Friday Favorites – February 12, 2016



Happy Friday gang! Anyone else already looking towards the clock, hoping it says quitting time? I’m ready for the weekend! Do you have any fun plans for the weekend? Celebrating Valentine’s Day? We have quite a few plans today and tomorrow but Sunday and Monday are all about relaxing, staying warm and spending time together. I’m dreaming of a bubble bath, glass of wine and some couch time as well. Too bad my bubble bath won’t include a view like the one above. One can dream, right?

As promised, in regular Friday fashion, here is this week’s version of Friday Favorites. So, as you count down the hours until the weekend begins, let’s dive into this week’s edition of Friday Favorites, including recipes, articles, posts and other things that caught my eye this week.

This article changed my smoothies immediately! I had no idea there was a right order for smoothie ingredients! For weeks, I’ve been making smoothies but finding that they aren’t blending well. Turns out, there is an art to putting the ingredients in your blender. This morning’s smoothie blended easily, was frothy and smooth even with the protein powder, chia seeds and frozen banana!

Need motivation before this weekend’s long run? This woman ran 7 marathons on 7 continents in 7 days! I guess this makes this afternoon’s treadmill long run seem much more manageable!

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are so stinking cute! Did you know they fell in love on a double date?

Looking for a few tips to make your lunch even healthier? Check out this post which includes tips and tricks from some of the healthiest people, including my girl Anne!

The winter weather has me layering on moisturizer ALL day and night. I’ve gone through two tubs of this night time facial moisturizer which leaves my skin feeling soft and hydrated when I wake up. Each morning and before any outdoor run, I apply a heavy layer of this moisturizer since it has SPF and evens skin tone, hydrates and smoothes the pesky wrinkles I have near my eyes.

Even though it feels like 12 degrees outside, Jenna has me craving Mexican and margaritas for dinner! Who wants to join for grapefruit margarita happy hour tonight?

These lip balms are traveling everywhere with me this winter as my lips are CONSTANTLY dry. I love that they add a natural hint of color while

This week’s workouts left my hamstrings so tight that last night before bed I spent ten minutes doing this yoga sequence for tight hamstrings. I think I’ll do it again this afternoon before this evening’s long run.

Speaking of workouts, I’m challenging myself to take four classes at Brooklyn Body Burn via ClassPass (affiliate link save $25 on your first month) this month. The class, which is often called the hardest workout in NYC, leaves my humbled every time but I know that it is a great way to get stronger. The megaformer is basically a Pilates machine on steroids and every move is a combined movement so you’re working multiple body parts. During Tuesday’s class Christine and I grimaced at each other no less than five times during class yet we both found ourselves signing up for another immediately!

Your turn – Are you doing anything special for Valentine’s Day?

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored and instead is a list of the things of my favorite things this week. As normal, it includes lots of beauty and fashion items which means there are a few affiliate links via ShopStyle. It takes time and money to maintain a blog so I thank you for the support and few cents that come from clicking through the links!

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Training Recap Week of September 28th

Good morning and happy Tuesday!


This week is off to a wonderful but busy start. Tonight I finally get to catch up with my long lost London girl, Charlie, as we enjoy a new to us yoga class called REST followed by a delicious homemade dinner and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.

charlie and ashley

I have a lot to do this evening before the fun begins, including writing this post, a speed workout and multiple conference calls!

You know how the weekly training recap works. At the beginning of each week I share the past week’s workouts with you all in order to give you a glimpse into my training, hold me accountable and help me keep a record so I can see what works and doesn’t work after each races comes to a close. Last week was all about staying active and healthy but not pushing myself. I changed the order of workouts around but overall stuck to Jess’ training plan.

Monday: I started the week with an evening Bar Method class.

Tuesday: I moved my run to later in the week so I could join my friend Elizabeth at Brooklyn Body Burn. Okay, okay Jess I hear you loud and clear. When she says stick to schedule she means the EXACT schedule posted in Google docs. While I enjoyed certain moments of the class, it was everything I’d heard (hard, humbling, sweaty) and more. I will definitely not be taking another class until my two back to back half marathons are done because it left me sore for THREE days! I will hopefully get my full recap of the studio posted later this week.

Wednesday: Before flying to Dallas, I joined Theodora for Nike Run Club’s Morning Miles. It was my first Nike Run Club and I really liked it even though the weather was less than stellar. The coach planned a route for us in advance, leading us from the Flatiron Nike store to the Williamsburg Bridge and back. I split with the group at three miles to head back home and finished a total of five miles. It was a great way to see Theodora and run a new to me route.

Thursday: My original running buddy, Amy, and I were finally reunited in Dallas last week. We ran five easy miles through Downtown Dallas before a day of dark conference rooms. It was so much fun to catch up with her in advance of our half marathon together this Saturday.

Friday: Amy and I did a recovery workout together in the hotel gym which included 40 minutes on the bike, some weights,and lots of stretching.


Saturday: The previous day’s recovery workout paired with nine hours of sleep had me ready and anxious for Saturday morning’s long run. The weather in Dallas was crisp and perfect as I ran six miles, finishing the final five miles at an average pace of 8:48. It wasn’t easy but it felt great to know I could hold that pace for that distance.

Sunday: A complete rest day including nine hours of sleep, some foam rolling and time spent in compression socks.

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