Yoga You Can Do In Your Car

Last month, we kicked off Yoga for Everyone partnership with Yoga For People Who Sit At A Desk. If you own a car, then this post is equally as relevant as it focuses on a few easy poses you can do IN YOUR CAR! Whether you find yourself in the car for a road trip or just trying to decompress after a long day at work, this is a perfect sequence!

If you have requests for next month’s sequence, let us know. See you guys tomorrow for Friday Favorites. Now, here’s Monica, the talented yoga instructor and blogger behind The Yogi Movement.

Monica Stone

Can I ask you something? How much time do you set aside each day to meditate or destress? If that question left you speechless because you are seriously strapped for time, then just know you’re not alone. I’ve been there.

When I left my job, things drastically changed. Going from nine to five to a constantly changing schedule has been a huge adjustment. My biggest struggle was learning to manage my time. The truth is – I’m still struggling.

The worst part was that I would get so frustrated at myself because my yoga practice was the first thing to go out the window. I felt like I never had enough time in the day. Every day I’d recommit, and then something would always come up. It’s so important to make time to quiet the mind because we live in such a fast-paced world. We take so much in, and if we don’t take the time to process it, our minds can become scattered and agitated. I could feel this happening, and knew I needed to make a change.

I was sick of struggling, so I made a little mindset shift. Want to know what I did?

1. I changed my practice. I was way too hard on myself, so I allowed myself to hop on the mat even if it meant 10 minutes a day.
2. I took my practice with me wherever I was. This allowed me to fit my practice in whenever I had some time to kill.

This month, I demonstrate four simple postures you can do in your car. Yes, you read that right! You can do yoga in your car. Next time you’re waiting to pick up your kids at school, or waiting in a long line at the Starbucks Drive-Thru, you’ll feel good in your mind because you’re practicing patience, and you’ll feel good in your body because you took the time to stretch. You just have to be creative.

Yoga You Can Do In Your Car

Watch the video before to see each pose and some explanations! The first posture is a simple twist. Then, I’ll demonstrate a hamstring stretch. I’ll show you a simple way to get a nice backbend, and we’ll close with quick meditation while you open your hips at the same time!


How creative have you gotten with your yoga practice? Have you ever tried to fit yoga in on a road trip? Tell me if you tried these postures, and where you were.

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