Fish and Grits

At least one night while we’re home in Savannah, Bo and his mom spend the day together grocery shopping and then designing and cooking a delicious and often very complicated meal.  Each trip is more fun than the next as we all sit around their kitchen cooking, laughing, and enjoying wine together.


This visit, the dish was their take on the famous Southern dish, shrimp and grits. Their Fish and Grits recipe combines multiple recipes from some of Mimi’s favorite cookbooks.


Below the photos I’ll provide you with the recipe, as given to me by them, with links to the other recipes or cookbooks where the recipes can be found. Due to copyright laws, I can’t cut and paste these recipes or type them out so hopefully you can put them together and create your own delicious fish and grits meal. 123

Also a little word to the wise that I learned last night, don’t add too much liquid to your grits or you’ll be stuck stirring for 30 minutes over a hot stove!


082 083086089093105 106108112119Bo & Mimi’s Red Snapper Fish and Grits

Make grits according to Susan Mason cookbook. Notes: When making grits only use real yellow grits and often it is recommended to use a mix of fish stock and water to increase flavor.

Use the Bouchon Cookbook’s recipe for the red snapper and fish stock.

Use the Sauce American recipe from Balthazar cookbook. 

Serve with greens on the side. If you are truly interested in making this recipe and want a clearer recipe, email me and I’ll have them translate it!

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