The Dorset Inn Vermont

Back in late July when my parents and I spent a long weekend together in Vermont, my aunt suggested that I return in the Fall with my brother instead. Since I was a few glasses of wine into the evening, I thought this sounded like a wonderful suggestion. Within minutes I’d texted my brother and organized a brother/sister bonding weekend in Vermont. Even though this decision meant that I missed out on Fitbloggin’ this weekend and had to sell my ticket to the lovely Amanda, I couldn’t be happier with this late night decision.


The weekend is only half way done and already we’ve had just the weekend Ryan and I needed together. Since he lives down in Savannah still we don’t get to see much of each other and in typical boy fashion, he doesn’t love chatting on the phone. The amount we shared with each other and talked about in just the first hour of the weekend was more than we’d ever discuss on the phone.

After a work meeting in New Jersey on Thursday, I drove north through New York and into Vermont on my own. The drive was a little under four hours and even with some of the traffic I hit leaving New Jersey and going through Albany it was a really fun trip. I spent some time on the phone with a few of my girlfriends, rocked out to some Mumford and Sons and Dave Matthews Band, enjoyed the scenery and even pulled over for a few pictures. There was something serene and relaxing about the trip. Maybe it’s because Bo and I don’t have a car in the city but I really miss the act of driving. Not commuting, but just driving.


As soon as I pulled into the driveway we headed right back out for dinner at one of our local favorites, The Dorset Inn. Continually operated for more than 200 years, the inn offers comfort food, a wonderful wine selection, a small bar area, and comfortable rooms for guests and locals alike.

The Dorset Inn is a short drive away from Manchester and as soon as you walk through the doors of the Inn the stress melts away.  The one thing that always impresses me with the Inn is the level of service you receive regardless of the day or hour. We were one of the last patrons on Thursday night and they never ceased to amaze me with the service. We asked if the fireplace could be turned on since it was below 50 outside and would put us in the Autumn mood. Within minutes our wish was answered! We enjoyed a two hour dinner filled with non-stop chatter as we caught up over some delicious food and were warmed by the fireplace.

We dug into the warm sourdough bread almost immediately since we were all starving by 8pm.


Since I had a run the next day I passed on wine and instead focused my attention on eating. While Ryan and Rusty shared the Caesar salad and mussels, I enjoyed the heirloom tomato salad which was dressed with the richest balsamic syrup. So delicious! I also stole a sardine or two from their salad as this is always my favorite part of a Caesar salad!


It took me longer to decide on an entrée as their only pasta dish was a 3 cheese macaroni and cheese which I didn’t think would pair well with a long run the next morning. But, as soon as the waiter overheard us discussing my run, he offered to have the chef make an alternate pasta dish. I was elated and excited that I wouldn’t have to forego my normal pre-long run pasta. Ryan and Rusty on the other hand enjoyed divine dinners of scallops and steak. My mouth watered as they devoured the rich entrees. I was presented with a pasta and vegetable pasta dish including rabbit sausage as the protein. I appreciated the chef’s effort but quickly realized that unfortunately the pasta didn’t include a sauce. Instead it was dressed with a heavy hand pour of olive oil in which the pasta was floating.


The rich pesto, vegetables, pasta, and sun-dried tomatoes were delicious but the sausage wasn’t palatable. I guess rabbit just isn’t our thing because none of us cared for it. Before I made it halfway through the dish I realized that it was entirely too rich and was unfortunately already giving me a bit of a stomach ache. But, in the restaurant’s defense, they did their best to accommodate my needs and the other two entrees, especially the scallops, were fantastic!

I can’t wait to come back to Dorset Inn over Christmas when we’re up here. I’m sure sipping a hot toddy or glass of wine by the roaring fire while the snow is falling outside would be the perfect end to any evening.

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A Great Seattle Hike

Great success! We crossed off the last item on our Seattle To Do List this afternoon!

We woke up with aching muscles after yesterday’s tubing adventures and were a bit slow moving due to a early morning police siren thanks to some idiots trying to steal an ATM at 4am from the market across the street.

After a cup of coffee and a relaxing breakfast we donned our age old hiking boots and headed the trails.


Amy and Ryan have done quite a bit of hiking over the past year in Seattle and have discovered a great website to reference for new hiking trails, Weekend Hike. We knew that we wanted the trailhead to be less than an hour away and only could handle a 4-5 mile hike if it was going to include uphill portions. Within seconds Amy and I found a great hike on the website around Cougar Mountain. The trailhead was only 30 minutes away but was packed by the time we arrived. Note to locals, get there early if you don’t want to risk not having a parking place.


Our planned hike was supposed to be around 5 miles round-trip including an intense 1.5 steep start before a gentle, lush hike after that. IMG_4573


The trail was surrounded by ferns, lush evergreens, moss, and wood bridges. The sun shined brightly through the trees for about 1/2 the trail, forcing us to shed our jackets and enjoy a few water breaks.




Due to a few wrong turns our hike ended up being a little under 6 miles and took us around 2 hours including a few breaks. We were all very happy that we wore actual hiking boots versus trail shoes or running shoes due to the steep inclines. Having the ankle support made me feel far more confident along the trail and we finished happy and injury free.

Hiking in the Northwest was a perfect way to round out our trip to Seattle. It’s been wonderful to experience so many different aspects of the city on this trip and get some much needed sunshine and fresh air!

Question: What’s the longest hike you’ve ever done or what’s your favorite hike?

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Boating on Lake Washington

Running isn’t the only thing Bo and I love doing when we travel to new cities. If we’re visiting a city which revolves around water, we do our best to get out and enjoy it. I love that Bo grew up on the water and therefore knows how to handle just about any boat we’ve ever come across. His favorite is sailing but a power boat comes in a close second.

Yesterday while we enjoyed a day of wine tasting in Woodinville we decided that based on the weekend’s weather, we had to take advantage of the sunshine and rent a boat. However, multiple phone calls during our 30 minute car ride resulted in lots of “already rented” responses and a grim outlook.

It wasn’t until this morning that Bo realized that Craigslist may be a good option. While this sounded crazy to us at first, it ended up being the best option. There were multiple boats available and a few phone calls later Bo secured a open bow lake boat that we could rent for 6 hours, including a two person tube and full tank of gas! The owner offered to meet us at the Magnuson Boat Launch, about 20 minutes from Queen Anne at noon.

We spent the next six hours exploring Lake Washington. We checked out Bill Gates home in Medina, gazed at the beautiful homes on Mercer Island, enjoyed breathtaking views of Mt. Rainier, daydreamed about climbing Kilimanjaro one day, sipped, ate, and spent time in the two person tube.


After an hour we broke into our picnic lunch, because everything is better on the water! We brought sandwich makings, pretzels, pita chips, hummus, along with a few cool beverages!


After lunch we used all our energy to hold on for our life on the double tube while Ryan and Bo drove Amy and I around the lake. We spent about 45 minutes screaming for our life as the cold water splashed around us and we jumped through other boat’s wake.


It was so much fun! We took the boys around for a swing before we all decided it was time to soak up some rays and enjoy the music.


The below deck is Bill Gates and leads to his 66,000 square foot estate! They even have a tram like track that can take people from the dock up the steep hill to the house!


But, our favorite dock of the day was the one that had two separate benches, one for the Democrats and one for the Republicans! Clearly this is one passionate household.


Days like this make me wish we had easier access to relaxing days on the water. But, as Amy said, the best boat to have is a friend’s boat. Until we are in an area where friends have boats, I guess we’ll have to stick to renting them!

Hope you’re enjoying your Labor Day weekend. If you have tomorrow off, how are you enjoying the 3rd day of the weekend?

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