Marathon Tips from a First Timer

Hey there! I’m Anne and I write about marathon training – or since Oct. 28, about post-marathon slothfulness – at Riled Up Runner.


When Ashley first asked me to contribute a post to her fabulous Marathons+Moderation guest series, I was still a few weeks out from my inaugural marathon and therefore woefully unqualified to impart any advice on running 26.2 miles. But now that I’ve been a successful marathoner for, um, a full week, I’m clearly an expert. You should probably take everything I write as science.*


To be honest, running is a relatively new pastime for me, and one I only considered in a last ditch effort to regain a sense of control after finding myself on New Year’s Day 2011 self-conscious, discouraged and 30 pounds overweight. Let me paint a picture for you: the vast majority of my exercise during the previous 25 years had consisted of sprints to the fridge during Food Network commercial breaks. But since anything seems possible during the first week of January, I somehow allowed myself to be talked into registering for the Philadelphia Broad Street 10-mile Run that May with a group of much healthier friends. Not wanting to come in last place, I manned up, actually trained and – after five months of a slow and steady ramp up – crossed the finish line 10 minutes faster than I’d expected and with the most intoxicating runner’s high imaginable. As my favorite fictional character Forrest Gump said, “From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was running!”

Despite my instantaneous obsession with mid-distance racing, at the time, I wouldn’t have told you a marathon was in the cards for me. Ten miles was rough – I remember thinking – how do some runners do that twice and then add on an extra 10K to boot? So I put the idea of running 26.2 out of my mind and focused instead on 5Ks and 10Ks and the occasional half marathon. I was down to my ideal weight, I was loving the post-race euphoria and I was content.

And then New Year’s Day 2012 rolled around and suddenly, I needed a new resolution. And I really didn’t want it to be flossing. Enter Marine Corps Marathon 2012.

I selected the Marine Corps Marathon in DC for a lot of reasons – my family’s extensive naval history, the prospect of meeting my gorgeous marine soul mate on the race course (spoiler alert: no such luck) and the fact that I could avoid the lottery and secure myself guaranteed entry by running a Marine Corps 10K in March.


So I registered, trained, puffy-painted a shirt with my name on it and – I still can’t believe it – finished my first marathon last week at a surprise 3:51:51 clip. I’d been targeting a just-barely-sub-4:00, but the thrill of the event and the roar of the crowds and the promise of a lot of deliciously empty calories at the finish line lit a fire under my feet and kept me feeling strong for the entire 26.2-mile loop.


Now I think we’ve established here that I’m no expert in running, but I have picked up a few tips along the way that I wish someone had told me before I began marathon training. So in no particular order, I bring you Anne’s list of tips I wish someone had told me before I began marathon training. (Really rolls off the tongue, huh?)

Take your training seriously, but not at the expense of your social life. Marathon training, like most things in life, is all about balance and moderation. Yes, you need to do all your long runs. Yes, you should complete your weekly speed work. Yes, you have to sleep 7+ hours a night, eat well most days and keep the race at the back of your mind all training cycle long. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up the occasional happy hour, or even the occasional all-nighter, during those four months of discipline. Might I have broken 3:50 if I hadn’t danced until the sun came up at a friend’s apartment a few weeks before race day? Maybe. But would I be the well-rounded 90s-dance-party-afficianado I am today? Probably not. I’ll be the first to admit you’re going to have to make some sacrifices in your life to be a great runner, but you also sometimes have to make sacrifices in your running to have a great life. Moderation in all things, including moderation.

Train with friends sometimes, but enjoy your alone time, too. Running with friends is a wonderful way to mix your social life with your training schedule, plus post-run mimosas are way more socially acceptable when you’re not drinking them alone. But while friends can encourage you to run faster and run farther, I think there’s something equally rejuvenating about running solo. Most week days, I head out to Central Park sans-music, sans-Garmin, sans-everything and enjoy some peaceful miles with no sound except that of my steady breathing and my feet hitting the pavement. Sure, there’ll be plenty to look at come race day, but when you find yourself in a crowd-free section of the marathon course with no running buddy around to inspire you, you’ll be glad you have experience running with only No. 1.

Take pictures of your feet before you begin training. Seriously. Why did no one tell me this? While I never claimed to have foot-model-caliber paws before, now that they’re a calloused, toenail-free mess, I suddenly wish I’d paid them more respect pre-2011.

Stretch. I don’t do this, but I’ve heard it’s good for you.

Puffy paint a shirt with your name on it for race day. I’m partial to puffy paint, but you could also use Sharpies or fabric paint or iron-on decals. Either way, don’t even think about toeing the starting line without having your given name broadcast across your bosom. I can’t tell you enough how much the random spectators calling out my name kept me going during those final miles of the Marine Corps Marathon. With every single “Go Anne!,” I grinned – oh fine, and usually teared up – and found the motivation I needed to keep plowing through.

And on that note: go watch local races you’re not participating in and cheer on your friends – or random strangers with their names on their shirts (see above). Part of the fun of running is being a member of a vibrant running community, and never is that sense of camaraderie more apparent than on the sidelines of a race. Volunteer to distribute water if that’s your thing, or just wake up early to clap and holler from the sidelines. What goes around comes around, and cheering on your fellow athletes is unquestionably good karma. One word of caution though: if you’re going to make a sign for the New York City Marathon just hours before Bloomberg decides to cancel it, probably best not to make it so topical it won’t be funny come NYC 2013.


Ah well. Live and learn, right?

Good luck with your training, everyone, and if you ever find yourself in need of a running buddy in New York City, you know where to find me! (ShakeShack, probably.)

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The Marathon’s Gifts

This week’s Marathons+Moderation guest post comes from someone who I’ve had the pleasure of not only meeting in person but also following online for ages! I absolutely loved following Tina as she trained for her first marathon and overcame injuries. Her daily prose inspire many, whether they read her blog or follow her personal training plans. If there is one thing that sums up Tina it’s her perspective on life and experience. Just take this line from her marathon recap:

It took 4 hours, 42 minute, and 55 seconds out of my life. In exchange for the experience of a lifetime.”

Hope you enjoy this guest post as much as I did!

About two weeks before my first marathon, my husband came home one day proclaiming “I realized that I drive about 24 miles to work. It hit me that you will be running farther than that. I don’t know how you do it!” I have friends who introduce me as a “crazy runner”. When my love of running comes up in discussion and I mention an upcoming race it almost never fails that I hear the question of “But WHY would you want to run for 13/26 miles?!” And with each and every one of those remarks I get a smile on my face and a little swell in my heart. I won’t deny that I can be a little crazy…but endurance running sure doesn’t make me crazy. I feel like I would be crazy not to run.


I started running not even 2 short years ago, after the end of my second pregnancy. I’ve always loved fitness and have been working out for a decade. I even took that passion to become a NASM certified personal trainer. Strength training is my first love, but running is my true love. Running and training for races reminds me a lot of a passionate relationship. It has its highs. It has its lows. It can break your heart or leave you soaring in a euphoric natural high. Through it all, though, the desire never fades…it likely only grows stronger.

This past spring I trained for my first full marathon. I won’t lie and tell you it was a road full of rainbows and butterflies with unicorns offering up ice cold purified water with Nuun every few miles along the way. Not even close. I incurred my first running related injury during that training. I have a post on my blog about dealing with a running injury and training how works for you, but that’s not what I’m here to talk about.

That marathon may have taken away some sanity, time, energy, and maybe even a little dignity in the “I should have known better” sense. It gave so much more.


It gave me time. I know I just said it took time, but it also gave me *ME* time. As a mom of two toddlers running my own personal training business and blogging, I fully looked forward to my Saturday morning runs where I could have time to myself.

It gave me friends. I got involved with a local running group during my training. Having other friends who enjoy the sport and won’t be introducing you as the “crazy runner” added so much to my life.

It gave me appreciation for my body. As someone who has struggled with an eating disorder and a lot of self-image issues in the past, seeing that my body could achieve what I previously thought impossible turned my self-image around. I no longer care so much about what my body looks like. I just want to run.

It gave me knowledge. I have learned so much about my body and better ways to fuel myself, heal myself, respect myself, and balance myself through running. I learned and overcame weaknesses I wouldn’t have known I had without running.

It gave me joy. Immeasurable joy. If I can be in as much pain as I was in this picture and still be smiling that big, you know I felt pure joy. Only a few moments in my life compared to that moment, coming to the finish line of my first marathon. I can’t wait to experience it again….I even just registered for the New Orleans Rock N Roll Full!

If you have had a goal to do a marathon, half marathon, 10K, 5K, whatever, because you fear what it may cost you…don’t. I’m here to say that it will add so much more than it would ever cause you to sacrifice. Go for it. You don’t have much to lose, but a world of positives to gain.

headshot_thumbTina Reale is a NASM certified personal trainer and owner of the personal training site and blog Best Body Fitness. Tina offers affordable online personal training programs and her Best Body Bootcamp virtual boot camp (now registering!). Tina also shares workouts and fitness motivation through her blog. Tina completed her first marathon – the Cleveland Marathon – in May 2012 and looks forward to continuing her quest for a healthy, balanced life as she raises her two small children. Look for her on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram as well.

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Running A Marathon with Little Motivation

Today’s Marathons+Moderation guest post comes from the lovely Mary from Food & Fun on the Run! Mary and I met during Healthy Living Summit as she has become one of Meghann’s triathlon buddies in Tampa and is all around amazing! A Lululemon Ambassador, Mary is about to become a 7 time marathoner! While she ran track and cross country in college, her love for running has only evolved from there. I hope you all enjoy this post as much as I do and hop over to her blog to give her a big hello and good luck in Chicago!


Hey guys! I am someone that thrives off of having a plan in place – whether it comes to my job, vacations, and of course running! Signing up for a marathon, and knowing exactly what I will be doing to workout for the next 18 weeks is very exhilarating. I plan my weekends around the long runs, and if a vacation or out of town trip presents itself, I am immediately looking at a MapMyRun route to see where I can tackle the miles in a new city.

But what happens when you get into the core of marathon training and your plan has a bit of a snag in it? I am little bit more than a week away from running the Chicago Marathon. Normally, my training plan is littered with tempo runs, track workouts, and pace runs, but it you look at my Workout Log, my completed workouts do not reflect that – at all. I have had no speed training for more than about 10 weeks due to a hamstring injury. Don’t worry, I’m not being a dummy and running through an injury that is going to sideline me for months and months. My injury is getting no worse at its current state. With increased stretching, icing, and massage, it is actually improving, just not enough for speedy improvements. What does this mean for me? I will not be reaching my 3:30 goal for Chicago – I will be running it to take it all in – my 3rd race in my quest to complete all 5 World Marathon Majors!

Without a time goal, my usual super pumped marathon training attitude has been a bit more lack-luster this time around. Here are 5 tips when your training motivation just isn’t there, whether it is due to a nagging injury, summer training (hello Florida runners!), or even scheduling too many back to back races.

1. Be Flexible

The thing that helped me the most was just letting go of the goal I had set, and truly coming to terms with it. I am very determined to run a 3:30 marathon. I know I can do it. October just will not be the time that I achieve it. At first, I was not ok with that. I tried to suck it up and just run through the pain. That thought ended quickly, and I realized that it is just one race – big deal that I will not PR. There will be plenty more down the road for another attempt, and I am going to do something pretty awesome on October 7th – run the Chicago Marathon –> for fun!

2. Skip a Workout

Yep, you read that right. Sleep in if you need to. Grab drinks with friends after work instead of hammering out that hour run. It is ok if you do not do 100% of every workout in your training plan. I am going to say that the majority of people that have run marathons (even the pros) have skipped a workout from time to time. Sometimes your body just needs to physical and mental break. Just pick up where you left off the following day. One piece of advice – don’t try to make up your skipped workout on another day. It will hurt other workouts you have planned for the rest of the week, and will actually hurt you more than help you.

Skip a workout

3. Connect with Others for Motivation

I have a group of friends here in town that I can always count on to run a few miles with me, no matter what the circumstance. If it is crazy hot, or beyond early in the morning, they are there to help me complete my runs. I was lucky to have them accompany me on one of my 20 mile long runs, and I would not have finished it without them. Their support is invaluable when the motivation to run is just not there. The camaraderie of these women is a direct reflection of me making it to the start line in Chicago. Find someone to run (or even bike ride) next to you when you need it most!

Connect with Others

4. Do Your Long Runs!

No matter what your goal is for a marathon, it is incredibly important that you do the long runs on your training schedule. Even if you do not have a time goal in sight, completing those 18-20 mile runs will make the actual race significantly more fun (and hurt a heck of a lot less).

5. Ditch the Garmin

I have a problem with focusing on pace way too much when I run. I will look down, see a less than favorable split, and then it throws off my whole run. If you can, map out your run before leaving on line so that you know how far the completed mileage is, and then just go run it. Bring your watch if you want, or have the freedom to leave it at home. I think you will be surprised how amazing it is to run with the pressure of time!

Ditch the Garmin

Just to note: I was cleared by a doctor to run the race. If you have an injury or think you are incapable of finishing a long race like a marathon, please check with your doctor first! Running a race is not worth a permanent injury!

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