Tuesday Tips: Keeping A Small Apartment Clean

Last month, I was invited to an event hosted by the makers of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda featuring the entertaining expert, Katie Lee. Unfortunately, due to work conflicts, I couldn’t attend the event. But, the sweet and knowedgeable team at Arm & Hammer promised that they’d have Katie answer any questions I may have via email. I quickly jumped at this opportunity as if there’s one thing I’ve learned thus far in New York City is that it’s very hard to keep a 700 square foot apartment clean.

Sounds weird right? A smaller space should be easier to keep clean. Nope! It’s far easier to clutter the space with less things. I sent Katie a list of questions hoping that she’d not only answer them but also become my fairy home princess. Well, I’ll let you guess which one didn’t happen. This week’s Tuesday tips are some easy and inexpensive tips and tricks you can use to keep your space, whether 500 or 2,500 square feet, fresh and clean.

Know when to throw things away. If you’re not careful, your apartment ends up like a purse with odds and ends everywhere. Set aside a time each week, whether 10 minutes daily or during your favorite show to tidy up. The neater your apartment, the bigger it seems. Trust me on this one, decluttering your apartment will make all the difference in the world! Our interior designer forced Bo and I to pick and choose a few important vases and frames we wanted to feature versus the 15-20 frames we had on our hutch and multiple vases.

-Consider hidden storage – under the bed, putting magazines in a basket, purchasing a coffee table or ottoman with storage sections.

 -When entertaining, move furniture into another room to make it appear more spacious.

 -Keep the space smelling fresh with a great, inexpensive solution like Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. Sprinkle some on the couch and carpets, let sit for 15 minutes and then vacuum.

She also shared some of her favorite ways to use good ol’ fashioned Arm & Hammer baking soda which most people have sitting in their pantry or fridge.  Who knew that baking soda can be used to clean stainless steel sinks without scratching? How about cleaning your carpets after a dirty or wet pet has had too much fun on them? What about mixing it in your cleanser to create a facial exfoliant?

This evening, before my friend Camille came over I tried this trick and was amazed! Just a few sprinkles of baking soda across my carpet, five minutes of absorption time and they looked like new after vacuuming. I swear the baking soda absorbed dirt along with any smells because they seemed cleaner than they have in ages!


*I was not compensated for this post but Arm & Hammer did provided me with a free box of baking soda. 

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Getting It Done

Today, instead of focusing on everything going on in my life, I focused on getting things done! The positive energy helped me finish the tasks faster and in a better mindset!

Today’s to do list was filled with evil chores that no one enjoys. My aunt is in town this week and she’s coming to our house Thursday night for drinks before dinner at Mas. Therefore, our kitchen, which was still a wreck from the weekend’s Derby Party, had to go from dirty to shining. The finished product only took 20 minutes of suds and elbow grease! I highly recommend listening to your iTunes library on random while cleaning. I had the chance to scrub to both Adele and Salt & Pepper.  IMG_2028 (640x478)

I proceeded to shine our Armetale after cleaning it so it will be ready and waiting for our next shindig. Shining Armetale and then cleaning our silver definitely delivered an arm workout.

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My next item on the to do list was doing a survey of my summer dresses. I have 10 different dressed I hadn’t tried on since last summer, when most of them didn’t fit. Today, thanks to 5 weeks of personal training, improved eating habits, and smart choices, 8 of them fit! The craziest thing is that these dresses range from size 4-10.

Last but not least was dinner! This was far more delicious and fun than I expected. I forgot that we had delicious leftovers in our refrigerator, just screaming to be used in a cool, delicious salad. Like Meghann and many others, I crave huge salads all summer long along with fruit desserts! Tonight’s salad included leftover tomato & okra, barbecue, chopped red onions, chopped tomatoes, and iceberg lettuce. It came together in less than 5 minutes and was a crunchy bowl of goodness!

IMG_2029 (640x478) IMG_2030 (640x478) Last but not least, I need your help! I’ve chosen my dress for this weekend’s wedding in Atlanta but need help accessorizing! I want to give this cute black dress some spring fun for the afternoon wedding we have on Saturday. What type of earrings or bracelets should I wear? Should I go with strappy shoes or fun, bright heels? HELP!

IMG_2026 (480x640) Also, don’t forget to enter my stress relieving giveaway here! The giveaway ends Wednesday night!

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Growing up, I was the little girl who always wanted to please my parents. When my room was supposed to be clean and I’d forgotten or done other things, I’d shove everything under my bed.

Evidently, that is a habit I never outgrew. Nor did my husband.

I’m posting these pictures to keep me accountable. My goal is to have conquered the clutter by Sunday evening. Right now our 715 square foot apartment is driving me crazy. There isn’t room for two people and ALL THIS CLUTTER! Luckily, I have friends like Kath and Bobbi to motivate me.

So, in all my shame, here is a glimpse of the mess as it stands today.

Wait, you want to reach the bottom three shelves of the pantry? You have to jump over a vacuum, Swiffer, and recycling pile first!

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Wait, the wok doesn’t belong on the floor? I guess I forgot that Operation Goodbye Christmas meant the ornaments and decorations were supposed to be packed up and put back in the basement; not just taken down. Oops.IMG_1345 IMG_1346 IMG_1347 IMG_1349 Clearly, we both have an obsession with piles. Really? When did this happen? Just a short while ago, our home was organized, spotless, and ready for visitors.

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