Saturday Morning Favorites

Good morning and happy Saturday!

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend thus far. Last night we continued our happy hour routine and joined a few neighborhood friends for happy hour at Black Forest, a new German restaurant in Cobble Hill. The space is VERY kid-friendly and Katie loved watching all the people come and go.  After an hour of hanging out and catching up, we headed home in time for bath-time and books. Once Katie went down we spent the rest of the evening catching up on this season of Homeland.

This morning I started the day with a few of my favorite things – a run, sunshine and coffee. I headed out bright and early for another Saturday morning run with the Brooklyn Moms running group.  I’m so happy to be back in the routine of running each Saturday as it’s my favorite way to kick off the weekend.  I’m still focusing on building my base so I don’t focus on the pace during the run, instead just keeping up with the other women.  We spent this morning’s four miles chatting and enjoying the sunshine while also cursing the mile of uphill that kicks off our running route as we head towards Prospect Park.  Once we reached Prospect Park we decided to head into the park for a mile or so to catch glimpses of the flowers and trees that are finally blooming.

Okay, if you can get beyond the crow’s feet and eye wrinkles in this picture, you’ll notice how happy I am to be running in my favorite Brooks vest instead of a coat. I also have to give a shout-out to Sparkly Soul headbands as they never disappoint, even after years of sweat and use.

We ended the run, 4.25 miles later, at a new coffee shop in the neighborhood where I treated myself to a latte before walking home.

Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weekend. My goal is to be back tomorrow with either Katie’s 10 month update or our grocery staples that we’ve been ordering via Instacart.




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Recent Favorites – April 2018

Greetings from somewhere in the sky between New Jersey and Arkansas.  I am traveling for work until Thursday evening and while I am already missing Katie’s sweet giggles, I’m looking forward to spending time with my colleagues. We are spread across New York, San Francisco and Fayetteville so it will be a treat to be in one city for a few days. I am also looking forward to a few warm, outdoor runs while I’m in town as my hotel is adjacent to a running trail and the temperatures are going to be at least 20 degrees warmer than New York! My parents are flying up to New York this afternoon to help Bo with Katie and spend some quality time with her while I’m traveling. Our weekend was filled with a fun date night, sweaty workouts, trip to New Jersey to catch up with good friends and see their new home and lots of prep for the busy week. I dedicated a few hours to helping Bo get ahead of the week by making Katie’s food, organizing her outfits for the week and making sure that her latest schedule was written out for my parents before heading out the door for Newark Airport early this morning.

Since I haven’t been able to share my weekly Friday Favorites recently, I thought I’d quickly update you guys on a few of my recent favorites and new discoveries.

Every month, Grace’s reading list post helps me discover a few new books to add to my reading list.  She includes books across multiple genres ranging from thrillers to light-hearted novels. I so appreciate the time and effort she puts into these posts as well as the search function on her blog’s reading list section which allows you to search all the books she’s included over the months.

Even though the weather hasn’t been spring like recently, my heavier winter fragrances were ready to be retired in exchange for a lighter scent. I discovered and then purchased a new-to-me Jo Malone scent, London Peony & Blush Suede, last week and have been wearing it ever since! I love that just two spritzes on my wrists last all day without being too strong. The small size I bought will fit perfectly into my luggage next week when I head to Arkansas for work!

It’s been a while since Bo and I enjoyed dinner outside our neighborhood. While we’ve stuck to our once-a-month date night goal, most of these have been within a few blocks of home in case our baby sitter needs us. Friday night we ventured down to Dumbo for a double date with Laura and her husband. The evening gave us the opportunity to try Celestine, a new Middle Eastern restaurant which is quickly becoming known for the incredible views of Manhattan, great atmosphere and delicious food.  The meal was delicious – especially the lamb, Branzino and cauliflower appetizer –  and the only negative feedback I would provide to the restaurant was their very limited wine list.  If you’re looking for a new restaurant to try for a special occasion, date night or just delicious evening I highly recommend Celestine.

While going through some old pictures I discovered a photo from ten years ago. The first thing I noticed was how wonderful my hair looked. Even though it was VERY long it was smooth and sleek without looking flat which is the issue I’ve had recently since cutting my hair. As luck would have it, I remembered that while living in Pennsylvania I went to an Aveda salon and therefore was exclusively using their products. It’s been years since I used the Smooth Infusion line but I bought a small size last week to see how it would work with my hair and was so impressed. I’m able to get a little volume at the roots while the rest of my hair is sleek, shiny and SO smooth. While I know this isn’t a 100% natural brand it gets far better EWG scores than some other products I’ve used historically and is a step in the right direction.

Since I have a more limited wardrobe these days thanks to following the guidelines in A Simplified Life, I’ve rediscovered a few items that historically got lost among the mess. Yesterday I wore this classic outfit that is head to toe J.Crew. I’ve had the belt and blouse for years but, as embarrassing as this is to admit, I can’t remember ever wearing them! As you all know, these loafers have been a Fall and Winter staple and these jeans have been my favorite since having Katie. They are high-waisted and slenderizing with just enough stretch to allow you room to move without stretching out and sagging throughout the day.

Thursday I spent a relaxing 15 minutes perusing the shelves at our neighborhood coffee shop which also has the most wonderful curated shop filled with cookbooks, home goods and perfect gifts. I finally bought Alison Roman’s beautiful cookbook, Dining In, which I’ve been eyeing for months and can’t wait to try the famous chocolate chip shortbread, citrus salmon, anchovy butter chicken and more. The photographs are gorgeous and each recipe reminds me that cooking in doesn’t have to mean sacrificing flavor or spending all day in the kitchen!

I caved and bought the Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Flawless Filter primer last week.  I heard about it from no fewer than six people within the course of last week and then, spent some time reading the reviews where were equally as amazing and convincing. At $44 it isn’t inexpensive but since I’m only using a small amount, paired with my foundation, I imagine it will last a long time. I tried it for the first time on Sunday and was so pleasantly surprised when I glanced at myself in the mirror. My skin looked as if I’d just had a facial – radiant and bright. After the long winter, it is just what my face needed. I went with the Light/Medium and found that it blended perfectly.

What are you loving these days?



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Katie’s Nine Month Update

I can’t believe that Katie is already nine months old. The past few months have flown by faster than I could have ever imagined. Between going back to work and the holiday season I feel like the past few months have been a blur. I want to do a better job of capturing these memories so these monthly updates are going to be a priority.

So much changed this month as she mastered the art of crawling and has become fearless. I remember when we used to be able to set her down on her activity mat while she laid there, barely moving.  These days, we can’t take our eyes off of her or she’ll quickly move off the activity mat to the curtains, stairs, or other tempting area of the house. Luckily, my parents are here this weekend and are going to help us quickly childproof the home since she has started moving faster than we expected! You can imagine my face when I saw her suddenly go from crawling to climbing the stairs.

So, looking back, what transpired last month?

  • Moving EVERYWHERE – During February she started rocking back and forth, showing us that she was interested in crawling. But, the evolution from rocking to army crawl took a while and then, overnight she went from army crawl to actual crawling. She moves very quickly, especially when she’s barefoot or not on a slippery surface like her activity mat.
  • Standing – She is happiest when she is standing, slowly experimenting with walking. She has learned to pull herself up using either us, the sofa or our new ottoman as a brace. Once she is standing she bravely moves side to side, constantly looking up at whoever is in the room with a huge smile. She is so proud of herself.
  • Flu and croup – We thought we had escaped flu season and winter without any serious illnesses in our family. While she’d had a few minor colds which each lasted a few days, last month she suffered from the flu for six days. When she was up during the night coughing constantly and having difficulty breathing, we took her to urgent care after a number of recommended actions didn’t help her symptoms such as elevating the crib, steam shower, rubbing her chest and bottoms of her feet with Zarbee’s Naturals Baby Chest Rub.  Based on symptoms, on Sunday morning they diagnosed her with croup and gave her a steroid to avoid further complications. But, on Tuesday afternoon when she had a high grade fever, we went back and her pediatrician immediately recognized the symptoms as flu – high fever, congestion, glassy eyes, lethargic, and fussy disposition.  Luckily a few days of rest, cuddles, extra hydration and Tamiflu helped her feel better within a few days.
  • Kisses – While Katie hasn’t said any words yet or mastered the art of waving, she did give me the most amazing kiss on the lips the other night. She’s done at a few times since then it and make my heart melt every time!


As I mentioned in a previous post, we have introduced solids over the past few months and now Katie is enjoying solids three times per day.

  • 7:15 AM Wake Up and cuddles
  • 7:20 AM Bottle #1 (7 ounces of Similac Sensitive OptiGRO formula)
  • 7:30 AM Upstairs playtime while we get ready for work
  • 8 AM Solids + Water in Sippy Cup (Usually yogurt, fruit, cheese, avocado, or eggs)
  • 8:25 AM Leave house for nanny share
  • 8:30 AM Playtime at nanny share
  • 9:15 -9:30 AM Nap #1
  • 11:15 AM Wake up and Bottle #2 (7-8 ounces)
  • 12 PM Solids + Water in Sippy Cup (Usually a mix of proteins and vegetables such as Edamame, Broccoli & Avocado or Green Chicken Quinoa followed by some fruit)
  • 12:15 PM Playtime/Park/Walk
  • 1:15-1:30 PM Nap #2
  • 3:15 PM Wake up and Bottle #3 (7-8 ounces)
  • 4 PM Solids + Water in Sippy Cup (Usually very similar to the 12PM meal)
  • 4:15 PM Playtime/Park/Walk
  • 5:00 PM Catnap if needed (Typically less than once a week does Katie show signs of needing a 20-30 minute catnap)
  • 5:30 PM Pickup from nanny share and walk home
  • 5:45 PM Playtime at home with lots of reading, crawling and standing practice, dancing and playing downstairs
  • 6:45 PM Naked Baby Time (We have programmed our Google Home device so that when we say Hey Google It’s Naked Baby Time it says “Sleep well Katie” and then dims the lights and turns on the sound machine in her nursery. We walk her upstairs and undress her and transition into a soft, quiet mode ensuring that we help set the mode for sleep.)
  • 6:50 PM Bath Time (Katie absolutely loves her nightly bath and is in love with these bath toys which she plays with in the tub and we use to continue teaching her colors, textures and animals. We put this bath mat in the bottom of the tub this month which allows her to sit and play more securely without the risk of slipping.  We are currently using and loving Burt’s Bees Baby Shampoo and Body Wash.)
  • 7 PM Bottle #4 (7-8 ounces)
  • 7:10 PM Rocking and reading 1-2 books before putting Katie in her crib with 2 of her Wubbanub pacifiers as she now sucks on one and cuddles the other

Favorite Things

  • Teething Toy and Medicine – It seems odd to call this a favorite thing but this all-natural teething relief has helped with teething pain tremendously as Katie now has four teeth and has found great relief from just 1 dose of this before bed. While we introduced the Munch Mit originally back in December, she had very little interest in it. These days, she will happily gnaw on it while she’s in the stroller as we walk to and from nanny share.
  • V-Tech Busy Learners Activity Cube – We have tried to only introduce a new toy to Katie every other week or so which has allowed her Christmas gifts to bring continuous joy and surprise to her for months afterwards. This week we introduced this fun activity cube as a way to keep her occupied and entertained in the morning while Bo and I both try and get ready for work. She has enjoyed using it to push herself up to standing, play with the moving pieces and push the different buttons.
  • Puppets –  Soft, cuddly and creative creatures provide easy interaction for adult and infant anywhere and any time! While we only have two so far (Peter Rabbit and a bear) I am sure we will be buying more soon as playing and watching puppets is one of her favorite pastimes.
  • Pout Pout Fish – I discovered this book when searching for a few new books on Amazon and I can understand why it is rated so high. The colorful illustrations, sweet lesson and gentle rhyming has made it a favorite book for during the day or calming down before bed.
  • Carters – While we have a few special outfits from Jacadi, Lilly Pulitzer and Smocking Hot Mommas resale site on Facebook, 90% of the time Katie is wearing cotton basics from or the Carter’s outlets. You can’t beat their prices for the quality especially when you consider how quickly Katie is growing. She is currently wearing 12M clothing but based on her height, she’ll soon be in 18M! These outfits have been our favorite so far – bears, hearts, and polka dots!


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