Tips for Running in the Sleet or Snow

As runners, we always hope and pray for a race that it perfect in all aspects. A great course, plenty of bathrooms, enough water stations, organization, and perfect running weather. But, since you never known what you’ll get come race day, I believe in running through the elements. Luckily, unlike many of  my friends, I absolutely love running in the winter. Whether it’s running through snow covered trails or just seeing my breath as I dash through the city streets, there is something about it that is peaceful and refreshing. Or, maybe it has to do with my treadmill aversion these days.

Regardless, I’ve talked about winter running a time or two before on the blog as you can see from these two posts.

Winter Running Tips

Winter Running Essentials

But, now it’s time to talk about running in the sleet and rain as yesterday I experienced a whole new type of winter running! Liz and I had plans to knock out our long run in Central Park or along the West Side Highway together yesterday morning before work as we had Friday night double date plans and wanted to sleep in Saturday morning. On Thursday night, as I walked home from the subway station with sleet pelting my face, I feared that Liz was going to cancel. I mean really, not many people crave winter running the way I do, especially when they are new to running. But, instead she texted me saying how excited she was and that she’d meet me bright and early.  I gave her a few tips and said I’d see her soon.

Tips for Running in Sleet or Snow

At 5am, I heard a snowy, sleet mix pelting the windows and figured once again that she’d bail. But, at 5:45 on the dot I met her ready for a great run. 2013-03-08 05.44.24The whole entire thing could have easily been a disaster as it was definitely wet in New York City yesterday whether you were downtown where it was slushy mix or uptown where the snow was actually accumulating.

Due to the elements, we altered our course to avoid the wind on the river. Instead, we headed up towards Central Park on Park Avenue, taking advantage of the quiet streets, and then ran through Central Park’s winter wonderland for 2.5 miles before heading back downtown. There were moments when running up Park Avenue felt like I was back in Switzerland running up the Saleve due to the wind gusts and pelting snow making it almost impossible to move forward. Less than half way through we both noticed how much we were engaging our core and quad muscles to ensure we didn’t slip.

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I have no idea what pace we kept since my Garmin went a bit crazy due to the city streets and sleet. But, I do know that we completed 7.2 of our planned 8 miles and loved every moment of it! The run made us both feel stronger and more confident as we know we can take anything come next weekend when we run our half marathons.  We were able to conquer a few more rolling hills than initially planned by getting into the park and the cold sleet made us sprint through a few of the intersections in the city as we had no desire to stand idly waiting for lights to change.

So, as Spring does it’s best to approach and you’re faced with less than ideal conditions, don’t give into the treadmill. Head outside into the elements and give it your best effort! I guarantee you you’ll finish your workout with a huge smile and feel like you can conquer the world!

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Say It, Do It: 2/18/03

In 28 days, I hope to cross the finish line of the 2013 NYC Half Marathon with a huge smile. I hope to finally achieve the half marathon PR I’ve been working to achieve for the past few years.


Each half marathon something different has happened along the way to make that goal a distant memory whether piss poor training, excessive heat, excessive cold, or just an off day. At about this point, during any other training cycle, I would be a bit worried about my training to date.

I have only done 2 true long runs to date, 6 and 8 miles in distance, both along the West Side or East Side highway of New York which means that they were perfectly flat. I’ve traveled to 5 destinations in the past 6 weeks to St. Croix, Paris, Geneva, Geneva, and Puerto Rico, each of which has been less conducive for half marathon training than if I was in New York City.


But, among all this travel, I’ve also learned a bit about myself. I need exercise to be happy. I need some semblance of healthy food to feel good. Therefore, even though I fully believe in enjoying myself on these trips which were taken for a mix of business and pleasure, I also have returned from each trip without gaining weight or feeling the vacation glutton. This weekend, while in San Juan for a much needed and very relaxing girls’ weekend away to celebrate Theodora’s 30th birthday, I worked out 3 times. Just like I try to do at home in New York City, I started out each day in a healthy manner, sipping multiple cups of water and enjoying a healthy breakfast.

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Except for today, I didn’t start drinking beach or poolside until later in the afternoon. This decision tends to serve me well for more than just the health and waist line benefits. If I know I want to last until the wee hours of the morning whether bar hopping or dancing, then I can’t day drink. Day drinking for me results in an early alcohol induced bed time due to heavy eyelids.

While in New York City I’ve fallen head over heels for Barry’s Bootcamp, an investment choice Bo and I made after we parted ways with our personal trainers. Barry’s has been a far more economical decision and their early hours have allowed us to enjoy 5am workouts together before sharing a coffee and commute to the office. This workout however has done something for my running that working with a personal trainer never would. It has helped me realize that I do have the power and strength to push my body to new limits in regards to hills and speed. Don’t worry, my rose colored glasses don’t have me thinking that I can maintain a 8:15 pace for 13.1 miles including 6 miles of hills in Central Park. No, my friends, I’m not drunk or delusional. But, what is does mean is that hopefully when the going gets tough during the half and my quads are starting to scream or my lungs are short of breath, I’ll remember what jogging on an 11.0 incline for 2 minutes feels like and realize that I too will survive this momentary pain. Bo and I have learned to push ourselves from a cardio standpoint more in the past 6 weeks just after 7 sessions at Barry’s Bootcamp. The combination of this, along with running and our boot camps we do together at the gym or that I’ve done while traveling, have left me feeling stronger than I’ve ever felt from a mental standpoint.


This strength helped me push through running Mount Saleve with Renaud last weekend in Switzerland and now I am going to apply that strength to the next 28 days of half marathon training. While the first half of the schedule has barely been that due to my travel and a short lived cold I’m looking forward to immersing myself in training these next few weeks so I can feel physically and mentally prepared for Harlem Hill and the 3 rolling hills of Central Park come March 17th.


So, now it’s time to commit to this week’s workouts. Just like the past few weeks, this week will continue to be busy at the office as I continue to find my way in this new role. Therefore, I’m going to focus on morning workouts but will put in italics any evening workouts I hope to squeeze in as well.

Monday: 9 mile long run in Central Park so I can remind my legs and body what the constant hills of Central Park feel like after a few weeks away.

Tuesday: 5am Barry’s Bootcamp with Bo+ yoga with Theodora after work

Wednesday: 5 mile run before work along either East River or in Central Park

Thursday: 5am Barry’s Bootcamp

Friday: 10 mile long run in Central Park before work as my in-laws are in town this weekend and I find it easier get my long run out of the way when friends or family are in town. This also allows for more evening enjoyment of the vino type because let’s get real, I don’t do my best long runs dehydrated.

Saturday: Short shakeout run followed by either an Equinox or Uplift class

Sunday: Rest day

Also, as I’ve received a few questions about it, I’ll address our Equinox membership. I’ll be honest, right now both Bo and I have questioned our membership to Equinox more than one time. But, at the same time, especially during the cold winter months or stifling heat of summer, knowing that there is a treadmill or indoor workout option, is reason enough to keep our membership. After calculation, even my January membership paid out just based on the number of times I went to Equinox and I traveled more in January than I ever expect to travel again.  In addition, we both start triathlon training in the next few weeks which means more spin and swimming, both of which are part of our Equinox membership.


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Running Up Mount Saleve

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I conquered my fears and doubts while running the Saleve with my colleague, friend and host for the weekend, Renaud.

As you can tell from this picture, Renaud is quite the athlete and therefore running with him was a bit intimidating. This 6’9 Belgium guy runs the challenging cliffs and hills of Saleve multiple times a week as training for other races including triathlons, ultras, and sky running. He knows the trail like the back of his hand as he often navigates it during snow storms, early morning darkness, or late evening dusk.


It took Renaud quite a while to convince me that it would be a fun adventure together and that he wouldn’t let me die. I wanted to ensure he realized that while I consider myself active and in good shape, I’m used to running at zero altitude and on primarily flat inclines. One thing is for sure, after yesterday’s run I am so thankful that I’ve been pushing myself this past month at Barry’s Bootcamp twice a week. My quads and core were integral for success yesterday as he said we’d have to be very agile and have to find our balance in order to not slip on the icy patches and on the uneven terrain.

Before our adventure, we had breakfast yesterday morning at Le Pain Quotidien with Sara, Renaud’s lovely girlfriend of 10 years. I find it so funny that so many Europoean restaurants and stores are now in New York City. They were surprised when I said that their neighborhood favorite breakfast spot was also a neighborhood favorite of mine in New York! As we were deciding what to order Renaud looked at me and said, “Make sure you eat enough because we’re about to burn over 3,000 calories!”  While I doubted I would burn that much, I agreed and happily enjoyed a delicious breakfast including bircher muesli, cappuccino, fruit, and bread with jam.


When we returned to their flat, we quickly changed into running clothes so we could head for the mountain before noon. Renaud told me to bring “winter running gear” along with running shoes and a wind jacket. In exchange, he would provide a light backpack and any extra gear I needed. I packed quite the options since I had no clue how his version of winter running gear would translate to mine but I figured that with multiple options something would work.


In the end, I wore the following for the run: Sugoi Sub Zero running tights, Lululemon tank, Under Armour long sleeved cold weather gear top, Sugoi winter running 1/4 zip jacket, ING NYC Marathon wind breaker, Nike fleece gloves, mismatched socks, Mizuno Wave Rider 17, and a Lululemon ear warmer. I carried a change of socks, Lululemon technical long sleeve shirt, and an extra pair of gloves in my backpack along with shot blocks and water.


After changing we took the bus and light rail to the base of Saleve, about 20 minutes away. From the bus stop the trail entrance was a short mile run through an adorable, small Swiss town that was very picturesque. In addition, we ran over the main highway where Renaud pointed out that this single highway can connect Geneva to many different cities such as Milan! It’s such a weird thing to think how connected Europe is, similar to living in the Northeast where you can cross over to another country so easily.


As soon as we turned on the trail I realized what I’d signed myself up for by agreeing to run with Renaud. The trail sign said it was 4 hours and 10 minutes to La Crouisette, the top of Saleve, our destination.


I saw a very steep path ahead that consisted of at least a mile of switchbacks. Renaud explained that the journey to the top of Saleve was easiest when broken into 4 separate parts, each having unique terrain that would challenge me in a new way. The first part was the most important because if I went to fast in the beginning my “heart would explode” and I would never make it to the top. He promised that the top was the most enjoyable and therefore I had to have energy left by the time we made it to the top. I told him that I was going to think of this as a marathon and therefore focus on constant movement but ensure that my pace was slower than the 9:30 we’d kept our first mile. Renaud, a true gentleman, said that he’d stay a few steps ahead of me but would ensure that he turned around every few minutes to make sure I was still progressing. I hated to hold him back but was very appreciative of the support. He also said that we’d stop for photos on the way up making the elevation and altitude adjustment more bearable.


This is an example of the views we had from the path along the first section. We were literally running along the side of the mountain. Also, I will let you know that during this first portion, it definitely took me almost a good 30 minutes to find my pace and breath. I started out running at about a 12 minute pace and then needed to change to “speed hiking” as my body wasn’t having it. My lungs were panting and my heart was beating way too fast. Renaud suggested I do a run hike mix to acclimate my body to the terrain and intensity.


We finished the first portion of the trail after about 2.5 miles and then went off the main path for the next portion. This path was far less traveled and literally had me doing high knee running through the snow. There were certain portions of the trail where I had to literally crawl up holding on to trees and boulders.


The path was absolutely gorgeous and by this time we were so far above the town and highway that the only noise was the crunching of the snow, our deep breathing and nearby birds.  We conquered 50 steps at one point that were covered in snow as we moved up the mountain.


As we got higher the path started to flatten a bit so I was able to do more running versus hiking. I kept yelling to Renaud that this was an amazing experience and beyond beautiful. Check out some of these awesome shots that he captured!  By the time we reached the third leg, he said the hardest of the incline was done but this part would be primarily snow running. Running through a foot of snow is most similar to running on dry sand. My calves were burning within moments!

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The fourth part of our journey was across the top of Saleve across a snowy field. Exactly as Renaud had described, there were families playing with their children and dogs, couples taking in the views, and people cross country skiing. This area is accessible via cars so many people come up for the day to enjoy the fresh snow.  The panoramic view left me speechless as did the vast white snow that went on for as far as the eye could see. Though this was the most beautiful portion of the four parts it was also quite difficult at times as we were navigating around people and much of the snow was untouched so the drifts were deeper.

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We reached the top in about 2 hours, including our stops for photographs. At this point we each took some water and a small amount of fuel. I was surprisingly not very hungry but was assured by Renaud that while going down may seem like it would be easiest, it would be quite a challenge and I needed energy. I took 3 shot blocks before we proceeded across the field to the other side where we’d eventually head down. I imagined that we’d head down a trail similar to the one we’d ascended but quickly realized, as I saw Renaud dash over the side of the mountain, that there was no trail to be seen!  He shouted to me that it was fun and just use my shoes as if they were skis, ensuring that I never pointed directly down the mountain and instead ran/hopped side to side. I took a big gulp and went full force down the mountain because I knew a second later my fear would catch up with me.

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This was definitely one of the scariest but coolest things I’ve ever done. In this bottom picture you can see the tree line we ran towards. This tree line also had a large barbed wire fence in front of it. As soon as I saw it I had fears of going tumbling into the fence so much to Renaud’s amusement, I started swerving further left and right to slow myself down. By the time I reached the entrance to the trees where the trail began again my shoes and tights were filled with snow. We took a minute to brush ourselves off but Renaud insisted that emptying our shoes was worthless since we were about to hit more snow. I was amazed at this point that I wasn’t freezing as I am normally very sensitive to cold temperatures as I have Renaud’s Syndrome. I guess all the hard exercise was keeping me warm?

The final part of our journey down the mountain was through snowy trails that included lots of icy patches, loose rocks, and areas where we had to hold on to ropes and anchored cords to not loose our footing. In between running we were hopping boulders and climbing through small cave areas. Luckily, by this point in the run I’d improved my snow trail running form and was leaning forward instead of backwards, running with my legs spread wider than hips distance apart, using my arms to propel forward, and keeping a tight core to help my balance.

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At exactly three hours we exited the trail for our final mile of the run, back down to another bus stop. There are still no words to describe the adrenaline rush I was feeling at this point. Not only had I conquered something that I had thought almost impossible but I had finished without falling and enjoying every minute of the adventure. As we crossed the border, back into Switzerland I screamed thank you to Renaud. His coaching and support had allowed me to experience something totally new and enjoy it all while running from Switzerland to France and back again!


There are things that we do throughout life that define us. Until yesterday, running a marathon was the most difficult thing I’ve experienced physically. But, yesterday’s challenge pushed me to overcome fears of the unknown and trust my body’s ability. There were moments when I doubted that my lungs, quads, calves, or heart could handle another step. But, then, I’d look ahead to Renaud who was excitedly waiting and knew that I didn’t want to disappoint him or more importantly myself.

It’s funny how life works out. I was supposed to be skiing this weekend but in the end I think that I ended up with the better opportunity!

UPDATED TO NOTE: Renaud took most of the pictures you see in this post with his Sony Cyber Shot DSC-RX100 camera. He carries it in his backpack running. In addition, many of these were edited by him using Photo Shop Elements 4. 

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