Back to Basics: Lunch and Dinner

Similar to my breakfast this morning, when I’m trying to get back to basic, healthy eating I keep my meals simple and routine. I find that the first few days back on track are easier if my meals are planned in advance and have little variation. In fact, I’ve often read in many health and wellness magazines that the less thought one has to give to their daily meals and snacks the more likely they are to stick to the routine!

Today’s lunch was basic but delicious. I enjoyed a salad from Pax, keeping in mind that salad toppings can easily add up. 

For example, if you love the crunch nuts provide, keep in mind that one tablespoon can equal over 100 calories. Use carrots and celery for added crunch instead. If you MUST have nuts on your salad, be sure to enjoy almonds or cashews with our lower in calories.

Dried fruit can also add up very quickly. I’ve noticed myself enjoying tangy craisins or chewy raisins on my salads more and more these days. However, a small serving can equal at least 100 calories. A healthier alternative would be fresh apples and grapes which add more fiber and bulk since they aren’t concentrated.

While grilled vegetables include vegetables in their name, they are often drenched in oil. Therefore, it’s often safer to stick with raw vegetables versus grilled or roasted vegetables at the salad bar.

Therefore I stuck with egg whites for protein and lots of healthy vegetables.

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Thanks to Meghann’s freezing tips, tonight’s dinner was simple and easy as well. I enjoyed a hearty portion of thawed mushroom chicken chili and a side salad. It was absolutely delicious and the perfect post workout dinner.

Hope you have a great Wednesday! I’m going to enjoy a run with Rachel tomorrow in honor of National Running Day!

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Getting Back to the Basics

While it was a crazy, wonderful weekend jam packed with fun activities as you can see from these two posts:

Look Who’s Back

Pipa: Spanish for Having a Good Time

I made sure to include time in Monday’s schedule for a quick grocery store trip. When I need to get back to my healthy eating basics there are a few items I always pick up for my office breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Here is what entered my cart yesterday:



gala apples


Chobani 0% yogurt






This insured that I had all the ingredients for a healthy, energetic day at the office. After 9 glorious hours of sleep, I packed my ingredients for the office.

Blog Pictures 2010 238Blog Pictures 2010 239Luluemon water bottle, gala apple for a morning snack, Chobani, blueberries, and All-Bran for late afternoon snack, oats and banana for breakfast, and salad for lunch!Blog Pictures 2010 241   Blog Pictures 2010 240

My go to breakfast when i’m getting back to the basics. Unsweetened venti iced green tea, 1/2 c oats, 1 small banana, and my vitamins! 🙂

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Brooklyn Half Here I Come

The packet has been picked up, the alarm is set for 4:50, a perfect protein and carb sushi dinner is digesting, and my clothes are all laid out!

I’m nervous and excited. I’ve worked on speed quite a bit lately but the stress of 60 hour work weeks is grueling. My improved eating, vitamins, and water HAVE definitely helped this week. But what if my body is tired tomorrow and I can’t beat last years time? At the end of the day, after brief disappointment, I’ll get over it and be proud of just getting out there and running 13.1 miles.

In fact, I have some unlikely inspiation. My friend Becca decided TODAY to do the half even though she hasn’t run this sort of distance since last years NYC half. She’s got the right idea! It’s all about enjoying the sights, getting some sun, and enjoying great exercise.

I’m hitting the sack with dreams of three goals: smile like Dori all through the race, finish, and have fun!

PS I get to try my CamelBak tomorrow!!

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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