This Week’s Superlatives

This week has been a bit more relaxed than most. I was able to work from home part of today and I balanced a busy work week with plenty of sleep and some great workouts and meals. I thought it’d be fun to round up some of my favorite things from this week in a little superlative post.

My hardest workout this week was definitely yesterday morning’s spur of the moment workout class. My personal trainer is pregnant and unfortunately sleep hasn’t come easy for her lately. When she texted me that she was exhausted and needed more sleep, I turned to Equinox’s group fitness schedule in hopes of finding a substitution. The 45 minute Cardio Sculpt class with Caitlin McGowan was a perfect substitute. The cardio bursts were intense and some of the lunges and step ups challenged my legs. My only wish was that the chest and arm section had been a bit longer.


My favorite lunch salad concoction was a protein filled salad with a few new flavors: arugula and romaine mix, egg whites, 1 egg, grapes, beets, red onions, tomatoes, celery, half serving of blue cheese, salt, pepper, and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and olive oil. It was delicious and the extra protein really made it stick while the hard boiled yolk gave it a creamier consistency since it mixed throughout when they chopped the salad.


I’ve fallen head over heels for juices, which is bad for my wallet but great for my skin and body. The winner of this week’s juices was the green monster: kale, spinach, ginger, apple, lemon, and pineapple!


Last but not least, the thing that left me with the biggest smile this week was last night’s Junior League social event with my committee. Our social sub-committee is making a concerted effort to provide activities which bring our group together outside of our volunteer commitments and monthly meeting. While we’ve tried the normal happy hours or dinner outings, last night’s pottery painting at Little Shop of Crafts was more fun than any of us expected! While some of us are more talented than others, I can’t wait to use my University of Georgia mug for my morning office coffee.


What left you smiling this week?

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