A Better Than Normal Week


Good evening! I hope you all are enjoying your week so far. Our week has been better than normal for two reasons:

  • daily workouts together
  • homemade dinner together

Sunday, after I returned from the National Half Marathon weekend, Bo and I spent two hours walking through Central Park and the Upper West Side.

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The weather was gorgeous so we enjoyed our time outside but when we found ourselves in front of D’Agostino, we cut our walk short for some much needed grocery shopping. During our walk, we discussed the importance of cooking at home together, and were therefore excited for a shopping trip. We were inspired to make a menu of meals for the week which were healthy, easy to prepare, and flavorful. Here is our menu at a glance:

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  • Sunday: Homemade Greek Salads (romaine, tomatoes, herbs, hummus, grilled chicken, red onions, olives, low fat feta, and whole wheat pita bread)
  • Monday: Homemade Greek Salads (romaine, tomatoes, herbs, hummus, grilled chicken, red onions, olives, low fat feta, and whole wheat pita bread)
  • Tuesday: Homemade chicken burgers with healthier coleslaw and Popchips

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  • Wednesday: Whole wheat spaghetti and vegetables
  • Thursday: Homemade chicken burgers with healthier coleslaw and Popchips
  • Friday: Dinner out with friends

So far we’ve really enjoyed this change of pace and it has allowed us to spend more time together in the kitchen.

On the workout front, we’ve found motivation from each other this week, promising to keep each other company each morning. Bo has historically preferred working out in the evening, but over the past few weeks his work schedule has made that nearly impossible. After multiple missed workouts, he’s finally joined my morning workout routine. Monday morning, it would have been easy to stay in bed and give myself another rest day. But, knowing that Bo was signed up for the same spin class made getting out of bed easier. This morning, Bo only had 30 minutes for a workout. Instead of skipping it altogether, I went to the gym with him, 45 minutes early, and ran on the treadmill near him while he clipped into the bike for a DIY spin class.

In keeping with the motivation topic, I wanted to address a reader’s question I received the other day.

I have never really been a runner, and frankly i am not sure that my body is really built for the sport (6 ft tall, terrible knees), but I love the way i feel after completing a race.  I ran a half marathon (3 hours) in August 2009, and have recently signed up to run a 10 mile race in Chicago in May to try and get back into things. Unfortunately though, I have a hard time getting myself out the door to go for a 7 mile alone, and all my friends are significantly faster than me, so i feel like i am holding them back.  Do you have any tips or tricks? I would love to hear any ideas you have had or stories of how you overcome a lack of motivation!

This is a great question as I faced a similar problem when I lived in Philadelphia. Here are a few motivators that worked for me:

  • Make mini goals for yourself and develop an incentive program. For example, if I follow my training plan for 3 weeks, I can enjoy a massage. This will help keep you accountable.
  • Make your goals public to friends, family, Facebook, and the blog world. If you let people know you’re signed up for a race you’re more likely to train and follow through with the plan.
  • Find other friends, across the country, who share your same pace and then train “virtually” together. My best friend Amy and I trained virtually for many half marathons which meant we had plenty to talk about each week on the phone and email about daily.
  • Develop a weekly playlist which has a new theme each week. Knowing that you have exciting music to pump you up during the run can be motivation enough. Some people only listen to certain songs during their runs which makes the songs even more exciting and special.
  • Invest in your workout clothing. I’ve found that if I feel pretty working out I’ll be more likely to enjoy the process.
  • Last, but not least, set timers around your house. I set a few timers on Saturdays before my long runs. One is the early time, optimal time, and no later than time. Once I hear that final alarm go off, sometimes an hour after I woke up, I know I have to get moving immediately.

Question: What are some of your motivational tips for solo workouts? I’ll share them on the blog tomorrow and give credit/ link back to your blog.

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Back in the Routine..

Tonight, while walking down 5th Avenue, I had the joy to see this amazing scene. It’s moments like this that remind me how lucky I am to live in New York City!


Being back in New York City, also means getting back into the routine.

Bo and I were up early for Dave M’s spin class at Equinox at 44th and Lexington. This morning we even stayed for “extra credit.” Oh yes, you read that correctly. Dave offers students extra credit after the official class is over. This extra credit lasts 30 minutes and he allows those students who remain to each choose a challenge during the 30 minute time period. My segment was rolling hills (8 in the saddle and 3 out of the saddle) and I absolutely loved choosing a segment and coaching the 6 remaining students through the workout.

After a longer and sweatier than normal class, I was craving a larger bowl of morning oatmeal.

I added some Fage greek yogurt to the mix for extra staying power. It wasn’t pretty but it certainly was delicious.

Lunch was an unpictured combination provided by my office. This week is our Healthy Living week during which our HR team provides fruits, flavored water, office massages, and stress balls for the office. The also catered a healthy lunch which included 3 different types of salad, fruit, and almonds. I only wish they had included some protein as my salad didn’t have much staying power. Around 3pm I added a can of safety soup. My desk drawer is filled with 6 cans of Progresso Reduced sodium soups for emergency days when I don’t have time to leave the office or get hungry at random moments.

Thanks to a wonderful Equinox promotion, my muscles were treated to a 80 minute deep tissue massage. Seeing the same massage therapist means that Tonya is now very in touch with my body and skeletal alignment. Today she spent the last 25 minutes treating my feet to a reflexology session. This was my first reflexology session and it was even more relaxing than a Swedish massage. The pressure points along the foot affect more than just that area!

  • What is reflexology: Reflexology is the practice of applying pressure to the feet and hands utilizing specific thumb, finger and hand techniques without the use of oil, cream or lotion based on a system of zones and reflex areas that reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands with a premise that such work effects a physical change in the body.
  • What are its benefits?  It creates relaxation, reduces pain, and improves blood flow.

Luckily, when I walked in the door Bo had dinner ready and waiting!

Homemade Greek salads complete with feta cheese, grilled chicken, romaine, red onions, tomatoes, herbs, hummus, and toasted pita bread!


Question: Do you keep a “safety stock” of food in your desk drawer? What is your emergency item?

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A Cherry Blossom Walking Tour of DC

Ali and I are officially masochists. Instead of taking a nap, sipping a beer, or relaxing after a 13.1 mile PR, we spent the afternoon basking in the sunshine.

We have both been to Washington, DC before and therefore didn’t have any special museums we “had” to see but instead focused on staying outside. We saw monuments, Cherry Blossoms, and the new World War II memorial to name a few.

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I think my photography instructor would be proud of me! Yesterday, while taking pictures I tried to think of angles and lines differently.

It has been an exhausting but wonderful weekend. Bo and I are making homemade Greek salads for dinner while enjoying How I Met Your Mother. Evidently, he watched half of Season 1 this weekend while I was gone and is now hooked!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend and are ready for the week!

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