Protein Four Ways

Once upon a time, a New York City blogger received a package so large that she couldn’t even fit it in her New York sized pantry. Come one, come all she begged her friends and family to help her sample and enjoy the protein powder. This box contained containers of protein larger than she even knew existed.

Based on this opening, I think you all get my drift. The amazing folks at GNC sent me a package of assorted protein powders to review and experience in hopes of finding one that fit my needs and taste buds perfectly, like a glass slipper.

For the past two weeks I’ve used protein in at least one meal or snack per day, ranging from oats to smoothies of multiple flavors.

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  • Apple Oats: 1/2 cup oats, diced apple, dash of cinnamon, scoop of Vanilla Whey protein powder, and boiling water.
  • Chocolate Covered Strawberry Oats: 1/2 cup oats, sliced strawberries, scoop of chocolate egg protein powder, and boiling water.
  • Simple Chocolate Shake: 1 cup Almond Breeze or water mixed vigorously with chocolate egg protein powder.

Some people ask, why the protein? Or, why can’t I just get it from whole foods. My answer to that is pretty simple. I do get a great deal of protein from whole foods like chicken breast, shrimp in salads, and cheese but as someone who tends to have a ravenous appetite, protein helps keep me full longer. By adding a scoop of protein to my oatmeal, I’ve eliminated the need for a morning snack. A simple chocolate shake in the afternoon is a great way for me to stop the afternoon hunger/sugar monster and help repair muscles. In addition, as I start marathon training next week I really need to keep my eating in check. I’ve worked too hard to get back into all my size 6 and 8 clothes and within a few pounds of my goal weight to lose it all to afternoon snack binges brought on my “marathon mindset” and an insatiable hunger.

If I can reach in my desk drawer and pull out a hunger buster like this, then I’m a happy camper!

012 Really, the only thing that I worry about in regard to protein powder is the sodium, sugar, or cholesterol levels. Luckily, these proteins were all low in sugar and cholesterol, but a few of them had more sodium then I’d like.

Protein Recap

As I mentioned above, GNC sent me four different types of protein to sample (egg, whey, soy, and casein). Before this, I really didn’t know casein or egg existed. I didn’t realize that GNC carried such a wide variety of powders both in flavors and types!

Here’s what I learned about each type and my thoughts:

012GNC Pro Performance 100% Whey Protein: Whey is a fast absorbing protein and therefore perfect for right before or after workouts. It is perfect for my morning oats since I enjoy them right after my workout each day. This powder also mixed very easily and the vanilla wasn’t too sweet. A full scoop is 120 calories, 2 grams of fat, 20 grams of protein, 2 g of sugar, and 4% sodium but 13% cholesterol. I found that I didn’t need a full scoop to help keep me full and energized so after a week I reduced it to a half scoop.

GNC Pro Performance® 100% Casein Protein - Chocolate - GNC PRO PERFORMANCE - GNC

GNC Pro Performance 100% Casein Protein: This protein is very slowly absorbed and therefore many people take it at night to gain lean muscle. Who knew you could develop muscle while you slept. As you can tell, I’m not sold on this one. It mixed horribly, didn’t taste as delicious as the egg and was overall sub-par. Now, one interesting fact is that while it delivers 25 grams of protein, it also includes 5 grams of fiber.


GNC Pro Performance 100% Egg Protein: This protein is lactose free which is pefect for people who have lactose sensitivities. One serving equals the protein of four eggs but without the cholesterol. This one has less cholesterol than the whey while delivering more protein (25 grams) but I found that it didn’t mix quite as well. However, I did enjoy this a few evenings as “dessert” when mixed with water or Almond Breeze. I still which it had less sodium (20%)!!

GNC Pro Performance® Soy Protein 95™ - Unflavored - GNC PRO PERFORMANCE - GNC

GNC Pro Performance 100% Soy Protein: This protein is completely plant based while also containing all the essential amino acids. I love that this one is cholesterol free while still delivering 25 grams of protein. Unfortunately, I could only stomach the flavor when mixed in my chocolate covered strawberry oats and in a smoothie. Mixed with water, milk, or Almond Breeze this was too chalky and didn’t mix as well as the egg.

While I enjoyed all of these powders more than expected, I foresee myself returning to GNC in the future to restock on either vanilla whey or egg protein as I use this flavor the most in my oats and smoothies. I also really liked the nutritional profile of these two the best and felt they mixed well and had great flavors. While these both have cholesterol and sodium levels that surprised me, I don’t think a half serving per day will hurt me and if it helps keep the weight gain away during marathon training then bring it on!

Each of these products is available in your GNC or in their online store!

Do you use protein powder? If so, what is your favorite type of protein powder?

Disclosure: I was provided this selection of protein powders for review purposes as part of a campaign with GNC and FitFluential. As always, all opinions and thoughts are my own.

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The First Hot Run of the Season

There is something to be said for waking up early during marathon training. The streets are empty, you can watch the sunrise if you’re really early, and the air is fresh and cool before the scalding sun comes out.

This morning, Melissa and I both chose sleep over running early. While neither of us regret the extra few minutes in bed with our loved ones and comfortable sheets, our run wasn’t as enjoyable as normal today. Needless to say I looked like a roasted beet by the end of the 7 mile run.

While we were each relaxing in our beds this morning, New York City’s Memorial Day started with rain. When I first woke up, all I could hear was the torrential downpour.

“So much for my run outside with Melissa.”

In fact, I tweeted my disappointment that my long run would have to be on the boring treadmill.

Luckily, the running Gods listened to be and the clouds melted away within an hour. By 10:30, Melissa and I were meeting in front of my apartment for our first warm Summer run, each equipped with plenty of water.

Even though it was only 80 degrees at the start of our run, it was humid and sunny.

But, luckily the sky was blue, the rain had cleared, and there were signs of patriotism everywhere from the flying flags to dogs with patriotic bandanas.

Our route took us about 5.25 miles before we split off in our own directions.

While our pace wasn’t as fast as normal, we were able to run the whole time in the torturous heat and even kept up constant conversation the first 1.5 miles. While we were tempted to run the Williamsburg Bridge, the lack of shade and the sheer length of the bridge deterred us today. Maybe next time when we start earlier! I even saw a blog reader (HI ELISE!!) along the way! I love when that happens!

I had to tack on an extra out and back loop once I reached my house since I was just shy of my 7 mile goal. But, by the end I was able to finish the route averaging a 10:02 pace which I’m okay with considering it was my first hot, mid morning run of the season and I was running and chatting for the first portion.

All I wanted when I walked through the door was an ice cold shake! I told Melissa that all I crave when it’s hot is cold fruit, water based vegetables like celery and cucumbers, protein shakes, and cold wine!

Bo and I have finally broken into our protein powder stash, now that summer’s heat has arrived, and discovered a new favorite protein powder: Sun Warrior! I bought it via Gina’s Open Sky promotion ages ago but the bag got lost in our pantry. The chocolate flavor blends wonderfully and isn’t too rich to enjoy alone with water and ice

Now I’m off to conquer today’s very enjoyable to do list: pedicure, some shopping, and cooking a delicious dinner including this soup recipe and this salmon recipe!

Happy Memorial Day and thank you to those who have served for our country both past and present.

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Succesful fire sale and organized chaos

Last night Bo and I posted three items on Craigslist in hopes of selling them before our big move on Friday. We were aprehensive since they were all big ticket items. But, our fire sale was very succesful and we were able to end the day with all the items sold! I was sad to part with a few of them but due to the new layout they just didn’t make sense. In addition, we were able to order a few great Pottery Barn pieces for our new apartment and take full advantage of our wedding registry discount! It’s almost hilarious to say, but one of the pieces is the SAME exact desk we sold today except in espresso versus white. I guess you know a piece of furniture is great when you sell it one day and buy it again the same day in order to make it work in your apartment. I bought the Pottery Barn Bedford desk upon college graduation with some of my gifts and it served as my first desk and the platform for many a conference call, strategy meeting, and hard work during my first two years with P&G.

These sales and the furious packing that took place today left our apartment looking like this:

Yes, it looks like a tornado blew through our apartment. Bo insists that this is organized chaos not just chaos. Today he spent most of the afternoon dismouning speakers, cables, pictures, moving our sold furniture (hence the tv on the window sill), and purged all our cabinets and closets of old clothes, trash, junk, etc. I have quite the donation bag to drop off tomorrow, that’s for sure!

During the day we kept things pretty simple and healthy as we had two main goals: eat as much of our food on hand as possible and spend most of our time focused on moving versus cooking. In addition, after a week of travel and stress we both were craving some healthy, clean food! Breakfast was on the skimpy side since we only had 1/4 cup of Egg Beaters and 4 eggs which had to be split between the two of us.

We headed downstairs around 1pm for a quick break. I’d written 25 thank you notes at this point and Bo had finally removed all the pictures and speakers. I can’t believe we have to basically do this all over again next weekend when we move in our new place. *sigh* I was craving a hearty salad and luckily they had a California Salad downstairs that was delicious. It featured some strawberries, mango, blueberries, mixed greens, tomatoes, and raspberry viniagrette. I added a boca burger for some extra protein and staying power. It was HUGE and therefore I left at least 1/4 of it in the bowl.

I headed downstairs for a quick workout later and was inspired by Naomi of One Fit Foodie. She featured a great HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout on Missy’s blog today during her guest post. I jotted it down and hit the treadmill for a 30 min session. Today’s workout went like this:
Minute Speed

0-2 4.0, 4 % incline (warm up)
2-3 6
3-4 6
4-5 6.5
5-6 7.0
6-7 7.5
7-8 8.0
8-9 6
9-10 6
10-11 6.5
11-12 7.0
12-13 7.5
13-14 8.0
14-15 6.0
15-16 6.0
16-17 6.5
17-18 7.0
18-19 7.5
19-20 8.0
20-21 8.5
21-30 6.0

Phew! This left me breathless but refreshed! I loved the speed intervals and my lungs are improving each day! I stayed on the treadmill for another 20 minutes at 4.0 speed and 6.0 incline while catching up on this month’s Self magazine. I spent the final 20 minutes doing some bosu ball ab exercises, squats, and arms. All in all this was a great, convenient, and quick workout. Immediately upon return, I made a chocolate covered strawberry shake! It was a new one for me but hit the spot and satiated my hunger.

5 strawberries chopped
6-7 cubes ice
1/2 c Almond Breeze
1/2 c water
1/2 packet Amazing Grass Chocolate
1/2 spoonful of protein powder
Dinner tonight was also quick and simple as we were both engrossed in the movie Singles. I’ve never seen it before but love the soundtrack and am enjoying the 90’s flashbacks. Our dinner really felt like our first summer meal. We enjoyed grilled pork chops which brined all afternoon, corn, roasted broccoli, and small salads. It had been ages since we’d grilled pork and I forgot how much I love the flavor especially when paired with barbecue spices! Bo did a great job tonight manning the grill pan.

Goodnight New York! I have four more thank you notes to write before curling up in bed! Have a great week!
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