Equissage: Equinox’s New Massage Service

If you’re a frequent reader or follow me on Twitter, then you may know that I love massages. There is no denying the healing power of touch or the instant calm that over takes my body the minute I touch the warm massage table.

In fact, Melissa has been known to make fun of me for what she deems my massage obsession. I don’t consider it an obsession but much to my wallet’s disappointment, I enjoy a massage an average of once per month. My experiences have ranged over the years, ranging from the University of Georgia health center, 3000 BC Spa in Philadelphia, Glow Spa in Savannah, and a multitude of different spots in New York including Equinox and Exhale.

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My worst experience to date was a Groupon gone bad somewhere between Canal Street and my pride. Needless to say, the massage only lasted five minutes before I high tailed it out of there due to fear of catching a disease or seeing a rat.  Since this experience, I’ve realized the importance of checking out Yelp and other reference sites before booking a massage or spa service, regardless the discount.

Luckily, a few weeks ago, Schuyler, the Spa Coordinator at 54th Street Equinox aided my guilty pleasure with a discounted massage session. He is not only their coordinator but also a certified wellness coach, licensed massage therapist, and Energy Rebalancer! I knew I was in for a treat after reading his initial email. They gave me the opportunity to experience their brand new new massage technique, Equissage.

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Have you tried Equissage yet? It’s our newest service – combining a postural assessment with multiple massage techniques to create a completely customized treatment. It will be the perfect complement to your personal training work. The Equissage is available in 60 and 90 minute sessions in order to meet your specific needs and time constraints.

The words customized, multiple techniques, and complement alone sold me on the new service. One of my biggest pet peeves is that you have to choose which massage you’re in the mood for weeks in advance when you book a service. What if you arrive and decide you need a relaxing Swedish massage instead of a deep tissue? Often times, you can’t change your mind. But, this service makes all of that possible while also allowing you to experiment with different techniques that you’d most likely never try otherwise.

Since I opted to take advantage of the massage the day of my long run, my massage was focused primarily on the muscles affected by running. My 90 minute session passed far too quickly but I enjoyed every minute, even the deep tissue portion.

Schuyler started the treatment with aromatherapy in order to relax and calm my body. The eucalyptus essential oil is a natural way to enhance deep breathing while the lavender relaxed my entire body. In addition to the essential oils, he also incorporated Bio Freeze into the leg work. A pain relieving gel including menthol and natural botanicals, it left my muscles relaxed and pain free.

During the massage, I asked Schuyler to discuss the different techniques he was using and the reason he incorporated each one. While I’m sure he wished I’d just fall asleep, he humored me and thoroughly explained each and every one!

  • Kinesthetic Awareness through Rocking: This technique, which was new to me, was used in the beginning to activate my parasympathetic nervous system. This calmed my body and made my muscles more aware of touch.
  • Swedish: These strokes were used to calm the muscles as they were still quite tight from the morning run and retaining toxins.
  • Deep tissue: Painful as always, the deep tissue portion was used to target certain areas along my IT band and shoulders where I carry a great deal of tension and therefore had developed multiple adhesions.
  • Hydrotherapy: He applied heat packs to loosen my back muscles and improve circulation which helps move lactic acid out of the system.

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During the 90 minute session, Schuyler was also able to help me understand why I sleep with my legs spread each night, much to Bo’s chagrin.  When I increased my mileage during last year’s marathon training, my hips grew very tight. Since my internal hip rotators are weak and my external hip rotators are short, it’s most comfortable for me to sleep with my hips splayed open. It is my body’s way of adapting to the tightness. Since this has been identified, my personal trainer has incorporated hip strengtheners into each personal training session!

I still can’t believe how much I learned in 90 minutes!  Not only was this a relaxing session which incorporated multiple techniques, but it also left me craving another session. It also reinforced a few of the things I’ve discussed previously on the blog.

  • A massage is like yoga, in order to truly be present and enjoy the moment, you need to stop making to do lists in your head.
  • Stretching for two minutes doesn’t stretch, lengthen, or relax your muscles after an hour of spin class or other physical abuse.
  • Massage therapy will in time increase my flexibility.
  • Ice therapy can be a wonderful at home massage technique to balance foam rolling and stretching. 

If you’re in the New York City area and would like to enjoy your own Equissage session, you can receive a complimentary upgrade through the end of August! Just leave a comment or email me for more information.

*While Equinox provided a discount for my Equissage service, the review and opinions are my own.

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Oven Beer Can Chicken

First of all, thank you so much for the sweet comments, emails, and notes about the changes taking place right now in our world.

It was definitely unusual waking up alone this morning for my workout. I’m accustomed to having a gym and commute buddy each day so it was a bit lonely. To avoid hitting the snooze button since I don’t have anyone to hold me accountable, I may have set my phone alarm for 5:40, 5:42, and 5:45. Success!

IMG_3349 (480x640)Due to a change in schedule with my trainer, I did my 3 mile run and spin today. There wasn’t a class that worked with my schedule so I just hopped on a spin bike and did my own thing for 20 minutes.

My legs felt a bit tight this morning after the workout so I spent a few minutes icing with vegetables because I’m classy like that.

IMG_3350 (478x640) The rest of my day was uneventful, other than the fact that I captured a picture of EVERYTHING I ate for the first time in ages. A few readers have requested that I make my daily food a more regular feature on the blog. I’m going to give it a try for a few days and see how I feel. I’m also definitely open to feedback.

IMG_3188 (478x640) Breakfast included oatmeal, banana, cinnamon, and 1/2 scoop of vanilla protein powder. I also enjoyed a cool and refreshing iced green tea on the side. Did you know that if you save your cup and you have a Gold Card, you get free refills at Starbucks?

My stomach was growling 30 minutes before we stepped out for lunch so I enjoyed my homemade fruit cup of strawberries and grapefruit.

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I tried a new salad combination today at lunch and loved the heartiness, flavor, and variety.

IMG_3367 (640x478) IMG_3369 (640x478) Today’s mix included grilled chicken, beets, baby spinach, 1/2 portion blue cheese, red onions, chopped tomatoes, celery, salt, pepper, and a drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. On the side I enjoyed Baked Ruffles.

I knew Bo and I would be eating dinner later tonight since I had an after work appointment, so I bit into a juicy peach around 4!

IMG_3368 (640x478)  My after work appointment was a facial!

IMG_3370 (640x478) IMG_3376 (480x640) IMG_3377 (640x478) Melissa makes fun of my spa obsessions but appointments like this are a great way to relax. Also, I wouldn’t say getting a massage once a month makes me an addict, but if it does, I’m okay with that.  I only get a facial once or twice a year so it’s a relaxing treat that also has wonderful side affects. In full disclosure, I’m working with Equinox to put together a special promotion for local New Yorkers but will also be doing a more in depth post regarding skin care and some of the things I learned today. The good news is a lot of the tips and tricks were free or very inexpensive!

The best part of the day though, was walking through the door to the smell of grilled chicken! Holy goodness! Who knew you could make beer can chicken in your oven?! IMG_3392 (640x478)

Tonight’s dinner included:

  • Butter lettuce salad with chopped tomatoes, red onion, salt, pepper, and Trader Joes Parmesan Ranch dressing
  • Beer Can Chicken made in the oven using our cast iron pan
  • Grilled squash and zucchini

IMG_3388 (640x478) IMG_3386 (640x478) IMG_3387 (640x478) IMG_3390 (640x478) Clearly it was a delicious dinner enjoyed by both of us.

Last but not least, a portion controlled dessert to answer my screaming sweet tooth.

IMG_3393 (478x640) Question: Do you enjoy the more thorough food pictures which document everything I eat?

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A Flashback Playlist

Tonight was not your average evening.

Instead of leaving work around 7:30, I was able to walk out guilt free at 6pm, just in time for yoga.  I’ve taken this yoga class a few times before and absolutely love the instructor, Samantha Debicki. She is young, friendly, and like a ray of sunshine after a long stressful day.

Samantha Debicki

Her class is described on the Equinox site as a more athletic class and I’d agree.

A vigorous, more athletic approach to yoga techniques characterized by flowing poses and sequences that are linked to the breath. Classes are diverse and sequencing will vary with instructor philosophy.

Tonight’s class included wall stands, crow poses, and multiple boat pose sequences.

After that class, I moved studios for a second class, Stretch and Restore for Athletes.

Using a foam roller and expert guidance, stretch and move to address imbalances, remove knots, increase blood flow, and release toxins in the muscles. The sweet dose of self-massage and myofascial release will align your spine and leave you feeling connected, relaxed, lighter and a better athlete.

This quick class was amazing as it combined some traditional foam roller moves with more complicated moves that I’ve never tried and some wonderful back work. If you live in NYC and ever have the opportunity to try this class you’ll love it! Next time I’ll try to take my iPhone so I can captures some of the moves.

By 7:15 I left Equinox happy, relaxed, and energized. I forgot how much I love evening yoga sessions.

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In very unusual fashion, I came home and didn’t give into Seamless Web. Instead, I took out the cutting board, our leftover Eataly produce, and some sipped a glass of wine while cooking dinner.

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Tonight’s dinner included a mixed green salad dressed with crumbled blue cheese and a drizzle of balsamic and olive oil. The main attraction included whole wheat rotini, sautéed squash, leftover chicken, and jarred sauce. Topped with a dash of garlic gold and parmesan this was delicious and filling!

I enjoyed dinner at my new blogging work station Bo set up for me this weekend.

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I really want to decorate the walls now that this is going to me blogging location and my home office.

While enjoying dinner, I put together a new running playlist which includes some blasts from my middle school and high school days.

imageNow, I’m going to enjoy some time curled up in bed with the book that never ends, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

Question: What is your favorite workout song right now?

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