Holy Hills

I forgot how hill Atlanta is.

This morning after seven glorious hours of sleep I headed out for an hour run. My only running option was to leave their development and run down up Lenox Road towards the mall.

Mile 1: 9:45 (conquered 2 hills, feeling good)

Mile 2: 10:10 (humidity, hills, more hills)

Mile 3: 9:30 (ran circles around Lenox Mall just to find some flat space)

Mile 4: 10:05 (hills but more downhill this time)

Mile 5: 10:00 (can I please be done? It’s hot, humid, and muggy)

Total: 54 sweaty minutes

This area of Atlanta has done a great job including sidewalks everywhere! I never once had to run on the street or worry about cars. It was actually fun running around the mall as there was a track club doing sprints in the parking lot!

I was sweaty and my hips were tight when I finished due to the hills but I felt energized and proud of myself for keeping healthy while on vacation!

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Thank you Lululemon for keeping me somewhat cool due to your amazing tanks, sports bras, and tights. Without you I’d be miserable!


After stretching and a nice cool shower Meghan and I chatted over a delicious, cold bowl of cereal. I don’t eat cereal much but when I do it certainly hits the spot. This bowl was a mix of Kashi Whole Wheat Bisquits Cinnamon Harvest Squares and Quaker Oat Squares. My muscles were also thankful for the banana that I sliced and added to the top. Potassium does a body good! I highly recommend both cereals. They were crunchy, cinnamon, and filling.

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Now we’re off to meet up with our other friends for either a day of shopping or laying by the pool. I hope the sun allows for the latter.

VEGA GOOD GIVEAWAY WINNER: Congrats Nicole!! You were lucky number 6!

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