NYC Half Marathon Training Week 1

The good news is, I survived last week both from a physical and professional stand point. It was my first true week of half marathon training. I’m a little late to start but better late than never, right? In addition, the fact that I was able to log each of my workouts while still balancing the busiest week of work I’ve experienced gives me hope.


Last week’s workouts were as follows:

Monday: 4 miles on the treadmill

Tuesday: Personal training session (read more about the break up decision here)

Wednesday: Barry’s Bootcamp 

Thursday & Friday: accidental rest days

Saturday: 6 miles on the treadmill at a 1.0 incline and half marathon pace

Sunday: 4 mile run to brunch with Theodora 


Even though I had one more rest day than originally planned, I still logged quality workouts which left me feeling strong and back on track from a training stand point. After all, I have a half marathon on March 17th in which I’m trying to PR. While I know that I feel like I’m in the best shape ever, I am still wary of failure.

But, I think that my run coach, Gia’s plan and suggestions for the next few weeks will get me back to a place of confidence. The key to my running over the next seven weeks is to ensure that I get back outside and into the park for the majority of my runs. It’ll be tough considering the elements and my upcoming travel to Geneva and a tropical location for Theodora’s birthday, but I have to remember that every outdoor run will make March 17th easier. Luckily, I have people like Ashley B and Jess who inspire me to get back outside on a daily basis through their fun pictures! (picture via Jess)

New Year's Eve Run

This week’s schedule includes a 4 mile run in Central Park and 8 miles outside in the cold on Saturday! In addition, for your enjoyment, this week’s training schedule also comes with a theme song.

Scream & Shout (feat Brittney Spears) –

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Reflections on Running

Sorry I’ve been so quiet this weekend. Normally I catch up on blogging and spend at least an hour each day during the weekend with posts. But, yesterday was far busier than I expected. After all, I ran my second half marathon in 7 days!


Gia and I ready for 13.1 miles of fun!

After last week’s rough race experience, which I analyzed and explained in this week’s Friday Face Time, I really felt I needed some type of redemption and time for reflection. I left last Saturday’s race loathing running, lacking confidence, and very discouraged. After seeing my tweets on Saturday, one of my New York City running buddies, Rebecca, suggested I run the 13.1 New York Half Marathon yesterday for redemption.

Such a great idea Rebecca!

While I wasn’t sure whether my body was ready for another 13.1 miles, I knew that I needed to do it mentally and emotionally. On Friday, Gia decided to sign up for the race so she could run with me and analyze my running further for our coaching.

Leading up to the race, I did everything right. I spent the week recovering, enjoying plenty of sleep and Hunger Games relaxation, ate clean, and hydrated. Friday night, Bo and I cooked dinner in together since he had his first triathlon yesterday and I was excited for some quality carb loading before the half. We kept the ingredients simple to help deter any stomach issues. Dinner consisted of fresh made pasta, tomato and basil sauce, topped with sauteed scallops and freshly grated Parmesan cheese.

I was in bed by 9, ready for 7 hours of rest before my 6:45 alarm. Gia generously offered to drive Rebecca and I out to Queens so we wouldn’t have to battle with public transportation. The three of us were stretching and enjoying the pre-race festivities by 8:30. This left us plenty of time to use the restrooms, discuss a post race strategy, and enjoy the amazing weather. It was sunny with a light breeze and about 60 degrees when the race began.  Gia and I didn’t really discuss our strategy at length other than that I wanted to enjoy the race more than the week before and a PR would be amazing if the stars aligned.

I’ll rid you of the curiosity right now and let you know that I didn’t PR.

But, during the next two hours or so, I learned a lot about myself and my thoughts on running.

  1. Running allows you to learn something new about your body each day. One day you may realize that your hamstrings are tight while another day may lead you to realize you don’t breathe properly.
  2. I need to focus on my sweetspot. Gia and I realized yesterday that my body isn’t ready to jump my 10k pace to the half marathon distance. When I try and do this I last for 7 miles before bonking. Therefore, it’s important to focus on what we believe is my sweet spot for the half marathon distance, 10 min/mile pace, for the next few weeks of long runs. This would allow me to run at least a 2:11 half marathon, which would be a PR*. (* means I’ll explain this further down the list)
  3. I need to focus on breathing and feeling the pace. Yesterday, during our first 6 miles, I ran sans headphones and focused on breathing and putting one foot in front of the other. While we started out far faster than our 9:57 goal pace, it was a new and unique experience. Therefore, I’m going to try and “unplug” for at least a few miles of each long run so I can focus on breathing just like I do during a yoga class.
  4. My form needs some work. I was never trained formally in running and therefore have never had my gait evaluated extensively. I should probably take advantage of the tools Finish Line Phyiscal Therapy has and also Gia’s knowledge of gait to improve this over the next few months. Yesterday she realized that I have a short stride and therefore this is something we’ll work on in the future during runs together.
  5. I am using last year’s National Half marathon as my PR time. This was my best half marathon time in the past four years. Before that, my first half marathon was a 2:07:30. But, I wasn’t healthy at that point in my life. I was battling a mix of depression and exercise anorexia. I was 124 pounds and not in a good place. I don’t want to push myself to beat that PR that was achieved at an unhealthy time in my life. While I do believe that I can exceed that sooner or later, I don’t want to give myself credit for things that happened during that point. This is a personal decision for me and since I’m not out to win races or qualify for the Olympics, I don’t think any officials will argue with me anytime soon.
  6. Get out of my head. Running is very mental and a negative mindset can easily wreck a run or race. Both yesterday and last week, as soon as my pace started to dwindle, my mind and heartrate began to race. I thought about disappointing readers, Bo, Gia, and others who were tracking me. I thought about failure. These negative thoughts made pushing through the pain of last week’s stomach issues and yesterday’s sore quads even harder. This is when putting headphones in can help. I love Rebecca’s suggestion of listening to an audio book, even during a half marathon. Heck, she PR’d yesterday listening to The Hunger Games. I guess we know that Katniss can be an awesome inspiration.
  7. Setting limits is important. It’s easy to sign up for races on a whim because other people are doing them or because I am allowed a great opportunity. While this is fine, I need to set limits on how many I’ll try to PR. If I try to PR every single running event I do then there is a risk of over-training, burnout, and disappointment. For example, if I happen to sign up for any more half marathons over the next few months, they’ll be treated as marathon training runs, versus PR attempts. I’m burnt out on the half marathon distance right now, even though it’s normally my favorite distance. Heck, yesterday was my 14th half marathon! Right now my next goal is to PR during the NYRR Mini 10k!  Last year I set a new PR during this race and had a blast with lots of my favorite running ladies. 
  8. The blogger in me needs to stop showing up during long runs. Yesterday, I finally admitted to Gia that I think taking photos during long runs has affected my training for over a year. I’m constantly in awe of the gorgeous scenery I am able to enjoy during my runs. But, my average photo is taken during rest, not movement. Therefore, I’m not truly running for 8, 10, or 12 miles straight. This isn’t beneficial during a half or full marathon. Therefore, you can expect a reduction in pictures on long run days but an improvement in my training. I’m sure some of you are laughing that it took me this long to admit this but we all learn things in at our own pace.

What are your thoughts on running? Any lessons you learned the hard way? 


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Running 10 Miles on The Treadmill


Bo and I had aggressive plans this morning.

  • Wake up by 6am
  • Run 6.3 miles to the center of Prospect Park, by way of the Manhattan Bridge
  • Run the 4 mile NYRR race in Prospect Park
  • Take the subway back to Manhattan in time for me to head to see my cousin in New Jersey

When the alarm went off at 5:55 this morning neither of us were ready to get up. Even though we’d gone to sleep at 10:30, we were still exhausted and our bodies were craving more sleep. Due to our busy work schedules we don’t have the opportunity to sleep in during the week and therefore feel it’s healthiest to listen to our bodies during the weekend.  It didn’t help that when our alarm went off we could already hear the howling wind that was blowing through Manhattan. When we saw that it was only 30 degrees, felt like 27, and the wind guests were 22 miles per hour, we decided to bag the race. Oh well, that’s $34 which will go to a good cause, by way of NYRR.

Instead, I woke up 2 hours later, ready to conquer ten miles on the treadmill. Don’t get me wrong. I love running outside in Manhattan each weekend but there are some things I only do if I’m running a race. Running in crazy, gusty wind is one of those things. Therefore, I enjoyed an open faced peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a cup of coffee before heading to the gym.

imageSome people cringe at the thought of running even a few miles on the treadmill. Therefore, I figured I’d share with you all a few of my tips to making a long treadmill run bearable.

  1. Bring your own water bottle and ensure that you have a towel large enough to cover the treadmill screen.
  2. Dress for the gym, not outside. Today I really wished I was wearing shorts and a tank during my run instead of crop pants and a technical t-shirt. I was sweating bullets and the crowded gym was a bit more hot and humid than it is when it’s nice and empty.
  3. Bring your own water bottle and fuel so you can treat it like a race. I sipped water every two miles and enjoyed a few Honey Stingers at mile 6, similar to what I’d do during a race.
  4. If possible, position yourself in front of a television. Watching two episodes of Law & Order made the time fly by this morning. If your gym or home treadmill aren’t set up near a television, bring your favorite playlist and jam out.
  5. Switch it up! It seems more bearable to think of it in little parts. Therefore, I ran 4 miles on one treadmill, moved down three treadmills for the next 4 miles, and moved upstairs for the final 2 miles. I didn’t waste time during my treadmill swap either. This is a time to log the miles, not dilly dally around the gym.
  6. Rarely log long runs on the treadmill. This will keep it fresh and more like a unique situation than a dreadful habit. This is my first treadmill long run this training season and I think that made it far more tolerable.

image What are your tips for treadmill running or do you avoid it entirely?

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