A Great Run Along Kelly Drive

By 8:45, my morning buddy Meghann was up and ready to head out for a running tour of Philadelphia’s Skukyhill River Path! We hit the famous Kelly Drive for our run this morning!

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The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky! I was so excited to show Meghann my favorite running path from my Philadelphia days.

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Sabrina and Trig live right near the Art Museum which is right near the trail head and the art museum!

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IMG_2267 (640x478)There was a high school regatta taking place on the water which was great for Meghann to see but the crowds made it difficult to run.

IMG_2268 (640x478) IMG_2269 (640x478)Our pace was under 9 minutes for the first mile since we hadn’t reached the crowds yet and I was anxious to push myself.

At one point Meghann said that we were in the 8 minute realm which left me excited but breathless at the same time. Knowing that I had 3 more miles left to run helped put my pace in perspective and slow down.


It could have also been the sweat dripping in my eyes or my thirst that helped me bring the pace down. I felt badly because I knew Meghann could easily maintain a faster pace. Regardless of our pace we had a great time talking about her training woes, my personal training experience, and the upcoming Healthy Living Summit!

IMG_2273 (640x478) IMG_2274 (640x478) We ran two miles down the path before turning around and heading back towards the city and the Art Museum.

IMG_2276 (640x478) Meghann gave us an extra challenge by having us run around the museum and up the Rocky Steps! Phew it was an awesome workout!

IMG_2280 (640x478) IMG_2278 (640x478) IMG_2282 (640x478) By the end, I think I may have yelled “my legs are cashed” once or twice. But, regardless of how exhausted I was I had a blast squeezing in an early morning run with Meghann before our day of wedding festivities!

4.65 miles later we were back in Sabrina’s kitchen enjoying a delicious, thirst quenching breakfast!

IMG_2263 (640x478) IMG_2285 (640x478) A small cub of yogurt, granola, and strawberries complimented with an english muffin on the side was the perfect post run breakfast!

IMG_2288 (640x478) It has been the perfect start to a wonderful day! We’re so excited for Leslie and Charles’ big day!

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