Paying the Consequences…


I’m not really a fan of consequences but unfortunately we always have to pay them. Right now, I’m facing the consequences of an amazing weekend!

I enjoyed a redeeming 9 miler run to kick the weekend off on the right foot!

Brunch Critic helped us start the party early on Saturday.

I checked another item off my NYC bucket list.

I stayed horizontal almost all day on Sunday, recovering from a 4am bedtime, hours of dancing, unlimited champagne, and a 3am McDonalds run.

IMG_0790 Ashley Rudolph Diamond

This weekend was definitely one for the record books, but I think the amount of activity left my body drained!

Even though I slept for eight hours last night, dragging my body out of bed at 5:45 was not very easy. My throat was sore, my nose was running, and I was sporting the sexy man voice. But, regardless of how I felt, I’m proud to say that I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and tweeted my false excitement before I could go back to bed.

By 8am Sara and I had enjoyed our first Bikram Spin class and I’d wished her best of luck on the first day of this new, amazing chapter in her life! You should wish her congrats too as she started a great, very deserved new job!

What is a bikram spin class? Well, it’s nothing more than an awesome Dave M spin class (which I’ve raved about here and here) that is taught in sweltering temperatures due to the lack of air movement in the corner. Needless to say, we now know why those bikes were still available yesterday when we signed up. Unlike Sara, I was thankful for the extra sweat today as it left me feeling a bit lighter and as if the residual alcohol had finally left my body!

The rest of the day was focused on getting back to basics that leave me feeling refreshed, satiated, and fueled to combat the aggravating cold that has come back with a vengeance.

Banana+Oat Bran+Cinnamon


Romaine+Green Beans+Red Peppers+ Feta+Edamame+ Lemon Juice+ Salt & Pepper+ Red Onion+Tomato+Celery+Red Wine Vinegar

Now, even though it’s only 7:45, I’m curling up in bed to get some much needed sleep.


Until tomorrow, I leave you with this awesome video featuring Caitlin’s awesome movement, Operation Beautiful! I’m so proud of everything she has done over the past two years and even had the opportunity to cheer her on when she was on the Today Show this summer with Tina and some of my favorite blogger friends!

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Are You Pouring on the Pounds?

Happy Thursday! Since it’s Thursday, regular readers know that I met my gym buddy, Sara, for an awesome spin class this morning.

equinspinShaina’s spin class is an hour long on Thursdays which means it pushes us extra hard and allows us to enjoy a few extra minutes of Shaina’s music. Meghann joined us for the class two weeks ago and loved it too! Do you prefer hour or 45 minute classes? I like hour classes as I feel like I get a more complete workout.

My favorite song’s this morning was Lady Gaga’s Born This Way. I know everyone has different feelings about this song and how much it echo’s old Madonna but I love it and it has quickly earned a spot on my running playlist.

Leaving the gym this morning, I noticed that the new Spring fashions have taken over the windows in SoHo! Hopefully they are right and we’ll be able to wear these light, frilly fashions sooner versus later. For now, I’m still rotating my winter wardrobe which is far darker than my bright Spring clothes.


On the way to work, I had the luck of snagging an empty 6 train. Many days the 6 train is so packed you can barely move but today I was able to sit down and read during my 12 minute subway ride! In fact, the extra room allowed me to notice the new ad campaign, Are you Pouring on the Pounds?  IMG_0566 IMG_0565 IMG_0564While the images of fat pouring out of the fruit punch and energy drink are a bit disgusting, I think this is an effective and strong campaign! Unfortunately, there are still a number of people who don’t realize how unhealthy soda, punch, and energy drinks are if consumed on a regular basis. One of my friends from home recently decided that he wanted to lose a few pounds and the first suggestion I made was that he give up sweet tea. Many restaurants put an unbelievable amount of sugar in their tea! for example, McDonald’s now famous sweet tea has more than 28 grams of sugar in the 32oz size!!

I’ll step off my soap box now to share this mornings breakfast with you. :)  Due to this morning’s intense workout, I brought some fruit to work for a morning snack as I don’t know if my oats and banana will hold me over as well as normal.

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Question: How do you feel about ad campaigns like the one featured above? love hem or hate them? Are they too graphic?

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