Core Exercise for Runners

While I love challenging workout DVD’s like Physique 57, sometimes having an exercise that I can do anywhere without any props is the absolute best option.  Just in time for my two weeks for my 10 days of travel starting tomorrow, this core workout is deceptively difficult and has multiple benefits.

During this morning’s personal training session, Lauren tossed in a new core exercise which she said would be perfect for me to integrate into my daily plank and pushup routine. The dead bug is a core exercise that engages the entire core while using flexion from the hip which can help strengthen weak hip flexor muscles. This is one of the core exercises Lauren, my trainer, especially recommends for runners.

Without further adieu, here is the dead bug, as modeled by moi.

Begin with hands straight above chest, in line with shoulders and legs at 90 degrees.


Extend right leg while extending left

Return to center starting position.


Extend opposite leg this time while extending opposite arm.


Repeat this move 15 times on each side and complete 2-3 times depending on fitness ability.

If you’re interested in another killer ab series, check out my 360 degree plank workout that I posted back in March.

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