The Holes and Gaps in my 2015 Best Nine

Top Nine

Like many others, I could review 2015 by sharing my thoughts in regards to each of my top nine Instagram posts from the year. Thanks to this website, lots of people have shared the images which received the most engagement during the previous twelve months.

But, as I look at these pictures, I see holes and gaps versus my thoughts on 2015.

  • All of these pictures were posted in the United States, which therefore overlooks the six months that we lived in Switzerland.
  • These pictures only include two of the cities we visited (NYC and Savannah), overlooking twenty-one cities and eight countries we visited including Russia, Italy, France, Scotland, Ireland, Spain, Switzerland and England.
  • These pictures only include three people other than me – my mom, Bo and Kristine. While those people were very important in 2015, there are countless friends across three countries (Switzerland, England, and US) who made 2015 the year it was. They supported us through tough times, celebrated the highs, introduced us to traditions and their countries, and helped us make incredible memories.
  • These pictures don’t show the puddles of tears that were shed this year. Bo and I have spent the past two days, during our staycation, doing a lot of talking. This year was a rough one mentally and emotionally. We coped with the difficulties of unemployment. We made hard decisions, without the support of a magic eight ball, showing us the way of our future. We spent time apart as he searched for a job and then started that job in New York City. We said goodbye to life in Europe a year before we intended, in order to build a life together in New York City. We took a risk and moved our apartment search to Brooklyn, versus the Manhattan we knew. We spent countless hours searching for an apartment that could feel more like a home, having to see many disappointing apartments before finding the one. We started new roles which each came with their own complexities, requiring our focus and time. I started managing people for the first time, in a role with Procter&Gamble which has quickly become my most fulfilling and gratifying role even after just six short months. We navigated finding our way back into the group of friends we left behind while living abroad while meeting new friends and trying our best to stay in touch with those abroad. We have been blessed to spend more time with both our families in the past six months than we did in the past three years. We have welcomed new members into our extended family, which in the process, has taught us a great deal. We have both said things and done things this year that we wish we could sugar coat or take back but at the end of the day, we are finishing the year stronger than we started and we’ve learned a lot about communication.
  • These pictures, while bright and vibrant, don’t show the way that I have evolved as a wife, friend, sister, daughter, blogger, employee and person. The events of this year have helped me better understand and appreciate those things that are personally a priority in my life. When that video was released about the Instagram husband, I had to laugh because that was definitely a role I tried to have Bo play in years past. But this year, as we tried to focus on strengthening and improving our relationship and those with others, we realized that social media can also cause a lot of issues. Therefore, I’ve worked to enjoy the moments with my own senses versus blocking them with a lens.
  • While I still love running and have many wonderful memories from races and the miles I logged this year, these pictures overlook the role that larger role fitness classes have played in my life since moving back to New York. Bo and I use this time together, each day from 6-7 AM, to start the day together in a healthy way. It is the time that we know we’ll have together each day, before the chaos and demands of work take over. Due to nagging injuries on his side, and the importance of cross training, we’ve spent more time in classes than on the road together. While we both hope that 2016 will find us running together again, we’ve both appreciated what we’ve gained from cross training and challenging our bodies in new ways.
  • These pictures overlook many of the incredible opportunities and memories I was provided due to this blog.  This year I shared my adventures in trying to live a healthy, happier life with you all through 187 posts. Originally started on New Years Day 2010, as I looked at pictures from the night before in disgust, I had no idea that the blog would play such a large role in my life for this many years. this blog has evolved in a multitude of ways.  But, similar to the way it helped me when I moved abroad, it also helped me when we moved home. Through the fitness community I have made new friends, had incredible experiences, and have continued to grow and deepen my path towards a balanced, healthy life.

As we look towards tomorrow, the fresh start of 2016, I am excited for what the year will bring. There will certainly be more travel, as we have already booked two trips for the year, to Tahoe and India. There will be many celebrations and festivities as we stand by Meg and Russell’s side for their 2016 wedding. Our parents will continue to play the role of friends and mentors, as we are able to share our home and city with them multiple times, including the two visits we gave to each of them for Christmas gifts. There will be gallons of sweat and hours spent working out together as this will continue to be the sacred time we enjoy together and my favorite form of socializing with friends. The blog will continue to take an even larger part in my life, as I’ve outlined goals for the year which I will share with you all next week.

Thank you for sharing in the journey and supporting us.


Ashley & Bo

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Resolutions for a Great Year

I love the beginning of January!  It’s the beginning of a fresh new year with promises of wonderful things and the opportunity to shape the year you want. 


This year, while Bo nor I have many formal resolutions, we are both focusing on us. My resolution, or intention, is to strive to be the best possible version of myself, whether as a wife, daughter, co-worker, friend blogger or athlete.  It is easy to try and do many things during the course of a year only to look back and find that I focused on too many things. This year, I have come up with a few easy ways to improve each area of the roles I hold on a daily basis.


Wife: There is going to be a lot of change in 2015, just like there has been in each of our five years of marriage. Now more than ever, we need to stay connect, talking with each other each day over a glass of wine or in the kitchen cooking. When life gets busy, stressful and chaotic it’s easy to lose ourselves in the routine but we’ve learned a lot over the past month when we took time to pause and reconnect each day.

Daughter & Friend: Towards the end of the year I started picking up the phone more often, as part of the changes we made for a happier life. This made all the difference when we saw friends and family this holiday season. Instead of feeling disconnected, we were able to give huge hugs and then fall into comfortable, normal conversations since we were caught up on everyone’s life happenings during our regular phone calls and FaceTime conversations. In addition, my mom had the wonderful idea to start a mother daughter book club. Our goal is read a book a month, beginning with Pride & Prejudice.

Co-Worker: There are many days at work that are wonderful but it is during the more stressful moments when I believe I have the opportunity to lead by example. My goal is to remain calm under stress and motivate those around me with a positive, supportive attitude versus the natural tenancy to stress.

Blogger: After five years, I continue to gain a great deal from each of you who read and support the blog. The blog introduced me to a number of close friends in New York City, London and Geneva. In addition, the motivation and inspiration I gain from reading other blogs is endless. This year, I want to continue giving back to you all by sharing more posts that you request – European travel, tips for working out and staying healthy during travel, and more recipes.

Athlete: I haven’t finalized my goals for this area but I do know I’d love to train and run a sub 1:55 half marathon. It took me years to break sub 2 so I know it won’t be easy but it will be a great thing to focus on during the winter months! In order to help with this, I am going to use the Run Less, Run Faster method again and track every workout in DailyMile so I can keep myself more accountable and review the progress I make during the year.

Your turn: What are your goals or resolutions for 2015?

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