Geneva Half Marathon Training – Week 3

Hey gang! This morning all I could think about was getting my hands on a giant, Starbucks venti coffee. In fact, this is becoming a bit of a Monday habit.


I resisted buying coffee at Starbucks for the first 22 months in Geneva due to the ridiculous price but, once again, this Monday morning that huge cup of coffee was exactly what I craved.  As the week progresses, I should need this coffee less and less as our race week schedule includes lots of extra sleep, relaxing yoga, foam rolling and healthy eating. The extra rest combined with our pre-race excitement means the energy level will be higher than usual in our household!

Thanks to a strong few weeks of training, Bo and I are both looking forward to Sunday’s Geneva Half Marathon. Our plan for the day is to run together and really enjoy the experience. We’ve never run a half marathon together so it’s a fun thing to share. In addition, this is only his second time running a race in Europe, so I can’t wit to experience it with him. The weather isn’t looking lovely but the good news is that it’s no worse than the long run conditions we’ve endured the past four weeks.


Monday: An easy four mile run with friends is a great way to kick off the week. We chatted about our weekends and plans for the week while taking in a gorgeous Geneva sunrise. Well played, Geneva, well played.


Tuesday: I took advantage of London’s boutique fitness scene by squeezing in two different classes.  I started the morning sweating through 1Rebel’s Reshape class, which included strength & sprints, then finished the day with 60 minute open level yoga class at TriYoga.


Wednesday: Geneva’s weather last week was complete opposite from this week which meant convincing myself to run after work was EASY! It was even to convince friends to join in the fun. Mary and I ran four miles at a relaxed, 9:52 pace, during which we spotted the most adorable site along the lake. IMG_8937

Thursday: That gorgeous weather helped me convince Sandra to join me for her first speed session. A “new” runner who easily throws down 8:30 miles, she helped keep me motivated through the pick-up workout. After a two mile warm-up we did 1 minute hard followed by 1 minute recovery, three times. Then we headed to the toughest portion, 2 minutes hard followed by 2 minute recovery, five times. Holding a sub 8 minute pace for me is not easy, and in fact leaves me red in the face an feeling as if my lungs are going to explode. But, each of the pick-ups were under 7:50 and 4 were under 7:30.  I can’t imagine how some runners hold it for 13.1 and 26.2 miles. We finished the workout with a cool-down jog and lots of stretching.


Friday: After our yoga teacher didn’t show for class, I headed home and spent 60 minutes doing multiple JasYoga videos including comprehensive hip & hamstring reset and quad reset.

Saturday: The best way to get excited for an upcoming race is a perfect, final long run. This 10 mile run was exactly what we both needed. We followed Jess’ pace plan perfectly and finished feeling strong. (9:25, 9:21, 9:32, 8:57, 8:55, 9:33, 9:07, 8:57, 8:58, 8:48) We carried a bottle of water and took split a pack of Margarita ShotBlocks at mile 5, which seemed to be the perfect amount of fuel. Also, please note that we saw more horses than we saw runners during our 10 mile run.

10 mile long run

Sunday: We treated ourselves to deep tissue massages and then spent the rest of the day at home relaxing with the New York Times, Wild and a few FaceTime sessions with friends and family. I finally left the couch around 5pm for some foam rolling and 2 more JasYoga videos – quick hamstring reset and quad reset.

Total Miles: 26 miles                               Total Workouts: 7

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Thursday Musings

I have a lot on my mind tonight but unfortunately this cough, which I thought was finally gone, is driving me insane. So instead of fighting it any longer, I’m going to put these random musings into one post, curl up with some warm herbal tea and go to sleep early again tonight! Hopefully tomorrow I’ll finally have up another Friday Face Time, if my cough and sexy hoarse voice allows it.


  1. Other than walking 20 blocks last night and tonight, I haven’t worked out since Sunday. While walking does allow for some beautiful New York moments such as the above, it just isn’t cutting it for me right now. For some, this lack of sweat may be nothing new but for me this is the longest I can remember going without a sweat session. Part of the break has been therapeutic. When I’m truly feeling sick I know my body is screaming for rest, nourishment and a break. But, now that I’ve been doing the whole 9-10 hours of sleep, soup for two of my three meals, and no workouts for more than 3 days I’m going a bit stir crazy. This leads me to my next point.
  2. I’m ready for a plan again! By the time I finished my second half marathon in March I was ready for a bit of a breather before I started training for Reach the Beach and the New York City Marathon. I never realized it would be this long of a training break due to my Papa’s funeral down in Savannah, a crazy work week, Hawaii, and now this dang annoying cold and cough. But, distance makes the heart grow fond and that is true for my legs and body. I’m looking forward to opening Gia’s training plan for Reach the Beach and dive in starting Monday. Until then, my goal for the weekend is to run 3-5 mile runs on Saturday and Sunday along with some plank and ab work.
  3. I miss weights. In three short weeks I’ve felt a lot of my headway slip away in the muscle definition department. I know some of this is a gross exaggeration but I’m ready to get back in the gym with Lauren and start amping the workouts back up. One change you’ll see is that one day a week I’m going to be with Lauren, my personal trainer, and the other day each week will be a boot camp workout that Bo and I will do together at Equinox, with Theodora tagging along if we can convince her! Bo loves boot camp style workouts and actually does a great job designing and leading them when we’re on vacation together.  While the twice a week workouts with our personal trainers were a great way to kick start our health and get us on track. we feel that we’re at the point now where we are ready to hold ourselves accountable for at least 50% of the work. Luckily our trainers are supportive of this plan and have even offered to help give us some workout ideas!

4.    Soup is great but sometimes you just have to change it up! After 6 meals of soup, I was more than ready to spice it up a bit today and lunch. I’ve been bringing Progresso soups which I bought on sale at the grocery store to save money and keep the sodium and calories in check. On the side of my soup this afternoon I enjoyed one of the most delicious and inexpensive sandwiches ever! A new little café has opened in my office building and they offer made to order sandwiches ranging from turkey and ham to delicious warm Caprese sandwiches. This sandwich, albeit only a half, felt like such an afternoon indulgence! This sandwich two basil leaves, three tomato slices, a roasted pepper quarter, and two slices of Buffalo mozzarella melted between nine grain bread.


5. If I make it through my May and June travel schedule, I am treating myself to one hell of a cocktail and a spa day. Tonight one of my friends asked me why I’ve overscheduled myself for May and June. Walking home tonight, I laughed to myself as I realized that, for once, this schedule is in no part due to my doing. Only one of the trips, which was committed to months in advance, is related to anything having to do with something other than weddings, graduations, and work.  Our friends mean a great deal to us and we do everything in our power to make their weddings; which means that during May and June we’ll travel to Philadelphia, Chapel Hill, and Macon to toast their big day. In addition, it just so happens that my company needs me to travel heavily during May/June and September due to seasonal planning and market tours. It just so happens that all these events occur at the same time this year! So, if I seem to be traveling every week the next 7 weeks, it’s not an illusion and nor is it me exaggerating. But, what I can promise you’ll find here is someone who is going to fit in each of her damn workouts because feeling out of shape in July, the start of marathon training and peak of skimpy cute summer dress season, is worse than wearing white to someone else’s wedding.

Curious where my crazy travels are taking me? Houston, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Athens Georgia, Boston, Atlanta, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Chapel Hill, and Philadelphia.

Have a great night and catch you tomorrow!

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