No Equipment Workout


As someone who used to be a “cardio queen” I have realized over the years just how important strength training is for my health and well-being. While I am not in weight-loss mode, I am trying to ensure that I make a safe return to fitness post-baby and one of the keys that many people have recommended is to take things slow and prioritize strength training.

While we were in Vermont I turned to body-weight workouts since I did not have any weights and the gorgeous weather made me want to spend all my time outside, not in a gym. The below workout allowed me to accomplish two things at one time: strength and jogging. I am slowly beginning to build my jogging base following pregnancy and per the recommendation of many, am taking an interval approach. This week I am only jogging 60-90 seconds at a time and therefore thought that would make a perfect cardio portion for this quick, do-anywhere workout.

Depending on your fitness level, you make this workout easier or more challenging by adjusting the jog to a walk, power walk or sprint. The strength portions of the circuit can also be modified easily, depending on your ability. I did this 27-minute circuit three times while we were in Vermont and really enjoyed it. The focus on time versus reps allowed me to push myself a bit more than I would have otherwise and also allowed me to see improvements each time I did the workout. This workout is perfect for people of all abilities since it’s based on time and bodyweight, not number of repetitions or a certain pound weight. Quality over quantity, like many things in life, is most important for this workout.

No Equipment Workout

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Thirty Minute Arms & Abs Workout

Happy Wednesday friends!

Bo and I just finished enjoying our first sushi takeout dinner since he moved to Geneva! In New York City, sushi dinners complete with Friends on in the background was a party of our normal life. We probably ordered sushi at least 2-3 times per month. But, in Geneva it’s hard to find fresh, reasonably priced sushi. We discovered Sushi Shop recently and fell in love immediately. Their rolls are creative and bursting with unique flavors!

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Before leaving the office tonight I stopped by the gym for a quick but sweaty 30 minute workout. My goal was to focus on my arms and abs during today’s workout as I have a tempo run tomorrow morning. This workout was easy to follow and efficient but had my arms burning in no time! The workout is exactly 30 minutes long as the cardio/arm portion is 27 minutes and the ab portion is the final 3 minutes. You can choose your own cardio option, either do the same thing each set or something different. I did 1 minute on the rowing machine for a total of 9 minutes by the end of the workout. But, feel free to do mountain climbers, burpees, sprints, jumping jacks or your favorite cardio burst!

30 Minute Abs & Arms Workout

In case you have any questions about the exercises, here are links to each of them:

bicep curlsseated overhead presschest presshammer curlstricep dipsupright rowsplankRussian twist

Keep in mind, the goal is quality not quantity for the number of repetitions during each minute.  I hope you all enjoy this workout as much as I do!

Have a great rest of your week!

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30 Minute Treadmill Workout and BAMR Band Review

April showers brings May flowers eh? I feel like today was a reverse of that childhood rhyme as most of the April flowers were washed away with today’s heavy rain in New York City.

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As lovely as a speedy run along the East River sounded last night when I went to bed it didn’t quite happen this morning. I’m human and when I hear heavy raindrops on my window sill at 5:30am it makes rolling out of bed and lacing up my shoes 100x harder than normal. I rolled back over and enjoyed an extra hour of sleep along with a relaxing cup of hot coffee while getting ready this morning. It was such a nice treat but that also meant that my run needed to happen tonight after work. I’ve committed to keeping my health and fitness a priority over the next few weeks even when I have long, stressful days. Today was a perfect example. I wanted nothing more than to head home at 7:15 and enjoy a glass of wine. But, as I sip that wine I know it tastes better now than it would have sans workout!

As I’ve mentioned, my Equinox membership will be ending soon but tonight it served as the perfect place to do a quick workout. I only had 30 minutes for my run due to an 8pm work conference call. Therefore I knew I wanted something challenging that would also keep things interesting since I get VERY bored on the treadmill. It was a pretty simple workout but it helped me keep an average pace of 8:54 which is pretty speedy for a 30 minute run. I remember that last year this time I was feeling out of breath and challenged at a 9:40 pace!

Treadmill Progression Workout

I also had the chance to test out a fun, red chevron BAMR band during tonight’s run. Have you heard of BAMR bands? BAMR stands for Bad Ass Mother Runner and her bands are 7/8 inch non-slip headbands that support the Every Mother Counts charity! How cool is that? Katie sent me a band to test earlier this week and I couldn’t wait to try it!  Each headband is lined with velvet with helps keep it in place while the bright patterns keep things fun! Each headband is only $10 which is a great price compared to some other similar headbands on the market.


How about you? Headband or not when you workout? If you’re on the headband train which one are you sporting these days?

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