A Day In The Life With a 3-Month-Old

This post is sponsored by The Quaker Oats Company, but as always, the opinions are my own.

It has been 2.5 months since my last Day in The Life post and recently many of you have asked for an update on what my life looks like during maternity leave. Schedules and life change so quickly with a child, but here is a glimpse into what my day looks like now that Katie is 3 months old.

6:45 AM – My alarm goes off and I quickly head downstairs to prepare Katie’s morning bottle. I use a little tray to bring her bottle back upstairs as well as our morning cup of coffee.

7:00 AM – 7:45 AM Bo and I wake Katie up together each morning. After waking her and changing her diaper, I breastfeed her before handing her to Bo. As I’ve mentioned before, due to his work schedule, the only guaranteed feed that Bo is home for is the morning or “breakfast” feed so this is the one that he does. While he gives her a bottle, I typically either hang out with them or do some things around the house such as fold laundry. Right now her bottles consist of an average 4-5 ounces of formula for a total of 6 ounces per feed. After Katie is done eating we enjoy playtime in bed which includes cuddles, resting in her favorite spot or even some tummy time.


7:45 When Bo hops in the shower I head downstairs with Katie for more coffee, breakfast and catching up on social media and the news. I bring the activity mat into the kitchen so Katie can play while I eat breakfast. As a new mom, I rarely have more than five minutes to eat. Therefore, Quaker Overnight Oats have been a welcome breakfast option during these busy days. A convenient, nutritious and hearty option that can be prepared ahead so it is ready and waiting in the fridge for the morning.  Over the past month I’ve had the opportunity to try all the flavors (Blueberry Banana & Vanilla Bliss, Toasted Coconut & Almond Crunch, Orchard Peach Pecan Perfection and Raisin Walnut & Honey Heaven) and my favorite is still Toasted Coconut & Almond Crunch. I make it with 1% milk and a spoonful of Greek yogurt. Stirring in Greek yogurt gives you a creamy texture. I enjoy the Quaker Overnight Oats with a banana for a quick and easy breakfast.


8:30 – 10 AM While Katie naps I typically try to do a few things around the house. Today this means washing bottles, unloading the dishwasher, folding laundry, cleaning the bathroom, and making the bed.

10 AM –I wake Katie for her mid-morning feed. Since we have somewhere to be at 11, we head out the door as soon as Katie is finished eating, burping and has a clean diaper.

11:00 – 12pm I head to our local Crossfit box for a workout. While I complete the tough workout Katie plays nearby. Unlike our first visit, this time she entertains herself quietly for half the class, intently watching the large fan and then falls asleep. With just a few minutes left in class she wakes up with a wet diaper but otherwise is a champ. The deadlifts and burpees were especially challenging!


12pm – 1pm Since Katie falls asleep in the stroller on our way home, I keep her in the stroller once we get home. I grab the monitor and dash into the shower to wash off the sweat before quickly eating leftovers for lunch and prepare her next bottle.

1-2:30pm I can’t contain my laughter during this feed session as Katie keeps trying to smile while sipping on the bottle. Now that she’s almost three months old she loves to squirm and try to hold the bottle while feeding. I try to keep Katie upright for 15-20 minutes after each feed as this helps with spit-up and gas. While she bounces in her chair I read three books to her. We spend the next twenty minutes on her activity mat doing back and tummy time. She practices rolling for most of the time, finally giving up in frustration and exhaustion.

2:30 – 4pm During her afternoon nap I focus on blog work and writing thank you notes. While we were traveling I fell behind on thank you notes and now have a long list that I’m trying to get through each day. After writing a few thank you notes I move my focus to the blog. Just as I start to type my blog post I hear Katie on our monitor. After a few cries I head upstairs to change her diaper and try to calm her back to sleep. She isn’t interested in taking the last 15 minutes of her nap so I move her downstairs to the swing.

4pm – 5:30pm This afternoon feed tends to be when Katie is her fussiest so after she finishes her bottle we go on a walk around the neighborhood. It starts to drizzle so we quickly head home. Before going down for her last nap Katie and I play on her activity mat. This time she spends most of the time giggling as she looks at herself in the mirror and squirming around to music. clip_image007

5:30-6:30 The shortest nap of the day is also the most unpredictable. Some days Katie sleeps like a champ during this nap and other days she boycotts the nap. Katie must have been tired as I’m able to spend 45 minutes prepping tonight’s dinner before I hear her stirring in her crib.

6:30 – 7:30 Our hour-long evening routine is all about getting Katie relaxed for a good night’s sleep. Katie loves her evening bath these days, often kicking her feet and then smiling when she’s wrapped in her cozy, hooded towel. Next we change into footed pajamas before heading to the glider for her last bottle of the day. After she is done eating we typically read for 10-15 minutes before I put her in her sleep sack and kiss her goodnight.


7:45 Once Katie is asleep I head downstairs to put the finishing touches on dinner and prep for the next day while enjoying a glass of wine. Once we are done with dinner I like to be “done” for the day so Bo and I can relax together. Therefore, while the chicken is in the oven I take 10 minutes to wash bottles and their parts, grind and program the coffee and prepare my Quaker Overnight Oats for tomorrow morning. In order to prepare the Quaker Overnight Oats, I simply open the individual cup container, pour 1% milk to the fill line, stir and cover with the lid, put in the refrigerator and let the flavors and ingredients cold steep overnight.

8-8:30 We eat dinner together while catching up on each other’s days.


8:30 After dinner Bo suggests that I go upstairs to take a shower and read in bed while he cleans the kitchen. There are few words that sound sweeter after a long day and I so appreciate his willingness to help even though he had a long day at work. I take a luxurious 20-minute shower before heading to bed.

9-10pm My bedtime routine these days includes a candle, sipping tea or sipping wine, and reading a book in bed.

While no day looks the same at this point, I have found that building in some social time during the day really helps me while I’m staying at home with Katie. Whether that is a long walk with a friend or a workout, these dates help me feel less isolated. The other thing that has also helped is talking to Katie throughout the day. Even though she’s only 12 weeks old, I talk to her like an adult and provide a running commentary during the day explaining what we are doing and why we are doing it, even during the simple act of changing the diaper.

As always, if you guys have any questions, please continue to send them my way. I am in no means an expert but happy to do my best to answer your questions or lend support!

Thank you to The Quaker Oats Company for sponsoring this post.

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How My Priorities Are Changing These Days

It’s incredible how quickly perspective and priorities can change when certain life events take place.


Last week, while in Savannah, Georgia visiting our friends and family at home, it was clear that the locals were on high-alert after watching Hurricane Harvey devastate Texas the week prior. With two more storms in the Atlantic, many people were focusing their long, holiday weekend on putting together their hurricane evacuation essentials, and, overall, preparing for the unexpected.

For Bo and I, expanding our family has caused us to think more about how we can help ensure a safe financial future. We now have a fully dependent, 12-week-old daughter to think about when we make decisions.  For us, term life insurance is a necessity for ensuring that no matter what happens to us, Bo and I will both have a financial cushion to help with paying the bills and raising Katie.

When Haven Life reached out to me in June, asking if I would be interested in partnering for a sponsored post, I quickly said yes. Updating our life insurance policy was on my to-do list and like so many other tedious and often overwhelming tasks such as creating a will, it had been pushed further and further down my to-do list.  At the same time, I’ve heard horror stories from friends and family about waiting too long to update or even purchase policies. So, hopefully this post will motivate and encourage you to look into life insurance more actively. It did for me.


What’s nice about Haven Life is that they realize that today’s generation is looking for a simpler, easier to understand and transparent life insurance solution. We aren’t accustomed to having long-term relationships with insurance agents. Similar to the way that Expedia and other travel websites changed the way we book travel, Haven Life believes that today’s moms and dads deserve an insurance option that meets their online, DIY expectations. While Haven Life has a startup feel and fresh perspective, they are backed by MassMutual, a 160-year old life insurance company with a long history of financial strength.

Haven Life’s aim is to deliver a life insurance buying experience as it should be – a simple, transparent and friendly process that any customer can complete quickly and confidently.  Their application process is online, and some people may qualify for InstantTerm, a Haven Life process that allows qualified applicants* under the age of 45 to finalize coverage without the need for a medical exam.

Plus, since the process is online, you can find out instantly if you’re approved for coverage and how much it’ll cost.

If you’re like most in our generation, you may not realize that a 20-year, $500,000 term life insurance policy can be very affordable, often less than $20 per month for a healthy 30-year-old woman.  For a NYC resident that can mean taking your lunch to work a couple times a month.  In fact, when using our current Brooklyn zip code, I found that a $1,000,000, 30-year policy would cost a healthy 34-year-old woman $54.33 per month! clip_image002[4]

So, instead of putting life insurance off any longer, take a few minutes to help financially protect your family this week!

This post is sponsored by Haven Life, but views expressed are my own.

*Based on health information from the application.

Haven Term is a Term Life Insurance Policy (ICC15DTC) issued by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual), Springfield, MA 01111 and offered exclusively through Haven Life Insurance Agency, LLC.

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Eating Healthy Even During A Stressful Time Period

This post is sponsored by The Quaker Oats Company, but as always, the opinions are my own.
Ashley Quaker oats (1)
Now that I am a mother, I am definitely having to adjust my personal expectations of what I can
accomplish in a day. Historically, I was the queen of to-do lists. I gained great pleasure from making a list
of the things I wanted or needed to do each day, as soon as I woke up, and then throughout the day,
checking everything off the list. My mom and others warned that once our daughter arrived, especially
during the first few months, I’d need to adjust my expectations. Hoping to accomplish multiple things,
especially if they were involved tasks, would be very difficult as so much of my time would be dedicated
to feeding, pumping, cleaning bottles and snuggling and playing with Katie. As I’ve shared in other posts
and on social media, I have started to understand the wonderful demands newborn life brings; and have
therefore only committed to a few things each day, outside of Katie’s care and needs, which include
showering and making sure that I prioritize getting enough to eat, especially as I’m trying to increase my
breast milk supply.

I have never been one of those people who forgets to eat or who loses weight during stressful times.
Instead, I have photographic evidence and memories that show that anytime life gets stressful, I turn to
comfort food. Senior year of high school during college application process, red licorice was my comfort
food and it fueled one too many late night sessions of answering application questions or studying for
AP exams. More recently, during wedding planning and job changes, I turned to easy options like take-
out, and delivery. Over the past few years, I’ve made a conscious effort to find a more moderate,
balanced approach to food even during stressful or busy times.


Therefore, when my friends at Quaker told me about their new product, Quaker Overnight Oats, I was
very excited. A convenient, nutritious and hearty option that can be prepared ahead so it is ready and
waiting in the fridge for breakfast, an afternoon snack or even a late-night feeding session. I’ve found
that since having Katie my hunger has been all over the place, with my stomach growling the most
during the early mornings, late evenings and middle of the night.

Available in four flavors, Toasted Coconut & Almond Crunch, Raisin Walnut & Honey Heaven, Blueberry Banana & Vanilla Bliss, and Orchard Pecan Peach perfection, each one has a mix of oats, fruits, quinoa,
flaxseeds, and nuts – has the nutrition to help keep me fueled. Unlike many products on the market
today, there are no artificial flavors or added colors! In addition, it has at least 11 grams of protein
(when prepared with 1/2 cup of Vitamin A and Vitamin D Fortified Skim Milk) and 300 calories or less
(before dairy or non-dairy option is added). But, not to worry. If you prefer to make it with almond milk,
cashew milk or any other non-dairy options, the Overnight Oats still turn out perfectly!


In order to prepare the Overnight Oats, you simply open the individual cup container, pour your choice
of milk to the fill line, cover with the lid, put in the refrigerator and let the flavors and ingredients
combine for 6+ hours (no longer than twenty-four hours). I’ve been preparing two at a time, enjoying
one in the morning for breakfast and then snacking on the other one either throughout the day or
during my late night feeding session. If you want more protein, you can mix in some Greek Yogurt for an
even creamier texture.


While I’ve made mine with 1% milk and almond milk, I’ve preferred the 1% milk as it seems to have
turned out a bit creamier. My favorite flavors are the Toasted Coconut & Almond Crunch as well as the
Blueberry Banana & Vanilla Bliss.

A delicious and refreshing breakfast for these hot summer days, this is perfect for anyone who needs an
easy, quick option for breakfast.

Thank you to The Quaker Oats Company for sponsoring this post.

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