Reflections on My First DNF

I woke up this morning excited to give the Lausanne Marathon my best try. Through the night we woke up multiple times to the sounds of thunder and torrential downpours. This morning Emily and I texted back and forth trying to make last minute plans on how to best prepare for a rainy marathon. The updated weather report showed 80% chance of rain until 1pm.

We took the train from Geneva to Lausanne, ready for the worst, wearing running rain coats, hats or visors, lots of plastic bags to protect electronics and good spirits. But, when we arrived at the marathon and 10k start area there was very little shelter and it was still pouring. It was raining so hard that we had to write our names on our baggage check bags as we feared the stickers would peel off.


We took cover under a building overhang and waited for 20 minutes before dashing to the bathroom and heading into the corrals. Just as we headed over to the corrals the rain stopped and we thought our prayers had been heard.


I unzipped my New Balance Reach the Beach running jacket in hopes that I could leave it in my checked baggage. As soon as we took this picture, the rain started again. We actually thought the marathon start would be delayed as there was thunder nearby.

But, in the Swiss fashion, the marathon started exactly on time and Emily and I quickly moved into corrals behind the 4:30 pacer. We figured that she would provide us some much needed motivation during the rainy miles and help us stay on pace through the hills and puddle jumping. We crossed the starting line barely able to see in front of us due to the heavy downpour. In fact, by the 5k point our shoes felt like weights due to the rain.

For the first 8 miles I stuck with Emily and the pacer, thinking that a second marathon in so many weeks was in my reach along with a PR. I ran with my heart and legs, focusing on the scenery and staying strong through every hill. I leaned forward at my hips, followed Monica’s arm swing tips and kept smiling.  My Garmin wasn’t enjoying the constant downpour and would go from constantly beeping, showing random paces to turning off all together.  At the next KM marker I did some quick math and realized that they were going far faster than a 4:30 pace. Based on my rough estimates they were keeping closer to a 9:55 pace. This amazed me as we’d climbed some pretty good hills and the rain was making everything more difficult. For one second I felt excited as this is a strong pace considering the hills and rain. But, the next second I realized that if I wanted to finish I needed to slow down, more in line with my goal pace. I gave Emily a wave goodbye and told her I was going to hang behind. Around a mile later the rain stopped and as the clouds cleared, the lake finally came into view. I told myself that I couldn’t put headphones on until the marathon turn around point, at mile 13. I asked a nearby runner what his pace was and when I heard 10:20, I said perfect and asked if I could run behind him since my Garmin was only showing overall time.


For the next 3 miles or so I felt pretty good. My shoes were heavy but my breathing was in check and I felt mentally strong. I took in the sights, enjoying a few small Swiss towns, vineyards, fun Swiss residents cheering from their windows,  and views of the lake. But then at mile 11.2 I felt a pain in the back of my right leg. Right where my ITBand connects was pulling and had me wincing. I tried slowing my pace seeing if that would help. For a half mile or so it would feel a bit better but then it started again. I pushed through for 2 more miles, through the half marathon starting line. I knew I had to make a decision at this point.

I could push through the pain and maintain a run walk for the next 13 miles. But, I feared a few things at this point. But then I remembered what Gia said to me earlier this week. She told me to listen to my body. I’ve run marathons but never two in a season and I’ve actually never run a 10k or half marathon within a few weeks of a marathon. Historically I’ve focused on yoga and cross training during November and December before hopping into half marathon training after the holidays. I remembered Emily’s story about pushing through severe pain during her first marathon and then being on the “disabled list” for 8 months afterwards.

At 14.2 I finally made my decision and pulled to the side of the course.


I ended today with my first DNF. I expected tears and depression during the hours that followed. Instead, I texted my close friends and family who were following my progression letting them know I decided to bail. I shared the news on Twitter with followers as they were all so supportive over the past 24 hours, providing rain and hill suggestions. Instead of being depressed, I spent the rest of the afternoon cheering on the half marathon runners with other friends and greeting Ranald and Emily at the finish. I can’t wait to run the Lausanne Half Marathon next year. The starting line was a huge party with each starting wave dancing and waving to the wave behind them. There were massages and food for participants BEFORE the 1:45 start time!



By the end of the day, we had a marathon, two half marathon distance, and a 10k in our group. Not a bad way to end the day. As the medals for all events are the exact same, my girl Emily grabbed me one as she finished the marathon. As she gave it to me she said, “you did after all run a half marathon today.”

I am sure readers will have mixed emotions about my unsuccessful attempt to run 2 marathons so close together. But, I will never know my body’s ability if I don’t try. That is what today was all about, trying something I hadn’t done before and giving it my best attempt.

I’m taking this week off from formal training, enjoying some cross training and yoga, before jumping into 10k training as we are signed up for the Clapham Common Nativity Run 10k on December 14th!

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Why I’m Running The Lausanne Marathon

Before we get to today’s topic, here is a picture of our brunch date this morning. I mean really, how can you not smile when you see this face?


Okay, so now back to the running talk. Two weeks ago, I was just finishing the ING Hartford Marathon. While it wasn’t exactly the marathon I’d hoped for it was still such a fun day with some wonderful ladies! 2013-10-12 13.22.12 HDRAs I was finishing, my immediate thought was that I never wanted to run another marathon. I think a lot of people have this during a tough marathon. But, during the train ride from Hartford to New York City I realized that the Lausanne Half Marathon, which I already had on my calendar, was only 2 weeks later. I started thinking about whether my body and mind were strong enough for a second marathon. Each year I’ve been tempted to run two marathons because there are so many wonderful East Coast marathons during the Fall. First it was whether I could do Marine Corps and New York City. Another year it was whether I could do Wine Glass and New York City. This year, I finally decided, after talking with Laura and Gia, that I wanted to give two marathons a try. When I made a pro/con list I had a hard time thinking of many cons. (photo source)


  • Only 45 minutes away, via train
  • The town and surrounding area is supposed to be gorgeous
  • The entire course is along Lake Geneva
  • Out and back course means perfect opportunity to keep my mind occupied while watching people on their way back
  • Bo and other friends were already signed up for the half marathon or 10k which means friends cheering
  • Fall foliage along the vineyard hills should be gorgeous
  • First European marathon


  • The course includes multiple rolling hills which will be challenging as I didn’t train on many hills
  • Only 288 women are signed up for the full marathon along with 1,000 men
  • Half marathon runners start at the turn around point 2 hours and 45 minutes after our start which means there will be faster runners passing me

I did not choose to run the Lausanne Marathon because I wanted redemption. After everything that I’ve gone through over the past few months, while I would love a marathon PR this year, I realize that it may not be in the cards. I am going into the marathon with no expectations or goals other than having a strong race and applying what I learned in Hartford. I want to enjoy myself and take in every single moment, appreciating the opportunities we can have while living abroad. I’m excited to have Bo on the sidelines cheering after his 10K race.

I didn’t share the decision to run the marathon with my family, friends or social media because I wanted to make sure my mind and body were in fact ready for the challenge. In fact, it wasn’t until we arrived at the expo yesterday that I committed 100% to the marathon. 2013-10-25 17.50.40-1I did the runs and rest days Gia prescribed for me over the past 10 days while eating healthy and cutting back on alcohol. I listened to my body and slept 8 hours more than 6 of the past 10 days. I’ve asked Laura for advice on a daily basis and read multiple marathon recaps from friends who have rocked hilly races, including Bobbi, Stephanie and  Meghann.  I gave myself the flexibility to make a last minute decision which also helped reduce the pressure. But, by the time we left the expo last night I couldn’t contain my excitement anymore. I am so excited for Sunday! 2013-10-25 17.48.492013-10-25 17.54.10We’ve enjoyed a low key day in Geneva, brunching with friends and picking up ingredients at the farmer’s market before going on a shake out run along Lake Geneva. 2013-10-26 11.40.08Now it’s time to hang out with my very Swiss 2XU compression socks and relax the rest of this evening with Bo, Ranald and Emily as we prepare for tomorrow! 2013-10-25 20.06.00

Any tips or words of wisdom for tomorrow’s race?

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