recommendation is to choose a side of the course on which to run, stick to it, wear at least one differentiating piece of clothing or accessory, and tell them to stand as close to the mile markers as possible. It’s pretty tough to miss the mile marker signs but it’s easy to miss your family’s race sign they made which is being held down at foot level since they aren’t expecting you for a few more minutes. For example, this year I’m wearing my hot pink Zensah calf sleeves along with a hot pink sparkly skirt I’m borrowing from Shannon. In addition, in my email to friends I’ll let them know that I prefer the left side of the street and will hug that side as much as possible.

Have more questions about race week preparations and the New York City Marathon? Send them my way. Tomorrow’s installment will include all my tips for the actual race, including marathon morning!

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Why I’m Running The Lausanne Marathon

Before we get to today’s topic, here is a picture of our brunch date this morning. I mean really, how can you not smile when you see this face?


Okay, so now back to the running talk. Two weeks ago, I was just finishing the ING Hartford Marathon. While it wasn’t exactly the marathon I’d hoped for it was still such a fun day with some wonderful ladies! 2013-10-12 13.22.12 HDRAs I was finishing, my immediate thought was that I never wanted to run another marathon. I think a lot of people have this during a tough marathon. But, during the train ride from Hartford to New York City I realized that the Lausanne Half Marathon, which I already had on my calendar, was only 2 weeks later. I started thinking about whether my body and mind were strong enough for a second marathon. Each year I’ve been tempted to run two marathons because there are so many wonderful East Coast marathons during the Fall. First it was whether I could do Marine Corps and New York City. Another year it was whether I could do Wine Glass and New York City. This year, I finally decided, after talking with Laura and Gia, that I wanted to give two marathons a try. When I made a pro/con list I had a hard time thinking of many cons. (photo source)


  • Only 45 minutes away, via train
  • The town and surrounding area is supposed to be gorgeous
  • The entire course is along Lake Geneva
  • Out and back course means perfect opportunity to keep my mind occupied while watching people on their way back
  • Bo and other friends were already signed up for the half marathon or 10k which means friends cheering
  • Fall foliage along the vineyard hills should be gorgeous
  • First European marathon


  • The course includes multiple rolling hills which will be challenging as I didn’t train on many hills
  • Only 288 women are signed up for the full marathon along with 1,000 men
  • Half marathon runners start at the turn around point 2 hours and 45 minutes after our start which means there will be faster runners passing me

I did not choose to run the Lausanne Marathon because I wanted redemption. After everything that I’ve gone through over the past few months, while I would love a marathon PR this year, I realize that it may not be in the cards. I am going into the marathon with no expectations or goals other than having a strong race and applying what I learned in Hartford. I want to enjoy myself and take in every single moment, appreciating the opportunities we can have while living abroad. I’m excited to have Bo on the sidelines cheering after his 10K race.

I didn’t share the decision to run the marathon with my family, friends or social media because I wanted to make sure my mind and body were in fact ready for the challenge. In fact, it wasn’t until we arrived at the expo yesterday that I committed 100% to the marathon. 2013-10-25 17.50.40-1I did the runs and rest days Gia prescribed for me over the past 10 days while eating healthy and cutting back on alcohol. I listened to my body and slept 8 hours more than 6 of the past 10 days. I’ve asked Laura for advice on a daily basis and read multiple marathon recaps from friends who have rocked hilly races, including Bobbi, Stephanie and  Meghann.  I gave myself the flexibility to make a last minute decision which also helped reduce the pressure. But, by the time we left the expo last night I couldn’t contain my excitement anymore. I am so excited for Sunday! 2013-10-25 17.48.492013-10-25 17.54.10We’ve enjoyed a low key day in Geneva, brunching with friends and picking up ingredients at the farmer’s market before going on a shake out run along Lake Geneva. 2013-10-26 11.40.08Now it’s time to hang out with my very Swiss 2XU compression socks and relax the rest of this evening with Bo, Ranald and Emily as we prepare for tomorrow! 2013-10-25 20.06.00

Any tips or words of wisdom for tomorrow’s race?

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