Marathons & Moderation: Guest Post #1

Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope the weather is better in your neck of the woods than what we’re dealing with in New York City. It has been raining for the past three days and I literally thought I was going to float away this morning on the way to the gym. Oh well! I can’t complain too much because last night there was actually sunshine during the NYRR Wall Street 3 Mile race!
As you may recall, I reached out via Twitter a few weeks ago looking for readers and bloggers alike who would like to do guest posts on Marathons & Moderation. One of my primary goals for this year’s marathon training is to find moderation. Therefore, I thought I’d reach out to some of the experts to provide their two cents on how to stay sane, injury free, and enjoy marathon training by using moderation.
The first guest post comes from one of my local favorites, Ellen! Hope you enjoy the first of many Marathon & Moderation guest posts. If you’d like to guest post on this topic, please let me know in the comments section!

Hi, Healthy, Happier readers! I’m Ellen and I blog at Keepin the Pace, where I talk about running, cooking and finding ways to keep up with the pace of daily life while making it all happen. When Ashley sent out the call to guest post on marathons and moderation, I jumped at the chance. I’ve been a reader for quite a while, and will be running my third marathon this fall. Moderation or balance is something I’m always striving to attain – and something others generally tell me I’m pretty good at.

Let’s be honest here, by nature, there’s nothing "moderate" about training for months to push your body to run 26.2 miles. I’m not saying it’s crazy, but let’s start by defining "moderation." Running a marathon (and training for one) isn’t easy. It’s taxing both physically and mentally and requires a lot of commitment. That said, it’s also incredibly rewarding. And the best thing you can do is define what you mean by "moderation." The clearer a picture you have, the easier it will be to ensure that you attain it.

This fall, I will be running my third marathon (NYC). My previous marathon experiences were very different from each other in many ways: training, attitude, performance. I’ve learned quite a bit training for both, and here are some things to consider…


Do some research. You’ve chosen the marathon, you know where the finish line is – now there are a few months to figure out how to get to it. Outside of training, you’d like to keep some semblance of normalcy in your life.

Define what moderation looks like for you over a few months… over a week… over the course of a day. For example:

  • Over four months, I’d like to make 3-5 social events/month.
  • Over a week, I’d like to have dinner with friends/significant other three times.
  • In the course of a day, I’d like to eat homemade meals 75% of the time.
  • Most of my goals here are food-related (that’s where my head is), but yours may have more to do with hanging out with friends, keeping up with work, yoga, etc. Look at your big plan and pick a few attainable goals that will keep you happy.

  • Backwards plan. Mark that marathon on the calendar and mark it big. Then map your long training runs backwards from that date.

    • Know that training plans are generally created in a vacuum… a perfect world where weather and work and a social life don’t factor in to training. Read several plans from different sources (I can tell you some good books) and take each with a grain of salt.
    • Once you’ve read, think about what works for you. Relative newbie running a first marathon? Probably not a good idea to plan for a sub-4:00 marathon training 45 miles/week. YOU are the best coach you can have right now. Map out your long runs on a day that works for you. (Note: This isn’t always Sunday. For me, in the summer, Friday works better).
    • Loosely factor in your weekday runs — these may be subject to change as your schedule changes. Check up on them at the beginning of each week and adjust as needed.
  • Go easy on yourself. You’re already awesome, this much we’ve established (uh, you’re running a marathon). Remember: Your marathon will not fall apart if you skip your speed work on July 17. Nor will you bonk because you had to cut your long run 2 miles short in September. So really, plan ahead, but know that your plan is not concrete.
    • Weekly: Sunday nights I check out my running/cross-training plan to see what works with my schedule. I know that I may need to change things around sometimes, and that’s okay. Try to keep your long runs intact, know that your shorter weekday runs give a little more leeway.
    • Daily: Splitting runs is fine. Really. Perhaps on a Wednesday I can’t run 6 miles at a time… but I can run 3 miles before work and 3 miles afterwards. It’s still six miles. It’s a weekday. You have a real life. Your marathon will not suffer, I promise.

  • Reward yourself. This is a big deal. I know that dangling that carrot in front of me helps quite a bit when motivating myself to get out the door for a 15-miler in the August humidity. Tie your rewards to the task – long run in the heat? Get an awesome summer wicking top. Met your yoga goals for the month? Maybe some new socks are in order. Either way, keep yourself motivated with little rewards along the way, and you will be handsomely rewarded at the finish line of your marathon.
The bottom line is, enjoy your training (as tough as it might be). There will be a time in your life when you think back on this fondly. Make sure you were good to yourself — and check back to my blog to see how I’m doing! Good luck to your running endeavors and I’ll see all of you NYC Marathoners on November 6, 2011 for a nice little tour of the boroughs 🙂
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A Hot Date with Weights

I had a hot date this morning with some new friends!IMG_0801

After a 3 mile run that went by faster than normal, I decided to back out of Whipped with Sara in favor of some time in the weight corner. I’m still not feeling 100% so a tough class didn’t sound appealing. However, I was proud of myself for spending time in the weight section instead of cutting my workout short.

Like many people, I find the weight section to be intimidating when I am not prepared with a plan of attack. There are many different types of weights, both free weights and machines, which can be confusing and dangerous if not used properly.

Since committing to cross training, weights has been part of the reason I’ve become faster. Most of my weight work has been through classes such as 30/60/90 or Corey Hill’s classes. However, this workout, which Sara shared with me, is also a perfect way to fit in weight training, especially when there isn’t a class on the gym schedule. Don’t worry, no will is looking at you while you’re lifting weights. There is no reason to be intimidated, scared, or shy of the weight section even though most females avoid it like the plague. Why should boys have all the fun anyway?

Print this post out with you so you can carry it to the gym. Also, I’ve linked each one to a website which shows how to do the exercise.

Strong, Shapely Arm Workout

Set 1:
Ez bar curl
Cabel Reverse grip single arm tricep
Hammer grip dumbell curl
Set 2:
Close grip barbell benchpress
Rope cable curls
Complete 12 reps of each exercise and complete the sets 3 times.IMG_0802

In addition to the arm work today, I spent a few minutes focusing on building my leg strength. I followed this simple workout, which I found online.

Quick Leg Workout for Weight Room Beginners

Walking lunges with 5 lb weight in each hand

Leg extensions

Incline leg press

Complete 12 reps of each, 3 times total.

This entire workout took me a total of 35 minutes, including stretching and foam rolling at the end. My muscles felt fatigued and I felt stronger overall, knowing I was focusing on an area that still needs a great deal of work and will help my running immensely.

If you’re looking for more weight room advice or running oriented weight workouts, check out these great links!

Question: What is your favorite single strength training move?

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A Hot Date with Weights

I had a hot date this morning with some new friends! IMG_0801After a 3 mile run that went by faster than normal, I decided to back out of Whipped with Sara in favor of some time in the weight corner. I’m still not feeling 100% so a tough class didn’t sound appealing. However, I was proud of myself for spending time in the weight section instead of cutting my workout short. IMG_0800

Like many people, I find the weight section to be intimidating when I am not prepared with a plan of attack. There are many different types of weights, both free weights and machines, which can be confusing and dangerous if not used properly.

Since committing to cross training, weights has been part of the reason I’ve become faster. Most of my weight work has been through classes such as 30/60/90 or Corey Hill’s classes. However, this workout, which Sara shared with me, is also a perfect way to fit in weight training, especially when there isn’t a class on the gym schedule. Don’t worry, no will is looking at you while you’re lifting weights. There is no reason to be intimidated, scared, or shy of the weight section even though most females avoid it like the plague. Why should boys have all the fun anyway?

Print this post out with you so you can carry it to the gym. Also, I’ve linked each one to a website which shows how to do the exercise.

Strong, Shapely Arm Workout

Set 1:
Ez bar curl
Cabel Reverse grip single arm tricep
Hammer grip dumbell curl
Set 2:
Close grip barbell benchpress
Rope cable curls
Complete 12 reps of each exercise and complete the sets 3 times.IMG_0802

In addition to the arm work today, I spent a few minutes focusing on building my leg strength. I followed this simple workout, which I found online.

Quick Leg Workout for Weight Room Beginners

Walking lunges with 5 lb weight in each hand

Leg extensions

Incline leg press

Complete 12 reps of each, 3 times total.

This entire workout took me a total of 35 minutes, including stretching and foam rolling at the end. My muscles felt fatigued and I felt stronger overall, knowing I was focusing on an area that still needs a great deal of work and will help my running immensely.

If you’re looking for more weight room advice or running oriented weight workouts, check out these great links!

Question: What is your favorite single strength training move?

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