An Active Bank Holiday

Good morning from London! I am spending a long weekend here catching up with some girlfriends. Today I’ll be working from Casey’s flat but once 5pm comes around the weekend will begin!

Yesterday I took advantage of our bank holiday in Geneva to enjoy the perfect weather and workouts before heading to London.332Bo and I had full intention of sleeping in but around 6am we both found ourselves wide awake. Instead of fighting the urge to wakeup we spent an hour in bed sipping coffee and just chatting. It was so nice to spend this time together as we’ll be apart for the next few days. While I’m in London he’s in the United States for a friend’s wedding in Savannah followed by a few days in New York City. While I’m sad I couldn’t make the trip back it just wasn’t financially smart and would have been difficult with work.

328After a relaxing few hours around the house he headed to the airport and I headed out the door for a trail run. Yesterday’s weather in Geneva was absolutely incredible – 65 degrees and sunny.  I ran along the Rhone River trail which was busier than normal due to yesterday’s holiday and the beautiful weather.

334339347 After finishing the trail portions I stopped at a ramp where I did 4 hill repeats. Renaud and I did this ramp last week 3 times and while it definitely wasn’t easier it felt good to be able to push for four sprints up the zig zag ramp. You can’t really tell from this picture but the ramp is super steep and therefore is a great place to practice running on the balls of my feet, leaning forward and engaging my glutes. 349310

An hour after finishing my run I headed to InnerCityoga to meet Katie for a rare mid-day treat of a 90 minute yoga class. The yoga flow class was described as a class for all levels but the sun salutation set and multiple plank portions definitely left me sweating. I took advantage of the studio’s showers and saved myself a trip back home by showering there before heading to the airport for my flight to London. There is a delicious health food spot in the train station where I was able to refuel with an Indian salad including curry chicken, pineapple, cucumber, nuts, and lettuce. So fresh and delicious!355The flight to London was smooth and before I knew it I was enjoying the late evening sunshine in Regents Park as Casey and I took their adorable dog, Lady, on an 1.5 walk through the parks and along the canals. I didn’t bring my camera but it was perfect weather! 366

We spent the rest of the evening at their favorite neighborhood restaurant, Lahore Kebab House. A Pakistani restaurant located in Marylebone, everything we ate was delicious though a few dishes definitely left me drinking water and craving the cool, cucumber sauce.  I am not an expert on Indian or Pakistani cuisine but many of the flavors seemed similar though I noticed more meat dishes on this menu than I feel like I’ve seen at most Indian restaurants. If you’re a London local I highly recommend this spot as the prices are very reasonable and the flavors will leave you thinking about it a day later. 1309357Do you take advantage of holidays to squeeze in extra workouts or do you relax? Have you ever had Pakistani food?

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Trail Running Roller Coaster

This weekend has been a learning experience and emotional roller coaster for me in terms of trail running.

Monday I experienced one end of the spectrum – complete, utter happiness and 100% in love with the idea of spending the majority of my miles on trails rather than treadmill or pavement. Jumping the huge mud puddles made me feel like a kid again and the fresh air gave me life and energy in the middle of a long work day. I told Renaud that there was no other way I’d rather spend my lunch hour than on the trail with him. In fact, I practically begged him to do it at least once a week moving forward.  Even though we only ran 4 miles they felt stronger and more challenging than normal due to the hills and core engagement needed when going down and maneuvering along the path.


Clearly my endorphins took over my brain yesterday afternoon when Renaud came by my desk and asked if I wanted to run the Saleve with him before work today. Each of the two times I’ve run the Saleve with him I have been endorphin happy for weeks and absolutely loved the experience.  My first experience on the Saleve was almost a year ago and my second one was back in November.  Therefore I didn’t fear the temperatures or the snow as I’ve run through both of these during each of the two experiences. 1454461_10151823773171969_507424231_n

Keeping in mind the fact that I have a trail race in June and that one of my personal goals this year is to become a stronger runner, I eagerly said yes. I trust Renaud and knew that he would provide a headlamp and keep me company along the path.

Even after going to bed well past 11 due to a longer than normal girl’s night dinner, I woke up this morning at 3:30 excited for our adventure. I dressed in layers and slipped into my very dirty trail running shoes before heading down to Renaud’s flat to meet him.


As soon as I saw him I started to second guess my decision. First of all he was wearing running tights and compression socks. This may not seem odd to anyone else but in my year of running with him, through even colder conditions, I’ve never seen him in more than technical shorts. He said the socks would help keep the snow out of his shoes which made perfect sense. As an owner of two pairs of compression socks I realized that would have been a smart layer to add to my outfit. But, at this point it was too late and we were on our way to the Saleve. Renaud spent a few minutes before we started preparing our gear and adjusting headlamps for each of us.


Even as we started running the mile towards the trail head at 5am I was still bursting with excitement. I couldn’t wait to conquer a new challenge and the endorphins which would follow.  As we crossed the bridge over the interstate I started to process just how dark it was on the sidewalks, already realizing how dark it would be on the trail.


Even with the headlamp every step on the trail made me worried and uneasy. A rocky switch back trail which goes up the Saleve for about 2.5 miles, this portion normally takes me around an hour. An hour of avoiding the streams running down the trail due to melting snow, avoiding rocks and uneven ground, and fearing a slip suddenly didn’t seem fun. My endorphins wanted me to be able to achieve this and complete the challenge in one piece but I didn’t feel ready. I was scared of the dark and what each step would bring. Renaud is a seasoned runner who has numerous ultra marathons which find him running through all hours of the day. The Saleve trail is like an old friend to him who he knows inside and out. For me, it’s still very new and within twenty minutes I knew proceeding wasn’t smart. Uttering the words “I’m heading back” were heart crushing for me as I felt like I was disappointing myself and Renaud. But, as soon as he agreed and didn’t try to convince me differently I knew he must have been thinking the same thing. He had no idea how icy or technical the top areas or decent would be and in the dark it would all be made more difficult. So with my “tail between my legs” I headed back down the trail solo and ran the 3.7 miles back to my flat from the Saleve. At that point, as I exited the trail head, I was as far away from Monday’s trail running high as possible.

Photo: 5 heures - Salmon Airlines demande la permission d’atterrir a Genève! Et pas un avion de chasse... même pas Joël Froidevaux ! :-)

I didn’t get to play on the mountain top and capture amazing pictures with Renaud this morning but I still felt an endorphin rush when I hopped in the shower at 5:55 having already completed 5 miles including some hills. I already started progressing back up the running roller coaster heading back towards happiness. I know that eventually, whether it’s a few months or a few years from now, I’ll tackle the trail with Renaud in the darkness and enjoy the incredible views like he saw this morning and captured in the above picture. But for now, I’m content to plan another lunch time trail run and conquer the Saleve in the daylight.

For me running has been an evolution these past 7 years. This morning I realized that if I want to fall in love with trail running the way I have with running I need to take it in small increments or baby steps. I can’t go from daytime trail running novice to tackling technical runs in the complete dark. That’s just plain silly.

What lessons have you learned over the years through your sport of choice?

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10 Tips for Squeezing in Workouts

It’s Friday! I’m so looking forward to a fun London weekend. So far this weekend’s agenda includes another “proper footie”, yoga, a 10 mile long run with some lovely Team Naturally Run ladies, and some fun with Emily who is staying with us this weekend.

Last time Emily stayed with us we saw Crystal Palace vs Chelsea and this weekend we’re heading to the Fulham Football Club to see Fulham vs Southampton. Based on last time, I’m sure there will be some beer and loud cheering involved! 


This morning I want to talk about a topic near and dear to my heart – squeezing in workouts. These days, for me working out isn’t about weight loss but instead stress management and happiness. There are few things in life that make me feel more energized and balanced then a good workout, regardless the length. Finding time to workout isn’t always easy. For some people, it is family and work that get in the way. For others it is a demanding travel schedule. When I read about ladies like Katy Widrick, my current “recreational runner” hero, throwing down 1:50 half marathons I know that anything is possible with hard work and positive energy.  (source)


When I see all that she continues to accomplish even with the demands of a young daughter, husband and career I am inspired. This inspiration fueled my workouts this week. It also caused me to reassess any workout barriers and do everything possible to make quality workouts possible.

Yesterday, as I enjoyed a quick 40 minute trail run with Renaud, I thought about the fact that I was literally squeezing this run in between back to back meetings and a flight to London. It wasn’t easy to make it work in my schedule but it was well worth it when we finished – endorphin happy and sweaty from a challenging run. It isn’t always easy to fit in a workout and many days it would be easier to just forget about it. But hopefully these 10 tips will help you squeeze in a workout and make finding excuses to quit before you start 10 times harder!

Squeezing in workouts Your turn – How do you find time to squeeze in a workout? Or, if you have issues with it, what is your biggest barrier?

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