Friday Facetime: Sleep and Workouts

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Friday Facetime

Happy Friday gang! I am so ready for this weekend I could burst with excitement. I’m enjoying a girl’s weekend at Mohegan Sun with Tina, Theodora, and Anne! I’ve never been to Mohegan Sun but have heard amazing things about their restaurants, the casino, and the overall aesthetics of the space. We’re going up for their Sun Wine Festival which means it should be a great weekend!

Before I head out for the weekend though, I wanted to finally take the plunge and share my first VLOG with you guys! I realized earlier this week that many readers have never met me in person and I thought that a Friday VLOG would be a great way to connect with y’all each week.

This week’s VLOG answers the most popular question I received for my Friday the 13th giveaway.


As an FYI, below are links to restaurants I reference in the VLOG.

Thanks for bearing with me on my first VLOG. Hopefully each week they’ll improve and who knows, maybe next time I’ll put on some makeup and not be in workout clothes. I can already hear my mom’s voice saying “Ashley you could use a little color and why is your hair all back?”

Have a great day!

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