Whole Foods Lunch: Save Money and Waste

Today was a non-stop day starting bright and early.

Unfortunately, my body was trying to send me a message this morning and I slept through my 5:15 wake up call and the 5:30 snooze. Therefore, at 5:45 when I finally woke up I had lost my workout window. I did a quick mini workout in the apartment to wake my body up.

Wake Up Workout

20 pushups, 50 sit ups, 15 pushups, 50 obliques (25 each side), 10 pushups, 1.5 min plank

2 minute high legs

1 minute up chair tricep dips, 1 minute of bicep curls

2 minute jumping jacks

Back stretches

I was alive and awake after this quick workout and put this energy to good use at work. I headed into work 45 minutes early to work on my to do list. As some of you all may remember, I recently changed roles and this has left me a little crazy lately. Luckily, things are finally falling into place.


I balanced my hot oatmeal with some refreshing cool yogurt this morning and LOVED it. Instead of mixing the dry oats with the yogurt I actually cooked the oats first and then added a dollop on top. IMG_3480 Weight Watchers Almond Vanilla Oatmeal, 1/2 c blueberries, 1/4 c Dannon Light N Fit yogurt, 2 Tbsp flax seed, 1 Tbsp maca powder

The morning passed quickly as I was in meetings and had a few deadlines.


This weekend I discovered a great, easy way to save money and waste. Each week I buy salad ingredients and then end up taking my lunch half the week and therefore having to throw away produce that have gone to waste. When Bo and I were shopping at Whole Foods Sunday I discovered their prepackaged salads. They are very reasonably priced ($4.99-$6.99) and include healthy dressing, protein, and tons of toppings! Today’s salad was Asian inspired and only cost $4.99!



I hoped to workout this evening but unfortunately it didn’t happen. Bo and I may have walked to 16 Handles for some cool, delicious, goodness filled with unpictured banana, peanut butter, and vanilla flavors. Other than that we gave into his sushi cravings and ordered the cheapest sushi we’ve found so far. But, Seamless Web users gave it rave reviews. It..was…awesome!



I enjoyed a rainbow roll and tuna roll. They unfortunately didn’t offer brown rice but their rice vs fish ratio was perfect! I’d definitely order from Yo Sushi again!

I’m looking forward to a great Thursday tomorrow! I have a 4 mile run planned bright and early which will be my longest run since my injury. So far things are going very well in therapy and after this week my sessions will decrease to 1x per week which will include a 30 minute deep tissue massage and 30 minute therapy session. The massage is primarily for my alignment and tight hips. Tomorrow evening I get to hang out with Jes, Jacquie, Rebecca, Theodora, and others at Fit Chick In The City’s awesome Bar Method class.

I can’t wait to give it a try and see some of my favorite bloggers!


Help Needed

I bought this dress two weeks ago from Nordstrom Rack. I would like to wear it for an upcoming wedding down in Atlanta. What shoes do I wear with it?


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A few random thoughts…

I left my camera at work tonight and therefore don’t have any of my pictures from the day. I apologize and will make up for it tomorrow. In light of pictures, I have a few random thoughts from my day.

1. I took my second class at Yoga Works Yogaworks

NYC and am officially in love. The Union Square facility is small and basic but the two classes I’ve taken with two different teachers have both tested my flexibility and focus in ways I’ve never experienced from a vinyasa class and both have left me refreshed, relaxed, and standing taller.  What is your favorite type of yoga and why? Both classes happen to be Level 2 Vinyasa Flow classes due to schedule. The description really matches what I’ve gained from each class thus far.

A vigorous, demanding style of yoga which links breath and movement through a heart building sequence of postures. For the physically active with previous yoga experience.

The link to breath is what has been key. I am hoping this will also help me in my running. My love of these two classes leads me to believe that an intermediate/level 2 vinyasa may be the perfect class for me at this point in my practice. Tomorrow I hope to try either Yoga Works Flow level 2 or Yoga Works 1 which focuses on basics. If you’re interested, they are offering 1 week of yoga for $1

2. When was the last time you stepped away?

This morning my friend Katherine linked to a great article on Facebook which immediately caught my eye.

Breaking Your Addiction to Email


Do you wake up in the morning and bring your laptop into bed with you, or check it before you brush your teeth? Do you check email while you’re driving, even though you’re four times as likely to have an accident when you do?

Tony Schwartz knew this topic would strike a chord with many as he had the data to prove it.

This article struck a chord with me since I bring my computer to bed most nights so I can blog before going to bed. In addition, Bo and I are both guilty of checking our Blackberry before we roll out of bed in the morning. I doubt I’m the only blogger or person guilty of this. In May, a Huffington Post poll found that more than 60 percent of people polled spend less than two waking hours a day completely disconnected from email. Later in the article he gives some examples of feedback he heard recently while giving a speech at a Fortune 500 company. This feedback led the author to believe, “ It isn’t overload we’re battling anymore, it’s addiction — to action, to information, to connection, but above all to instant gratification.”

While I’m proud to say that due to my work demands, I am disconnected at least two waking hours a day, here are some tips for people who aren’t as lucky.

-Take baby steps. Chose a few different times during the day to unplug. Maybe it’s during the commute, the gym, or in the car. Make time to give your mind and fingers a rest. Engage your mind by reading or talking instead.

Take back your lunch

Take Back Your Lunch

What are your thoughts?

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Monday Funday

This has been the best long weekend in ages! It has had the perfect mix of friends, outdoors, indoors, to do lists, and relaxation. In case you missed it, here are the posts!

Crazy Friday and YogaWorks

Extreme Team

Happy Fourth

Today was all about checking off our to-do list. It wasn’t a bad task since there were lots of fun items on it!

Bake vegan macaroons


Toy Story 3

Organize the fridge

Clean the house

Whole Foods

It’s 8:15 and I’m excited to say we accomplished everything on the to-do list!

As always, we ensured that Whole Foods was the first thing on our to do list as the lines get crazy the later you wait. We were in and out pretty quickly as we had a list put together ahead of time and have leftovers to enjoy tonight. We’ve even gotten in the hang of bringing our own bags which makes it 10x easier! No more breaking paper bags on our walk home!Blog Pictures 2010 455

All of these groceries meant that our tiny fridge had to be organized. This is a weekly task that Bo has down to an art!


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After that we made a quick lunch before heading out to the movies! We heard great things about Toy Story 3 from our friends and decided that a fun, mindless movie was exactly what we needed on this hot day.

Blog Pictures 2010 456 Blog Pictures 2010 457   The movies always mean a Coca Cola Zero treat! Blog Pictures 2010 459Blog Pictures 2010 460Kettle Baked chips provided the perfect salty crunch in between sandwich bites!

Blog Pictures 2010 458Delicious sandwich made from Whole Foods Sourdough Whole Wheat bread, lettuce, tomato, Annie’s Naturals Honey Mustard, and Whole Foods deli balsamic turkey.

I love using large purses to bring lunch and snacks into the movies. I figure that the movies make enough on ticket prices.

The movie was exactly what we expected though it was a bit shorter. With the extra time we decided to take a stroll around the East Village. It was hot but bearable for two people from South Georgia.

Blog Pictures 2010 462       Cute stores abound throughout this area including a Meg, a boutique sharing my friend’s namesake and a sake specialty store, Sakaya, the size of a normal wine store. 

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We discovered I Coppi Italian restaurant just begging us to return!

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Love the reflection in the window!

We had a blast looking at vintage glasses and clothing though we were surprised by the prices! Most of the clothing was over $50!

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After our hour long walk home, we quickly changed clothes and heading over to Equinox for a swim. We decided to run there, using the camel bak sans water holder, to hold our goggles, caps, and suits. We completed the 1.3 mile run in 99 degree heat in 12 minutes! I had NO back pain.

Unfortunately, upon arriving at Equinox we found out that they have a 6 person maximum for the 3 lane pool. Therefore, there was a line 5 people deep waiting for the pool. We decided to head upstairs and pound out a few more miles instead.

We had an exciting treat that made our miles go by faster. This friendly face was enjoying a run and incline walk workout next to Bo. Actor Jesse Tyler Ferguson arrives at the 27th Annual PaleyFest Presents "Modern Family" on February 26, 2010 in Beverly Hills, California.

Jesse Tyler Ferguson happens to play Mitchell, Bo’s favorite character on Modern Family. I’ve never seen Bo so excited.

I did 2 miles on the treadmill (6.2 pace) before completing my arms and abs workout followed by back stretches.

The last item on the to do list was finished just a minute ago as I took out the last batch of my Vegan Macaroons. Unfortunately, the original winner from Bobbi’s bake sale never received her package I sent last time. I made a double recipe for her tonight and will ship them out tomorrow morning!

According to my taste tester, Bo, these are the best yet! I highly recommend this recipe as it is quick, easy, and never disappoints!

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Blog Pictures 2010 473  Combine dry ingredients and mix.Blog Pictures 2010 474 Combine wet ingredients and mix.

Blog Pictures 2010 476  Mix wet and dry ingredients together.  Blog Pictures 2010 477Shape into balls and then bake on a tin foil lined sheet at 350 degrees for 11-13 minutes.  

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Let cool and then enjoy!

Hope you enjoyed a wonderful long weekend and have a great start to your week! At least a 3 day weekend always means a 4 day week. 🙂

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