Barry’s Bootcamp London

There is something so refreshing about finding a familiar friend in a new city. IMG_3750While we knew that Barry’s Bootcamp existed when we moved to London, we’ve been so busy getting oriented and unpacked the past few weeks that we never even looked up where it was located. Instead, we’ve spent our weekends running outside while Bo works out at Reebok Sports Club near his office during the week. But Wednesday afternoon Bo texted me stating that he signed us up for the 6am Friday class. He figured it would be a fun way to end the week together while also giving us a chance to see how it compared to our favorite Barry’s Bootcamp location in New York. (A year ago I reviewed Barry’s Bootcamp New York for the first time!)IMG_3743 Upon walking through the doors of 16 Upper Woburn Place we were greeted by many familiar sights and smells. Orchids, Malin+Goetz candles, a Fuel Bar complete with more than 10 smoothie creations, and a friendly staff greeted us as we walked through the door. It felt as if we were walking through the doors in Chelsea, save for the British accent that gave us a bright “cheers.” 

At 6am on the dot we found ourselves on the 2 end treadmills, ready for 55 minutes of burn. Before we started the workout, the instructor, Olly, walked around to each person introducing himself and asking them if they had any injuries or if was their first time. He then told us that it was Full Body Friday which meant we’d hit each body part during the 55 minutes including 3 treadmill segments. IMG_3746 There were three different types of treadmill runs during today’s class: 10 minutes of hills, 10 minutes of speed and 5 minutes of “dynamic” running on the Woodway treadmill during which we use our own strength to manually push the belt. The 3 floor sections were a mix of squats, step ups, pushups, chest presses, and bicep curls with medium weights. Last but not least we finished class with bicycle abs before moving into the cool down stretches.

The great thing about a franchise with consistent brand equity like Barry’s Bootcamp is that you get a very similar experience at every location. We walked out of the class exhausted in the same exact way we would in New York. My pre-ordered Not Your Average Joe smoothie was waiting at the smoothie bar for me while a bathroom full of lockers and products greeted Bo so he could easily shower and change at the gym before heading to work. IMG_3751 If you haven’t tried Barry’s Bootcamp yet I would recommend it, regardless your fitness level. As long as you are honest with the teacher at the beginning of class you will get a great deal out of the workout. If you’re experienced you may get a few new ideas or see numbers on the treadmill you haven’t seen before. If you’re a beginner, you will achieve a workout high like none other and push yourself beyond what you thought possible. The teachers will challenge you, especially in the last minute of any workout, but in a friendly and positive way!

Barry’s Bootcamp London is located at 16 Upper Woburn Place and offers classes from 6am until 8pm Monday through Friday and 8:45 to 3pm on Saturday and Sunday. Classes begin at 20 pounds for one class though buying package results in a discount. 

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A Sunday Return to the Real World

I can’t believe the trip is already over. It was such a great business trip with 48 hours of personal added on the side!

We landed last night around 7pm and by 9pm when I walked through the door after an hour long customs line, I fell asleep mid sentence as Bo and I caught up.

Based on the picture that Erika captured of me on the plane, I was more than a bit exhausted.


I slept for 11 hours before waking up around 9:15 for a Barry’s Bootcamp and brunch date! Before I left for Geneva we organized a date with our friends Mike and Liz. Bo and I aren’t the biggest brunch fans but after hearing about Bubby’s epic brunches for the past few months from both Sara and Liz, we finally gave in. The full body class at Barry’s Tribecca was a great way to kick it back into full gear after a week of more relaxed workouts, including long walks, dance parties, and a few short runs.


My triceps are still quivering from the class and my legs finally pushed through the 10.0 mph setting for 45 seconds during today’s class! I think it’s safe to say that both Bo and I have sipped the Barry’s Bootcamp Kool-Aid and are loving it!

Bubby’s was the perfect brunch spot since it is located just around the block from Barry’s Bootcamp and has a menu offering almost anything you could want.



While I was tempted to go with the homemade granola and fresh fruit, my body was craving protein. The Bubby’s Brunch was perfect as I was able to have eggs anyway, chicken sausage, fresh fruit, and cheese grits.



The cheese grits were not my cup of tea but everything else was phenomenal! Check out the fruit cup as well. I’ve never loved a winter fruit cup more than this one, filled to the brim with pears, pomegranates, clementine, and berries!

The rest of the day was spent getting a much needed manicure with Meg and lounging around the house. Around 5pm the jet-lag hit me like a ton of bricks, leaving me exhausted and absolutely worn out. Luckily the 3 of us shared dinner duties, whipping up a healthy, flavorful dish including fish, the main course I requested as I’ve had enough chicken and cheese to hold me over for at least a month!


Pan roasted snapper over lemon and garlic Brussels sprouts topped with a homemade tomato sauce.

I wish that tomorrow didn’t include a half day of work but at least a relaxing Sunday has helped transition back into regular life which includes laundry, workouts, healthy food, vegetables, and sleep.

These next few weeks are going to be filled with lots of travel including another trip to Geneva the first week of February followed by a beach weekend to celebrate a certain second 29th birthday. I’m just thankful that I have this week in one city to focus on work and my half marathon training!

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Barry’s Bootcamp

On Thursday night I finally tried Barry’s Bootcamp.


After hearing about this workout from many friends in the city, as soon as I saw Well+Good NYC’s Ultimate Barry’s Bootcamp Experience event, I knew I had to attend! The evening included a 45 minute class with one of their famed trainers, Joey Gonzalez, along with a smoothie from their Fuel Bar afterwards, natural beauty products, and a Barry’s Bootcamp tank.


I was definitely a little intimidated of the workout since I’m currently in marathon taper mode and haven’t been doing many intense speed or weights workouts. Luckily, the camaraderie of 30 other Well+Good readers along with Joey’s inspirational spirited instruction helped me overcome my fears within minutes. Kristine, a Barry’s regular, explained the class format to my friend Liz and I before hand so we’d know what to expect.


The 45 minute class format includes the following:

  • 2 separate 10 minute treadmill sessions each of which is focused on speed or incline
  • 2 separate floor sessions focused on arms/back or abs/glutes.
  • 5 minute stretch session

The time in the room flew by and I was surprised to see numbers like 8.5 on the Woodway treadmill screen during the speed workout or 11.0 on the incline during our second treadmill session while Joey pumped up us “treaders” with positive affirmations. I have to say though, I was amazed to see that others were running at 11.0 or 12.0 speeds during our intervals. While I know it’s only for a minute or so each time, I still can’t imagine that speed!


The floor portion was challenging thanks to the 8-10 pound weights, higher than normal rep workouts, and compound movements. While I loved the first workout, which was focused on arms and legs, I didn’t love the glute workout. Maybe it was because I felt awkward using the bands and felt that I wasn’t targeting the muscle perfectly, but this didn’t seem quite as affective as the first portion.


After the workout, as I walked through the airport with sore arms and legs the next morning, I reflected on what I really enjoyed about Barry’s and I think it is that I gained things that I can apply to my workout anywhere. I loved switching things up on the treadmill and could see how a workout like the Barry’s treadmill workout would be a great way to make an average 30 minute workout fly by and challenge some under developed leg muscles through new speeds and incline.

Thank you so much Well+Good NYC for another very well organized event that allowed like minded fitness enthusiasts to push our bodies and enjoy an evening workout together. Thank you Barry’s for the absolutely delicious smoothie, which included a ginger kick, and some much needed workout inspiration which will come in handy after the marathon!

Would I spend $32 on Barry’s regularly? No, I probably wouldn’t but only because I belong to Equinox and there isn’t one that is very convenient based on class timings and location. However, I could see this being a great option for someone who needs motivation and can’t afford a regular trainer as it’s about half to a third the price of a training session.

Have you tried Barry’s Bootcamp or a class similar to it? Thoughts?

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